Science Fiction

Kylie was just a bit different then the people who constantly surround her, talking, walking, always having something to do it seemed like. Or not. Sometimes there were people just walking around listlessly, not seeming to have a care in the world. Sometimes Kylie was jealous of those people. Well, as jealous as an android could be. She was constantly sending data to the ASC (Androids as Spy's Cooperation)

It should be easy for her. No human is really a match for her. One of them trying to fight her would basically be signing there death sentence. However there is a catch. This operation is secret, and she has to act and talk like a human, so that no one suspect anything. Suspicion would look bad on the government, and she was programmed to be loyal to the government. She is not able to fight against her programming.

She peers around the corner at the guys she has to be bait to. How would a human go about this? She knows exactly how a hot human girl would go about this, so now she just has to imitate that, and get these one of these guys to take her to their home.

Kylie saunters up to them, hoping she looks hot, swishing her hips. Their eyes wander hungrily over her body, and she thinks that of she were a human, that this might creep them out, so lucky that she is not one. Just looks like one.

"Hey cutie." She says, trying to sound seductive as she walk over to the guy she figures would be considered the cutest.

"Hey girl, you lookin fine today." He says, eyes feeling free to roam. He seems pleased by the attention, and his companions seem just slightly jealous. Kylie calculates that this must be a good thing.

"So, what are you planning on doing tonight." She asks, and plants herself onto the table, crossing her legs over, and looking down at him.

"Hmm, taking you home I think." He says, grinning up at her.

"Good answer." Kylie smirks, and follows him as he gets up, and walks our the glass door. The air outside is significantly colder, but she does not shiver, but figures maybe she should. But then she might look weird and do it wrong or something else unpleasant, so she decides against it.

The guy, who introduced himself as Cane, is kind enough to open the door for her. She climbs in, allowing herself to sink into the plush leather seats. She reaches over and turns up the volume. Rap, with an energetic beat vibrates the car. At least its not country. He climbs in beside her, and shuts his door.

He drives with one hand on her leg, and the other on the steering wheel, and his phone connected. The music is off, and he is talking about something to someone else. Kylie tunes it out, knowing that the people like Jared and Mitch and Lana are getting the information anyways, as they sit at their desks, gathering information from her. Also, it probably looks better if she is interested in the lights that flash by, then at what he is talking about on the phone. Criminals don't like noisy people, and she has to be the perfect girl, so she does not say anything.

"Change of plans, I'm going to drop you off here." He announces, stopping. Ok, this is not good, cause then she can not figure out where he is going. She needs to somehow allow them to track him. So, when she opens the door, she pretends to grab something out of her purse, and puts it under the door handle as she closes is it.

"Bye, maybe another time." She says, then waves. His lights turn away, and then join the many lights that line the roads, driving in all sorts of directions, barely kept in order by other lights, flashing when to go and when not to go.

Kylie walks down the sidewalk, again, trying to look as human as possible. Then there is a car screeching, and smashing into her. She's flying through the air, and through a window, glass tinkling all around her, and looks kinda cool in the light. People are stopped, coming towards her. She stands up. Then realized a problem. A real person probably would not be Ok. A real person would be bleeding all over the place. A fake person needs to get out of here before anyone discovers what she really is.

Kylie quickly runs through the back door, ignoring surprised voices behind her, wondering how she is Ok. She hopes none of them got a good look at her, but she also knows that the ASC might not like how close she came tonight. If anyone did get a good look at her face, then this would all go downhill. Kylie would be of no use, and to tell the truth, she did not want to be shut down, so no one could know who she was.

She needs to know if anyone got a good luck at her. There's a wig shop nearby, and she goes in, selecting a brown one, and then buys a bit of makeup. She smears red lipstick, black eyeliner, and changes her eye color from blue to brown, and the finishing touch of the wig.

People are milling around the smashed car which sits in the middle. Police have taped off the area, and people are all talking.

"Someone was hit and walked away...

"Did you get a good luck?"

"No, it was dark, and I couldn't really see"

"Ok, someone go look for a hurt person, that could be anywhere around."

"Did anyone get a get a good look?" Too Kylies immense relief, there is a general shaking of heads. Her secret that she guarded so faithfully was still safe for the time being. It was not time to get shut down, no, not yet. She was dreading the time, if her secret ever did come out.

February 21, 2021 02:59

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