
You awake, you awake yet, wake up, you up? Yay you are awake. I need a poo human. Human I need a poo. Poo human get up. Outside yes poo now. Wait where you go? I guess I will go back inside then, oh food you are giving me food, I love you human. Omnomnomnom. This food is great but its all gone now, I want more. What do you mean I can’t have more? Oh, wait where you are going, you leaving me. On my own. All day, again. I guess I will just wait here then.

Felt like hours have past and yet only minutes had gone, I sat staring at the door waiting for my human to come home. Wait I smell something. A cat, now I’m angry how dare next doors cat comes on my land I will show him a lesson. I rushed outside screaming at the cat making sure he knew who was boss. He ran away just as I thought. I sat at the window, looking to see if my human was coming home.

Hours went past I had seen the cat, postman and two runners but still not my human. I can’t believe my human has left me they are never coming back. What am I going to do?

Then I heard the door. HUMAN! I love you human I’m going to smother you in kisses and hugs. You have been gone so long almost a lifetime, please never leave me again human. We sat watching some sort of weird machine that shows pictures that move I don’t understand it and get frustrated when I talk, and it doesn’t talk back. After a while my human fell asleep while cuddling me, so I also slept. I then got woken up and rudely dragged and pushed off the sofa where I was super comfy. I then got dragged into the kitchen on the cold tile floor with a small dog bed in. I’m a good dog so I just went to sleep.

It’s the next day. Wake up human. You up. Human feed me! My human finally got up and we went through the usual routine poo outside and fed in the kitchen. But something was different today. My human sat with me while I ate, eating yummy human food which I wanted. I asked for some but just got told that I have my own food. Sad times. You haven’t left yet human that’s strange. I decided to take advantage of this time as my human is usually gone all day and leaves me alone. My tail won’t stop wagging I’m just so happy my human is here. I will give you all the hugs and kisses, love you human. What was that noise, I swear I just heard the clang of the metal on my lead? Wait walk? Yes, I want to go on a walk! Let’s go! We went to the park; I met some other Dogs and my best friend who I like to play fight with. We ran lose around the field when I saw some boys playing football with a ball. I needed that ball so I ran as fast as I could to get it and I did. Feeling proud I paraded around with it to make everyone jealous it was great fun. It was fun until my human caught me and took the ball, fun spoiler. I was then dragged home against my own will.

When we got in my human sat on the big comfy thing, we watch the weird machine picture thing on. I slowly and cautiously went to sit next to them. My human then said come here. That was all I wanted to here, I leaped up to sit on them, cuddle and kiss.

Next day came by and the same thing happened my human stayed with me at home again. I was delighted. I was even taught some new things today. I now know sit, lie down, paw and beg. Aren’t I clever? I love spending time with my human they are the best. I love playing in the garden with the soft wet grass in my feet. Sometimes my human will put this thing out that splashes water everywhere and it is so good when its warm, I love it. I love water, if I ever see a puddle, especially a muddy one, I am in it! Its so fun to splash in. I like to play with toys, I like it when my human throws balls for me saying fetch. I am a good dog, so I go and get the ball, human isn’t having it back though its mine now. One of my favourite games to play with human is nicking their clothes and going to show human what I have got so they will chase me, its so fun. We have so much fun together, especially now that she is home more often.

Day after day, my human stayed at home. I loved it but wondered why. Months passed until one day something strange happened. My human went out and when they came home, they had hold of a little human. I am going to love little human just as much as big human.

At home my human and little human stayed, and it was great I got to be an older sibling and protect little human. Little human made very loud noises and I tried to make sure that little human was entertained and felt safe. I am loving spending all this time with older and younger human. Its great not being alone all day. We go on walks together and I get to show off how proud I am of my humans, hurt them though and you will have me to deal with.

Months went by with my humans staying at home all the time, little human had grown bigger. Little human and me have lots of fun, little human likes to throw things for me and stroke me. My life is amazing, and I love my humans more than anything. 

March 22, 2020 18:51

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