
October 7th, 2017

1:15 am

I just had the oddest dream and I saw a movie the other week about some boy who wrote down all his dreams as soon as he woke up from them and it helped him gain a career in film making. Although my goal isn’t to become a filmmaker I figured, why not give it a try. So my dream started with me walking down this path because I had just killed someone but it was self defense I think, I had an internal dialogue going on so I don’t actually know what the me in my dream just did but from what I was saying to myself it sounds like I was kidnapped and had escaped by killing my kidnapper. So as I was walking down this path I saw this butterfly that was eating a spider and I got scared by that so I started running, then I looked back at one point while I was running and then when I looked forward there was this giant clown with a chainsaw and I started crying and screaming because I was actually debating what was scarier, the clown with the chainsaw or the butterfly eating a spider. I woke up right after that probably because of how ridiculous the choice seemed.

Alright it’s now 4:26 am and I haven't gone back to sleep and I tried everything. It usually isn't this difficult for me to fall asleep. I get some tea, start to read something or put a show on and I’m out in 20 minutes. But not tonight.

November 22nd, 2017


It’s been a little over a month now where I can’t seem to fall asleep until almost 5am and then wake up at 9am. I also don’t understand it because I’m so tired at night and then get four hours of sleep and I get through the day just fine, no naps, no coffee, no caffeine and I almost feel like I have more energy. But this morning I decided to write about it because the first time this happened I had a really strange dream and last night I had another really strange dream, quite disturbing actually. In this dream I was walking down a high school hallway and I was following this really short girl with long red hair, not Ariel bright red hair but also not like orange red head hair. Kind of like maroon but less dark. Everything was like in those creepy movies where it was in slow motion and she looked back at me motioning me to follow her. Her hair flipped back that way you see in the movies, you know? Anyways, dream me followed her all the way to a class room. She turned into it so quick I almost wasn't sure if I was supposed to go in there as if she was going to reappear somewhere else. Although I felt that I walked into the room and what I walked into was just crazy. It was her, but not the her that I was following just before that. There was an older male there with her, it seemed like he was her teacher and he was hurting her very badly, choking her. I told him to let go of her and it’s like they couldn’t hear, they couldn’t hear me. I then was tapped on the shoulder and it was the girl again, the version of her that led me to the room. She was screaming “HELP ME, HELP ME” and when I turned back around there was no one there, the room went black and that’s when I woke up. I don’t recall that being a scene in any movie I've watched recently or any movie I've ever seen really. Maybe I should take these dreams and try to become a filmmaker, ha.

November 27th, 201717


I I am so out of words, im confused, i'm frightened, i'm shocked. There’s no way, there cant be a way, this is imposible. My dream, it was real. It was real after I dreamed it but how? THe exact girl, the exact teacher, the exact school, the same halls, the same locker, the same room. I’m not a pyscic, i dont have magic seeing into the future powers. These kind of things happen right? People dream things and they come true? But dreams of people they dont even know? Dreams of people all the way across the country? How is that possible? It’s not, but it happened. How do my weird dreams make sense?

January 2nd, 2018

3:17 am

I talked to my mother about my sleeping problem, she said I was fine if I still slept even if it was only for four hours because I would feel fine. I talked to my father about it and he just went on to say at least I don’t wake up tired because he gets that amount of sleep with the job he has. I talked to my sister about it and I told her only about the dreams and she thinks I should go see someone for it, but I told her she was crazy, that it wasn’t that extreme that I needed a therapist, maybe just a doctor for some stronger sleeping pills because this melatonin doesn’t do a damn thing. 

