
I slammed the door behind me, keeping out the cold and the dangers of the forest. My heart was pounding, my muscles felt tired, my breath came quick, sweat was poring from my forehead, but I was too distracted to wipe it away.

“Change your mind?” I heard a voice. I couldn’t see anything that I could connect it to. I growled. That’s animal instincts for you, giving away your location and identity in one quick noise. It was frustrating even after so many years. Many? 3 is many when you’re dealing with something this big.

“What do you want?” I asked, not sure if I was more scared or annoyed. There are very few beings I needed to fear. But there are some. So how to figure out, if this one's arrogant or a threat?

“Can’t I be both?” I could hear the smugness in their voice. Ooh, now I’m just annoyed. How dare they?! Another growl, this one angrier ripped out of me.

Would you calm down!

They attacked us!

Just shush!

“Ohhh, you’re one of those. I always wanted a threesome.” They winked. How did I know that?

They’re here. They’re in here!

“Get out!” I roared, and screwed my eyes shut, trying to find their way in to block it.

Find them!

Help me then.

“How cute. Little doggy can’t concentrate without losing one sense? Or maybe more?” I felt something touch my head. My eyes flashed open, just as my hand came up, claws out tearing at whatever dared came that close.

“Feisty.” They jumped back, which was disappointing, but at least they also exited my mind. Now I could get a better look at my intruder. They weren’t human, but I couldn’t decipher what they were. Their skin was greenish, eyes like a cat, but their body seemed humanoid, they had hands and legs, they were almost as tall as I. They had hair, or at least it’s what it looked like…

“What are you?” A bit of disgust slipped in, I saw that hurt them. Why did that make me feel bad?

“That’s none of your concern, now is it?”

“So what is then?”

“You’re really living up to the stereotypes.”

Did they just…?

Yeah, they did.

I don’t like them.

“You aren’t here to hurt me, cause you seem smarter than that.”

“Was that a… compliment? I knew I’d like you.”


“The dumb thing is a bummer, but I can live with it. I have enough brains for the two, sorry three of us.”

At least they count me as a separate entity, that’s refreshing.

So now you like them?

Starting to.

Are you that stupid?! They could’ve killed us! So why didn’t they? If anyone would’ve ever gotten that close they wouldn’t even hesitate to slit my throat.

“Now you’re getting closer.” I fully changed and lunged. I got them under my paws, my teeth inches from their face. That’s animal instincts for you, my actions happen before the thought even came to my mind.

Good move.

I’m not hurting them.

Well, I will, if they give even the tiniest reason.

“It’d be a mistake to kill me. As you said, I could’ve done the same, but we need each other. It’s a miracle you survived this long.”

Who would dare attack me? I’m a werewolf.

“Someone’s cocky. I got in here without an ounce of trouble and could’ve booby-trapped the whole place while you were gone. Took you quite a lot of time to hunt that deer, might I add. Guessing still having some issue with… cooperation.”

A word you don’t know.

A word you don’t know.

“You two make such a cute married couple.” I growled at them, letting my claws dig into their flesh. “Ow, ow, ow. Be careful doggy, you don’t want to let someone as useful as me turn on you.”

I wish they would just get to it. I said knowing full well they were listening.

“You’re making me doubt my decision to come here.”


“Do you want to hear my preposition or not?” I eased up my claws, signalling that their life was extended by a few minutes. For now. “How much do you know about your surroundings? I mean the villages.” They looked at me waiting for an answer. “It would be so much easier if you’d just turn back.”

No way. Keep talking.

“Fine. Whitevein, sound familiar?”


They have some terrible shepherds.

“Well, they have some really talkative barkeeps as well.” They smirked, proud of themselves. “One of them told me about this weird old man, who wandered in a few days ago. With a bit of encouragement, he even described them, in great detail.”

Wait, how did they even get into the city? I mean look at them, they should’ve been instantly executed, hunted or at the least thrown out for the wolves.

“Clever boy.” As they said that, I felt my paws hit the ground as the shape underneath me changed. They were a man now. Fully human, from the outside at least. They looked… familiar. “I have that effect on people.” They stood up, dusting themselves. “Back to the old man. You might have guessed who I’m talking about.” I turned back, seeing no reason to stay in my animal shape since they weren’t going to fall for that again (and he’d probably escape this time).


“So you know what he has?”

“Why do you want it?”

“Because everyone wants it.”

“So, you don’t seem to be someone in need.”

“You don’t know me, do you?”

“You want me to steal something for you?”

“Oh, god no. You wouldn’t even get into the village without being discovered. What I want from you is something riskier. A way to get away quickly.”

“You want me to go into that village as a wolf? Are you kidding?”

Oh come on, it’s not like they could hurt us.

No, but you could hurt a lot of them.

“Don’t you find it peculiar how you say “I” when the wolf is useful, and “you” when it’s a hindrance.”

I have.

“Don’t do that. You don’t want us to argue, you wouldn’t survive.”

And you. What are you getting at? You’re the one who infected me, you’re the one who lives here almost like a parasite.

A parasite?! I roared, or rather he did. How dare you!

“I would like an answer before you get at each other's throat.”


“I’m sorry, but I’m asking the wolf, not you.”


“Then, let’s go for a walk.”

January 19, 2023 14:01

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