Fiction Mystery

We pulled up to the college campus. We had arrived earlier than expected. You are staying in the Orange dorm at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Why I open up the trunk of the van I have you go up ahead, and open the door. You are so excited that you practically run the whole three flights of stairs. You see that your room is already decorated. Than someone walkout of the bathroom. He/She stares at you confused for a moment. To clear the akward air you state your name and that you are the new roommate. You reach out your hand waiting for a hand shake. He/She shakes your hand without saying anything. Your roommates hand feels cold. Your roommate just smile at you for a moment.

Your roommate finally speaks "Nice to meet you roommate." Than He/She leaves the room. Still weary from your travel you decided to use the restroom. After holding it in for three hours you finally release yourself. You walk over to the sink to was your hands. You notice something in the mirror it looks like a shadow. Bam! I drop a box in you room making you jump. The shadow is gone. You think your just tired from your trip.

After you finish packing you walk me down to the van. We hug goodbye promise to message everyday. Your class don't start for another week, but you wanted to get the feel of the place so you won't get lose. As your walking up the stairs back to your dorm you hear foot steps behind you. You look around and see no one. You assume it's an echo of your foot steps. You reach your dorm and notice that the door is open. You believe you frogot to shut it. When you go in you see the light in the bathroom is on. You hear the shower running. You believe your new roommate is in there. You head over to you closet to put away what remained of your clothes. All of a sudden the bathroom door opens, but no one came out. You go over to close the door only to see there is no one in the bathroom. You turn off the shower. You turn to see writing on the mirror. It spells out hello. Than the words fade. New writing appears and it says get out. You are very freaked out, and run out of the bathroom. Only to crash into your roommate.

"Why are you running?" Your roommate asked. You shouldn't run around here like that. You can get hurt. It is not safe. They mop the stairs slot. You proceed to tell your roommate what had happened. " You must be tried why don't you sleep for a bit," you roommate states. They offer you tea to help calm you. You refuse. Your upset that your roommate doesn't believe you. You let it go understanding that some people don't believe in the paranormal. You do however go to sleep in your bed. When you wake up you go into the bathroom to brush your teeth. When you spit out your tooth paste and look back up your roommate is standing behind you. You scream so loud you roommate also jumps.

"Sorry, I just got up didn't know you were in here," says your roommate. You accept their apology. You finish getting ready and walk down to the office so you can get your classes and a map. You bump into a girl. She drops her books. You help her pick up her books. She thanks you. You ask where the office is. She says she can lead you there. You both arrive. You go to the desk.

You ask "Hello, Can I have a map? I am in dorm 327" The lady gets your schedule and map. She said it was funny your roommate was just in there to get direct to the dorm room. You state "That can't be, because your roommate was already in the room."

She points outside to the girl you just bumped into and says ,"That's your roommate?"

Than you say", That isn't my roommate?" The lady is confused. You see a photo on the wall of your roommate. You tell the women that that is your roommate in the room.

The women says,"That can't be because that person died five years ago." You pull out your phone, because you took a f photo with your roommate. You find it,and show her. She pales. She says she wants to see your dorm. You lead the way. When you arrive you find everything has changed on the other side of the room. The girl you had bumped into was now in the room. You look at the office lady and ask what happened to the roommate.

"She/He died in the bathroom from a overdose." Than a crash in the bathroom making all three of you jump. You push open the door to find nothing but the hair dryer on the floor. You pick it up and place it on the counter. When you look into the mirror you see your dead roommate standing behind you. You turn around and there is no one behind you. You turn back to the mirror to see it fog up and spell mirror mirror on the wall who is the next to fall. Your name than appears below it. You and the other two scream and run for the stairs. All three of you are in such a hurry you slip and fall down the stairs. You tight in that moment that you where going to die. Was your grave stone going to say death by ghost scare or I ran down mopped stares? Something however cushions the fall for you. It was your undead roommate. They saved your life. They were trying to warn you about the mopped stairs.

The ghost says",I told you not to run. They mop the stairs slot." Than the ghost vanished.

October 19, 2020 03:01

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Sam Newsome
00:08 Oct 29, 2020

The story line was good, though brief. Regarding the grammar, it seems to be more draft than finished story (I have the same problem).


Skyla Abrams
00:12 Oct 29, 2020

Thank you. I will try to make less brief stories.


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