What the hell? Looking at the clock it’s now 6:15am and I just woke up from the most gruesome and visually disturbing dream i’ve had yet. The dream started with me in the woods at night so that definitely set the tone of what was going to happen in this dream. I was not seen by anyone in the dream and I was not a character in it either. It was like watching a movie. In this movie dream in the woods there was a young girl in a pajama dress, I’d say she was about 5 or 6 years of age. She was holding this stuffed toy that didn’t quite look like a bear and was to ugly looking to be a stuffed dog. She didn’t look scared, necessarily more lost as if she’d played in the woods quite a bit but wasn't sure what part she was in at that time. She began to call the name “Emilic, Emilic,” but in a whisper. She called “Emilic” about 7 times when she stumbled upon a large whole in the ground, the size they dig at the graveyard for a casket. Then out of nowhere came a girl about 11 or 12 years old it seemed, pushed her! Yes, pushed her into the large gravehole. The little girl in there with her stuffed creature didn’t even cry, didn’t even yell. She just got up and looked up at the other girl and said “Emelic, I’ve been looking for you, I told mommy it was me, she’s not mad at you I promise.” Then without any emotion this Emilic girl went and grabbed a shovel and started to put dirt from this random dirt pile that popped up next to the hole into this grave, right on top of this little girl who I guess was her sister! The little girl still was not crying, was not pleading, nothing. She just sat down and started to play with her creature friend as dirt was being thrown on her. Emilic then was patting dirt on the surface and smiling. She had buried her sister, ALIVE! I then woke up and felt like I couldn’t breath, I felt as if I had just been buried alive. It was by far the worst dream I’ve had. The fact that it was children and there was almost no emotion from either of them. I really hope I don’t see this in the news. 


In Mankato, Minnesota, a young girl refuses to explain why she buried her younger 5 year old sister alive in the woods, why the mother is being convicted and how this affects the community and the country, tonight at 9. 

March 26th, 2018


The dreams have stopped, the guilt is still there. Guilt, she tells me not to feel guilty for something that can’t be explained, they say I don’t need to be here for the dreams, they say that maybe I had the days wrong and maybe I was asleep watching the news. I know that none of that is true. I know what I dreamed, I know what day it was, I know they happened after I dreamed them. I know I could have helped. She thinks I’m crazy when I say that. I’m not crazy, this is real, I’m part of these people's deaths. Time for medicine, I enjoy the sleeping pills, but the other thing they give me for my paranoia is so unnecessary. They say my paranoia is a danger and that’s why I'm here, but I know it’s because they believe me, they know I can help but they don’t want me to. They are killers, they are letting these people in my dreams that are real die because they wont let me do something about it. I just wanted pills to sleep, to stop the dreams, but I ended up here instead. If I stop taking the pills? If I start to dream again and write them down and then prove to them, maybe they will let me out and let me help the police. I just can’t get caught not taking my pills. I need to show them I’m not crazy and my dreams are real. My dreams are real. 

April 2nd , 2018

1:15 am I haven;t slept at night for more than 2 hours for 

One week. I feek good, i feel good with no dreams, but i neded yo dream. I need them to know the killers are real im real the dreams are real. I think htyeare fake they are the killers, they are part of it, they are in my head trying to tell me that i cant heko these people thbut these people need my help, i cant let them give me thes epills to make me unaware i ned the sleep ones to dream to help the peple ubt i dont know which one is which, i dont know which pill to swallow which to keep under my otunge, ill have to experiment, they ned me back ou tthere, thye need to give me the chance to so something to not just watch these people die in my dreams

Ok its npw 3 and i have it, ive got it, ill suck up and ask my teacher what pills are which because i wnt to become those people thta help with the medecine an she cant resfuse me then, she cant becsue thats not legal but none of this is legal. 

April 7th, 2018 

3:15 am

Ok I have figured it out, I now can dream when I feel I need to and I can sleep when I need to, this is progress, this is what I needed to feel in control again, to be able to help. Let’s try and dream now...

A mental hospital in Detroit is under investigation due to the death of a patient. The patient was in for dreams that she claimed showed her deaths that would then happen a week to two weeks later. According to her journals she had tricked the system of the medicine giving process and collected her pills for sleeping when she wanted to sleep but flushed the other one that was to help her paranoia. Her last entry in her journal stated that she dreamed about her death, she had dreamed that the patient she shared a room with was very dangerous without her medication and the nurses kept an eye on her medication to make sure she had swallowed hers to keep the others in the vicinity safe. In the patients journal she had stated in her dream her roommate had not been taking her pills and ended up killing her while she was asleep. The reports came back a week later stating that the patient had been suffocated to death in her sleep. We will report more as more information comes in. 

April 10, 2020 16:53

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