Fiction Historical Fiction Romance

Inspired by the great inventors of the Victorian era and the dapper classic style of dress, Nickolas modeled his life after that period in history. From the way, he decorated his quaint room, to the hats he wore, and to his pursuit of scientific invention. From a young age, he read about all of the greats of that era and enjoyed the period drama movies and television shows that depicted the lifestyle of the time. When he was old enough to start wearing suits that he picked out from the local consignment shop, he would dress up for school every day. Getting strange looks from his colleagues who were in sportswear and jeans with t-shirts. While getting praise from his teachers not only for his fashion choices but also for his natural curiosity in all subjects. As he got older he did unfortunately find himself lonesome most of the time. Only making friends at the library or in other considered nerdy settings. 

It was not until college that he found his stride. Obtaining a great scholarship to a prestigious private school in the countryside of Britain. Not only was the campus beautiful, clad with old-style buildings, but it was also full of fellow students who shared his love of math and science. Nickolas, who did not like his name shortened to Nick ever went off to college with high hopes of becoming a scientist. His grandfather Aaron was an inspiration to him all of his life and before he left London, he gave Nickolas a golden and intricate pocket watch. A family heirloom that Nickolas had adored since he was shown the object as a child. Something he from that day forward carried in his pocket to bring out whenever he was curious as to what the time was. 

Originally Nickolas thought he should become a chemist in order to become a chemical researcher and eventually come up with pharmaceutical concoctions. He was inspired by the apothecaries of the past and took a few exciting laboratory courses. Piquing his interest as he excelled in the courses. Towards the end of the first semester, his class for the final exam had to come up with their own individual experiments. Something that involved the use of a fume hood and that demonstrated the techniques he had learned. Unsure of what to do at first, he studied up on chemical reactions, making sure to understand not only the math of the chemical reactions but to make sure to get the measurements of the chemicals correct. On the day of the exam, he watched some of the other students do experiments. One had an impressive demonstration of colorful flames dancing off of the Bunson burner. Then it was his turn to walk up to the fume hood, that had recently been upgraded from the haggard-looking ancient one to more high tech and easy to use a fume hood. Nickolas had run through the steps so many times as he had sat at his desk in his dorm and during all of the hours he had spent at the library. Out of what must have been nerves, he botched the most critical step, leading to the bubbling over of his chemicals instead of the contained reaction he was aiming for. Something he could not bounce back from, and he received a failing grade for that final exam. Since he had excelled throughout the rest of the term he still passed but just barely. 

Distraught, he spent the holiday reconsidering his course of action for college. When he came home to see his family in London he relented to his grandfather about what had happened. Aaron was not disappointed in Nickolas and encouraged him to keep trying. For everyone messes up at times but that is how Nickolas had to learn. After Christmas, just days before the New Year and before he had to return to college, he sat in his room thinking about his future. Still bound to his admiration of the Victorian era, he tried to think of other professions he could attempt to get into. The great inventors of that time were people that influenced his decision. Although he was not going to completely give up on Chemistry, he decided to make it his minor while he changed his major to Engineering. With the hopes to come up with his own innovative designs one day. 

Upon returning to university, he went right to his counselor to change his major and to receive advice on how to navigate the course progression. Mrs. Weaver told him that he should join the Engineering club because they too could help him achieve his goals while providing him with friendship. Thinking this was a great idea, he went to the first meeting of the semester and was pleasantly surprised. The leaders of the club engaged the small group of students in some get-to-know-you introduction activities. When it was Nickolas’ turn to go he told them that he was an admirer of the Victorian era and one of the students said they could tell from his clothing. Some people snickered but that student told him that she thought his outfit made him look sharp. To Nickolas this was a great feeling, to be acknowledged by someone around his own age liking his choice of fashion. He then noticed that Doris was also dressed in a classic dress, complete with a lovely old-style blue necklace. She was so beautiful to him, with her red hair up in a bun and her slender frame in such a flowy dress. He was smitten right from that moment, he forgot to thank her for the compliment. The club meeting went on, informing the students of the schedule moving forward and the events that were going to take place throughout the term. Excited to see Doris again at the next meeting, which was every Tuesday evening, he said goodbye to her at the end of the function. Blushing as he did so and as she shyly said goodbye as well. 

At the next meeting, after he had begun his difficult classes in Engineering, the group discussed how the hard courses were going. In addition, the leaders of the group told the newcomers how to better study for the first exams that were coming up all too quickly. During the discussion, Nickolas could not help but steal glances at Doris who was sitting across the small isle from him. Once she caught him looking and he quickly shifted his gaze to the person speaking in front of the small room. Then at the end once again, Nickolas went up to Doris before she left to strike up a conversation and to tell her to have a great evening. Doris decided to be brave and ask him if he wanted to grab coffee sometime and to study. Awkwardly, Nickolas said he would love to. 

Come the Friday that they met up at the campus coffee shop, they went over the outline of the exam prep sheet. Then Doris noticed that Nickolas had a pocket watch coming out of his pocket. She asked him to show her it and he did so, explaining that it was an heirloom. Doris thought it was just nifty and told him how she adored the Victorian era and how the pocket watch reminded her of that. Nickolas could not hold back a large grin and he went into how it was his favorite time period as well. While they dove into a mess of books and study sheets, they also relented about their interest in the era. With the fashion, history, and the seemingly archaic inventions. At the end of the study session and after they both had finished their delicious coffee, Nickolas got up the guts to ask Doris on a date. Nothing too involved, just a chance to have a nice conversation and a dinner. Doris told him that she was more than happy to do so but that she needed to take things slow to really know if this was to be a friendship or to be something else. 

They were both in the first class of the day on Monday together. She sat on the other side of the room usually and in the front. While Nickolas preferred to be somewhere in the middle. The exam was handed out in their introductory Engineering class. They had both studied so sufficiently, that when the test scores came out a few days later they had both excelled. A topic that was brought up on the date they went to that Saturday. 

Looking in the mirror before his date, Nickolas adjusted his shirt and tie. Thinking he may be overdressed but he remembered that Doris had commented on his outfit before and how she thought it made him look smart. So, he went with his authentic style and went to her dorm hall to pick her up. They were going to a nice Italian restaurant in the downtown area of the small town they were in. The food smelled so good upon entering the place that Doris told him that she was excited to try the food. When they sat down, Nickolas made sure to tell her that he really liked her outfit and that it made her look fancy. She was flattered and returned the compliment. They had a great meal matching the enticing smell coming from the kitchen. He took her back to the dorm after they had finished a great plate of Tiramisu. Knowing that she wanted to take things slow, he leaned in for a kiss on her cheek but she pulled him in for a full kiss. He was pleasantly surprised, and Doris told him that she had never felt this way before about any guy. From there on a budding romantic relationship continued, where they assisted each other with course work but also made college a little less lonely. 

After college was over, they planned a wedding that was themed after the Victorian era. A wedding that their families enjoyed and that the couple dreamed about leading up to the special day. They spent their honeymoon visiting castles and famous spots that were known to be Victorian age historic places. All the while discussing their future plans in Engineering and coming up with ideas for great inventions. With the hopes of making the world a better place with their creations. 

October 02, 2020 03:34

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