

It has been five days since I last heard the alarm-sound in the morning. I am not saying that I rely on alarm to get awake. Instead, my internal biological clock is much more reliable. But wait, the external-alarm sound did cue me that my owner was awake and since I sleep outside his room, now I am not able to know if he is awake until he slides his slippers before wearing it. Earlier he used to rush here and there right from the morning itself but now he is quite relaxed. Rather he awakes late, at least according to my internal clock. I don’t have any personal reproach for him being late. It’s just two things that concern me. Firstly, it really disturbs my poop-cycle as my morning walk is delayed. Secondly, I have lost my only chance of seeing her in the park maybe because his owner still comes on time. ‘Daisy’ he calls her. She really has beautiful eyes. But how do I tell my owner? I have been trying whining but he shouts from his bed “No Ziggy, now is not the time!” in a sleepy tone. Wait is all I have to do.


After managing to empty the stomach, I would usually have my breakfast that mostly comprise of milk and bread but for the pasts few days the bread has been missing and the milk tastes different. I doubt my owner is using dried milk probably because the milk-man is not coming. Earlier, I would fetch him the newspaper which he would read and then leave for his job but it is no longer being delivered. Instead, he has been staying at home and playing a game of fetch with me. It makes me feel very happy and healthy. Not only this but he now titillates me more than ever before. It feels like I am new in the house again. I am not tired of doing mad-run with my owner. In-fact, I am using every chance of leaning against his legs and most of the times he needs to brace himself as I am quite hefty. He does not ignore my check-ins anymore rather he feels warm and fuzzy. Earlier I used to be alone in the house during afternoon but now I curl-up with him while he is taking his afternoon nap. It looks like I have got my sleeping buddy back. He now talks to me many times a day. Although I don’t understand the most of his words, I would wag my tail telling him that I trust him. But there is something I am confused about. He has been wearing some kind of black-colored cloth over his mouth and his hands have been giving an unusual strong aroma that compels me to sneeze every time he touches my nose or face to be more appropriate. He now washes his hands more than ever. Our house is cleaner than before. Few days back, I also saw him unloading a lot of goods from the car. Apart from these, he has been spending most of his time in-front of the television. There is some person on the T.V who has been repeating some facts again and again. Though I don’t understand it, I would sit beside my owner staring towards the T.V and of course playing leaning against him. I feel that he has been spending most of the time in the house than before. I am even getting my afternoon-snack these days. Earlier, he used to bath me once a week but now I think the frequency has increased and it feels fresh.




I am really surprised to see that the streets have gone quiet. I have nothing to bark at. There is just one person who has been passing from the street daily. He has been giving some kind of announcement on the loudspeaker and out of many things he says, “Stay-In” is the only thing I understand. Maybe that is the reason my owner had not taken his car out of the parking-lot for days and it really concerns me because one of my favorite rope toys is stuck beneath one of its tires and I am not able to play tug-of-war with him but I am very happy that I am getting such a quality time to spend with my owner. I have been yearning for these days for a very long time. At the same time, I sense that there is something wrong happening to this world maybe something dangerous as the air around me does not give healthy vibes. 


Yesterday evening something unusual happened. My owner was standing on a chair and was trying to pull something from the cupboard-top. After several trials he brought down a large cardboard-box. I rushed behind the bed with my hackles raised and ears back as I thought it was going to harm me. He blew over it with full force and the dust separated from it, falling on the floor. It looked as if it was not touched for years. He opened the large cardboard-box and unveiled a large brown-colored object. It had a dreadnought shape at one end while its other end was a simple straight rod with some kind of metallic strings attached over it. He struck his finger on it and it made a shrill sound that was very creep. He again struck on it, this time with some kind of rhythm and the sound was quite pleasant. He took the object in the balcony, sat on chair and started playing the tones. I followed him and sat beside him in my lion pose listening to the melodious sound. I had never seen him like this before as he never got free from his job. It was really a different experience. I hope he repeats it again today.


Earlier, my owner would go to the park in the evening but now he has restricted himself to the home. Even my evening walk is not as long as before. He plays with me, spends time with me but deep inside it feels like he is afraid of something and that something is probably outside our house. Rather everyone seems to be afraid but I don’t know of what. If it is thieves then he certainly doesn’t need to worry as I will easily handle and reassure them in my own language. I can do anything for my owner to be happy again but at the same time I fear that I may not be able to spend the quality time with him.


-------by Robin---------


March 25, 2020 09:39

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