Holiday Drama

December 14, 2019 6:25pm

Dear Journal,

               Today is not going the way I planned. The girls and I were supposed to go out to celebrate our official end to the semester. This was our last chance to be all together before the holidays. Instead, I am stuck here in this 7 foot by 6 foot metal container and I am completely alone.

I was heading out of my dorm on the way to the gourmet burger place we all decided to meet at. I’m dressed in my favourite jeans and a cute holiday sweater to get myself fully into the holiday spirit. Comfortable but also slightly nicer than my every day casual wear. I got on the elevator like normal and as it was making its descent it gave an awful shudder. The whole box shook and lurched, an awful creaking sound bounced off the walls, the lights fizzled out and I fell forward into a very ungraceful faceplant. As I recovered from my fall a tiny emergency light at the top of the elevator flickered to life. After taking a few moments to deal with my fresh nosebleed and ruining my Christmas sweater in the process, I stood on shaky legs and stumbled over to the emergency alarm button.

I have pressed it several times now, causing an incessant Dinging noise and nothing has happened after 20 minutes. What’s worse is I don’t have any cell signal. So, in an attempt to keep myself distracted from the terrors I am enduring I have decided to chronicle this little adventure and hope that help arrives soon. Back to ringing the alarm bell. Ding!

December 14, 2019 7:30pm

Dear Journal,

               It’s been over an hour and my predicament has not gotten any better. I have started alternating between pressing the alarm button over and over and screaming for help. Although the screaming hasn’t been doing me any favours, so I think I need to stop. My throat is getting hoarse, a dry and tacky sensation filling my mouth. My head is also starting the throb. What’s worse is I don’t have a water bottle with me or any pain medications. I’m really wishing I had started to carry some Advil around with me in my purse after my mom had suggested it. “You never know when you’re gonna need it,” she had said in her sing songy voice. And now I have to admit to her that she was right. Ugh!

I can’t remember the last time I had a drink. Did I have any water today? Maybe this morning? I think I need to start making a log of these sorts of things. What if I dehydrate? I’ll just shrivel up like a raisin and die. How long can a person last without water? Was is two days or three? Surely someone will rescue me by then. They have to. I just need to keep ringing the emergency alarm. Ding!

December 14, 2019 8:16pm

Dear Journal,

               I’m starting to feel the need to pee. I think I can hold it for maybe a few hours more. But what if I don’t get rescued by then? I’ll have to resort to picking a corner to squat in. Now I’m starting to become jealous of the male sex. They just have to aim, fire and done. At least there is carpet in here. So, at least I have absorbent materials in my favour.  And once I do go the whole elevator car will stink of piss. I’m getting nauseous just thinking about it.

               Actually, scratch that. The nausea is not from the thought of smelling urine. I think it’s my headache. Maybe I have a concussion. That would explain why the room is starting to feel like it’s moving around me. And there is an incessant ringing in my ears. Whatever I do, I better not puke. Loss of fluids is I think the last think I need right now. I really just want to curl up in the fetal position right now but I’m getting sleepy. I don’t think it’s a good idea to let yourself fall asleep with a concussion, right? I’ve been distracting myself by tracing the red and orange swirling lines that stand out on the grey background of the carpet, but I think that is starting to have a bit of a hypnotic effect on me. It’s almost soothing in a way. I think I should start pressing the button again. Ding!

December 14, 2019 8:40pm

Dear Journal,

               I just got a bar of cell service and I managed to shoot off a text to Tysha. I told her my location and about my concussion suspicions. Hopefully, she manages to send help. At least the girls will know I didn’t just blow them off. Unfortunately, the cell service went dark again so I don’t know if she responded. Speaking of dark, my vision is going spotty. Am I dying? Oh God I hope help comes. Just keep ringing. Ding!

December 16, 2019

Dear Journal,

               Where to begin. I have survived being trapped in an elevator. As it turns out, the storm warning that was forecasted on that day turned out to be a full-blown blizzard and completely knocked out the power lines. I was stuck in that elevator for so long because it was difficult for the recue team to get there through all the snow and wind. They got to me a few minutes after I had finished writing that last journal entry. I was passed out by then.

               After my rescue I was brought to the hospital and ended up staying the night. I had regained consciousness by the time I had arrived at the emergency room and Tysha had managed to make her way there shortly after to make sure I had everything I needed. On the afternoon of the next day, I was told I could go home. Tysha let me stay at her place so I would not be alone until I left for my parent’s place for the holidays. Thankfully, I am on the road to recovery and am now heralded as a hero by all my dorm mates. This will be one heck of a story to tell my family over Christmas. Ding!

September 08, 2020 21:18

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