
A young man was invited to a festive celebration, for his first time out in a while. He was a little apprehensive at the beginning. He went through his clothes several times trying to find the perfect outfit for the occasion.

Finally, he finds the right outfit and the night approaches rather quickly. He struts his stuff across the yard to get into his nice little sports car. Away he goes.

He pulls into the parking lot.. stretches his long legged and lanky body out of that sports car and enters the bar where the party is. He enters the room and all eyes are on him. He can feel his insides shaking from nerves. He makes his way to the bar and orders him a drink. And another and another. After the fourth one he had finally loosened up enough to cut loose.

At last the party animal is unleashed on the crazy train to fun and laughter. He starts out by dancing with every female in the bar. Both young and older, making the older feel just as young as the young ones. He then takes the microphone and begins to sing karaoke, which to everyone's surprise he is really good. Then he walks out through the bar and grabs a red leather jacket off the back of a chair and puts it on, with a little lady yelling thats my jacket please don't tear it up. He goes back on stage to do karaoke only this time he does a Micheal Jackson song, dance and movements to a T. The women went wild at this point. Then he went from singing to stand up comedy. Had every person in the bar absolutely rolling. Most had tears in their eyes.

He shot pool played every game in the building. The people at the bar begged for more, and this made his day. Totally broke him out of his nervous streak.

Several hours later the party was winding down, and the designated driver got to drive this young man home. The trip back 50 miles north of where the party was, they laugh and he continues to sing like crazy and dance around in the car. He was bouncing around to the beat of the music and smacked his head on the dash board. They laughed. Then he proceeded to tell some more jokes.

Upon arrival back at his house he crawls outta the car, sick from the booze he had drank and has to urinate. As soon as his feet hit the ground he threw up and took a few steps and pulled it out and took a wiz right there. The designated driver gets him in the house and lays him down.

For a few more hours he lays and sings and sings. He tells jokes and laughs his ass off.

I would say that he absolutely overcame his anxiety and nervousness. He was the life of the party and had several people to look him up on Facebook and send him friends requests. This is what being yourself will do.

Always stay true to yourself. Do not let people change you from your true self. Always be who you are. Stay positive, and good things will happen.

This young man was nervous about being himself. He had been withdrawn for awhile and lost who he was. It took alcohol to find his old and true self. When you have been in these shoes it feels good to resurface. You feel better about yourself and you will make more friends than you ever have. Ya also have to believe in yourself, because if you do not like yourself no one else will like you either.

Do what makes you happy and feel good. Never do to anyone you wouldn't want done to yourself. Treat everyone with respect.

This was a true story about my son and some life experiences and advice I gave him.

He was going through a divorce and was in a pretty dark spot. He had done some pretty rough stuff. He had tried to commit suicide, tore up my car and I wound up having to kick him outta my house.

This downward spiral lasted about three months, but he came back thank the good lord above. Now, he is a husband, a father of 4, a great uncle, outstanding brother and an amazing son. Any mother, woman,child or neice and nephew could learn from him. He also is a full time student going to school to be a professional firefighter.

My hope is that someone can read this and take it and benefit from it in some way. He has turned out to be an awesome young man. Although, there was a time in our life that I truly worried about him everyday that he would not make it to the next. A very scary time for a parent is when a child believes they are invincible.

The most important thing is that he made a full circle in a short period of time. He survived his craziness. I received a few grey hairs but he survived.

Also, made me a stronger person. So, I guess you could say that we all learned and grew through this crazy time.

Children are grand and we have to love and nurture them, and hope they absorb what you have taught them through the younger years. We as parents only get that one shot. And remember each child is their own individual, similar to a sibling but not the same. I probably made every mistake that could be made. I was far from the perfect mother but done the best I could. They all three turned out really well.

I guess the moral of this story is to love your babies, teach them right from wrong, and pray for the best. Be prepared to do tough love that may be what saves that child. One of the toughest things I have ever had to do in my life.

May 09, 2021 04:25

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