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Science Fiction

It was a sunny, but gloomy day outside in Riverbank, Missouri. It was like any other ordinary day. I had to go into work because I was on call. The patients at Grayson Memorial Hospital needed me. In some ways, I think I needed them too. I had no one in my life, I was single dog lover. Among the thousands and millions of people, who were also single. Nothing ever happened though. Sure, I went on a couple of dates, I even down loaded those non-sense dating apps. You know, the ones that set you up for failure, or the people who are just in it for the chase. No, they were just in it for the hookups. When is that ever going to change? The world isn't a fairy tale, no ones gonna sweep you off your feet, or even share an innocent slow dance with you. That era is gone. It died, way too long ago. Sometimes I wish I could go back to that era. Where such simple gestures, made relationships last. Made that little spark continue to keep going. That's all I want. Is that to hard to ask? These days technology and new lingo take over, what ever happened to the normal English language? Which is why I am so different from everyone. It is also why I bond with the old people that I take care of. I feel like an old soul, born in the wrong generation. I don't understand what is so wrong with liking the little pleasures in life. No ones understands. I hope one day I will find another old soul like me, and get that slow dance, and maybe some roses too. I doubt it, but a girl can dream. That's the problem though, what I want is impossible; It's my little fairy tale, like the ones that movies brainwash you to make you think that love is real. I don't know if it is. How can I tell, when people are in it for money, drugs, fame, or even sex. They aren't in it for the long run, not for when you get old and have wrinkles everywhere. I came from a long day of work, I was completely exhausted. So I went to bed.

The next day I woke up, apparently I wasn't on call today. So I decided to catch up on some of the reality TV shows that I missed throughout the week. I am so glad that I am not rich. You know what they say about people who have a lot of money; They got a lot of problems that come along with that money. Which is why I don't like all the new, fancy, or luxurious things that people my age want. Yeah, I do make good money, but I rather spend something better than lulu lemon leggings. Like, a vacation, somewhere beautiful and tropical. After I was done watching TV, I went to go take my dog out for a walk. It was really foggy and musty outside, it had that kind of dead grassy smell. It was kind of earthy in a way. It had probably rained before. So we walked around for a while, and Benjamin finally did his thing. As I was walking back to my apartment, I heard sirens go off. The strange thing was, that it was almost like a ton of sirens were all going off all at the same time....

I ran as fast as I could to see what was going on TV. I turned on the news right away, as I sat down on the couch. My heart dropped, as I saw a live broadcast of one of the business buildings on the news. Apparently, people were infected with something that made them go insane, kind of like the bird box movie on Netflix. It was terrible, you could see the blood and hear the different pitches of voices from all the people that were screaming. I though to myself, was I infected too. I mean I did go out and walk my dog near that building earlier today. The thought of going out like that scared me. I haven't even meet the love of my life yet. That night, it was hard to go to bed. I swear I didn't go to sleep, all these "what if's" kept creeping back into my head no matter how hard I tried to push them out. I was terrified. No one had ever experienced this. No one has ever seen this either, and I mean ever. The scary part was that everyday, the number of patients and deaths kept increasing. I was even their in the mist of it, I had to be there because it was my job to take care of sick people. It was weird because, I never thought about my life before. I never appreciated things or people so much now. I didn't want anything to go away, or be abruptly taken away from me, like my patients had to deal with. The worst part is that they had no control over it what so ever, which made it even worse. Including the fact, that some of my patients that I saw were so young and still had so much more of their lives to live and to cherish, just like I did. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair to anyone. Which is why I don't really believe in god. I am not sure what to believe about it. Why would someone let all these people suffer and die, he even took their lives away from them. Yes, people say that bad things happen to good people, but that's just not right! By the end of the month, there was only ten people left in my small county of 10,000 citizens.

When it was Friday, there was only five people. I wondered, what I should do. I was done letting this virus take over me. I was done letting this virus take away my happiness, and dreams in this world; a world that we call earth. Benjamin and I needed fresh air, so we went outside to get some. It was nice, the air almost smelled fresher than it was before. I think that it was because their wasn't as much fossil fuels polluting our world. Which is maybe one of the best things that has come from this virus, at least that's what I believe. As I was walking, I saw this person. At first, I didn't know if it was a boy or girl coming towards me, but I was curious. I walked a little bit faster, but not to fast that this person would notice that I was trying to see them. I could feel the adrenaline spike in me. I was completely flustered. Finally, I saw a mere glimpse of him. It was funny because I have never seen him around here, even though it is a small town. I saw his eyes, they were a cool, but calm royal blue. The way he walked, made me think of this old man in the hospital. I cold tell that he was sad, you could almost see it in his beautiful, deep, blue eyes. I figured I should say hey, I mean why not, the world is kind of crashing anyways. So I did. When I did the cutest smile lit up his face, it was the kind of smile that made you want to smile even more; it was infectious. He walked towards me, and took my hand. I don't know why he did that, I didn't even know him. It was nice though, to have someone with you in this rough time. So we just walked, and talked. He made me want to be a better person. He made my hear flutter a little bit; the old soul that I have always wanted. Who knew he was here all along.

April 27, 2020 00:54

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1 comment

Oswald Hill
03:03 May 07, 2020

This story is fascinating, and the romance is pleasing and brings away a bit of the gloom from a post-apocalyptic story. The only problem I can see is that the paragraphs are a bit bulky. Love it! Hope you write on Reedsy more :)


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