A dragon kind of love

Submitted into Contest #48 in response to: Write a story that features a protagonist with an archnemesis.... view prompt

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It was me against them , two headed dragon breathing fire out of there snouts 

I go in for the kill , my battle is arched with fear as I tackle the demons of my past.

They want me to feel bad , as I come into the castle armour in hand ready to tackle them 

Harsh heads to the ground .

The way they move in sequence , with themselves one is a girl dragon the other her lover

Dragon , it’s me against them and I’m a dragon too the only difference is that womaniser dragon stole my heart and he left me no choice but to grab the sword and slice the dragon in half .

They broke me the girl dragons name Lorna who was meant to be my friend who was meant to look after me since the day we was at school I had her back , but she never had mine .

She was a border line of evil her mistress inside herself released only fire .tackling me down 

She stole my man Dragon Antonio he was mine we were , together first we shared intimacy and love she came along and broke it out everlasting love destroyed ,

She broke my heart and he did too he went off with her back to the castle 

To mate in harmony .

Sweet surrenders , as I try to realise my composure , this enemy is mine 

Tonight I want revenge but I can’t because I am no longer hurting but anger

Storms over me like thunder hitting against the atmospheric air.

As I try to break there love with my sword it feels good to be in control of my actions .

As I speak directly to the two faced dragon , first it’s her I speak to ,

“ Lorna you swine , you didn’t think twice in stealing my man , you did it out of spite 

Flirting in front of my eyes , showing your dragon boobs to my Antonia “.

“ how could he resist your temptation, “.

I try to bring my heart to justice you and me outside I say 

I feel more against her she is the enemy more than Antonia she is the one to blame 

I try to focus on the breathing of the fire but I cannot 

Any longer , until he speaks his voice almost melts my heart .

“ Lina I know your angry , but please find it in your heart to forgive , I know I didn’t tell you the truth , I know we should have said Lina your not the one for me , I should have never have led you on the way I did and I’m sorry , please find it in your heart to forgive me and Lorna “.

My whole body goes into a meltdown and I breathe fire out of anger but also so soothing to hear 

Antonia voice .

The next thing I do before I swing the sword is cut there chains , 

And I say in a sweet soft voice , “ you know what your welcome to each other , I am tired of all this I don’t want your forgiveness , I don’t want nothing more to do with you but I do what in something in return I want your heart Antonia “. That’s all I have ever wanted , but that witch stole it from me , I know that we were only dating and seeing how things went as dragons do but then you cake along Lorna and stuck your big snout in our business I feel so jealous and angry and upset this pain I feel can you imagine how unbearable it makes me feel.

“ Lina this is not you , this is anger talking “ we are not the Enemy Lina let us go let us be “.

However I feel light and dark at the same time why should I let these chains go so you can be together when you can die together .

“ please Lina have mercy” , and that’s when , I see it above the castles clouds the angel like creature floats towards me , as the wind catches my breath.

It’s Halo brighter than any god; “ Lina my dear it’s me your grandad , listen I’m here for you 

This is not you , this is anger , this is your pain , let them go , and in time your heart will heal ,.

“ how do you know this ?” Grandad , because my dear this pain you feel is not out of revenge , it’s out of love , your love for Antonia for you would never hurt him and I know in time your be free your meet a dragon that loves all of you not just parts of you and will love you for an eternity “.

“ but grandad it hurts , I see no way forward that evil cow stole him from me Antonia was home , and now I feel I am the loser I feel I have lost and they have won , I have let them get to me again and again they have breathed fire on me , I know Lina , and they will be punished but this is not the way , the way is to show them you can move forward that you can lead a normal life , I promise you the pain will fade and your look back and laugh at all this .

“Because Lina your a strong independent woman “.

And I know this because your love inside is so pure it will meet someone that you adore 

I know you thought Antonia was the one , but listen my petal my English rose 

Your purity is virtual and your lose it to someone you love and they love you back , and as for these two idiots you met they will forever be banished to the outer lands of hell , where they will spend eternity thinking about how they hurt my beautiful granddaughter .

“ it’s not worth it grandad I will let them go as long as they promise never to be in my life again ,

And to never see me again .

“ done grandad says , and before I fly back to heaven , I want you to know Lina how proud I am of you , and how I want you to know I will always love you , and I promise your find a decent dragon man out there in the beyond .

Grandad was right I did find the love of my life he was right in front of my eyes my best friend 

My Johanssen ,my dragon .

And as for Antonia and Lorna they lived happily reflecting the times of how they hurt me .

July 03, 2020 20:09

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1 comment

Jane Andrews
17:41 Jul 13, 2020

Hi Leanne. Thank you for sharing your story. You certainly have an interesting concept here and you manage the humorous parts of your story really well. It would probably work better if you stick to the comedy side, which you're good at, rather than trying to write comedy and serious fantasy in the same story. There are a few issues with spelling and grammar - if you have time, check these things before you submit as one of your dragons changes gender, starting off as Antonio (male) and then becoming Antonia (female). Well done for thinking...


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