
Dear Lucas,

  I don’t know what to say here. I feel really stupid but you know me and you know that I can’t leave spring creek town without finally letting go of all my pain. I’m sorry that I have been running away for so long. First I want to tell you how much I love you and miss you. It’s been six years since I have seen your face. But I still remember that untidy red hair that mom always told you to comb and how dad always said you were kissed by fire, your beautiful almond-shaped eyes, your daring dimpled smile and the way you laughed when you had roped me into some scheme that would get us in trouble with grams and grandpa. 


I’m going to college when the summer is over, Yale to be precise. Your dream school. When I got my acceptance letter mom and dad cried and I did too for the first time in so long but it was thanks to that letter that have the strength to write this one. I feel like such a fool for shutting everyone out. I was so angry with everyone and with you for leaving me all alone in this world. It was like hell. The school teachers took turns evaluating me because I had so many outbursts of anger which I’m sure you’re thinking is very unlike me.

  I was suddenly the girl with anger issues because her brother died. In two weeks summer will be over and I will be starting a new chapter far away from this town where no one will know who I am or about you. I’m scared and excited. Scared because I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose my head so far away from home. Aunt Gina says that I will make friends but I haven’t had any friends since you. 


 It took seven years for me to get over my anger for something that happened to you that was beyond your control so how exactly am I going to survive in the real world out there on my own. I’m excited because I have so many adventures waiting for me. I always imagined I would spend my entire life with you writing bad poetry and having the best time, I think for a moment back then I thought I might have even had a crush on you and you probably knew considering how much I adored you. But now I know I had unconditional and agape love for you as the one mom and dad has for us.

  Last week I finally decided to do something I have been putting off for as long as I can remember. Do you remember the book we started together? I bet you do. You were such a creative type I remember all the illustrations you drew for the book. Mom kept saying it would be a bestseller she has changed a lot now, everyone has changed. I like to think that I have changed too but that is highly unlikely. 


Graduation was eventful. Aunt forgot to get my dress and the car broke down. Mom saved the day when she gave me an old dress of hers; it had to be hastily sewed and held with pins to suit me and yet all the same it still stuck out at my back. But all the same, it was a lovely dress barely anyone noticed that it wasn’t my size. I had to ride in the back of Uncle Steve‘s pickup truck. I got to my graduation so late I thought my name had been called already. 

  I of course graduated with honours. A best graduating student in math, English, Biology….The list goes on and on (Thank God I have the brains). Mom was surprised when I brought most of my report cards home. I guess she wasn’t quite sure how I could be the problem child and still have good grades

  The book we started and almost finished had lain untouched in the attic all these years. I couldn’t bring myself to go down there, it still scares me. But dad went down with me. I felt terrified and I couldn’t utter a word. It was scary. I half expected you to come out from one corner and ask why I and dad didn’t knock when entering your room and then we would get into an argument. The room was so quick in bringing the eleven-year-old girl in me right out. 

Mom refused to box up your things and clear out the room. She would go into your room and sit for hours crying and talking to you at least she managed to express her feelings unlike boxing it up in fear as I would. A few years back I heard mom and dad having the nastiest argument about it. Mom and dad are trying very hard to hold on to the last thread of hope for their marriage for me. 


 There is no more love in their eyes when they look at each other; they barely tolerate each other in my presence. No one can deal with your death you had such a lively spirit

  The book brought so many tears to my eyes but reading it helped me decide it was the best way I could feel close to you. Right now the book is safe in my travelling bag.I'm going to take it to Yale and anytime I get lonely or sad I will have a part of you right there with me. We never finished writing it so I wrote the end for you, in a way I’m sure you would have loved. And I promise you that I didn’t make it cheesy, it’s a perfect first book for both of us. I wrote a mind-blowing dedication to you on the last page. Something I'm sure would go right with your style.


 The main character finally said goodbye to his best friend and he got the girl. It’s a happily ever after story and much like the one, I hope to have someday. Cousin Aimee is also going to Yale. Mom says that I should play nice and be friendly but she is way too annoying. I’m going to study medicine so that I can save children with that awful disease called leukemia that took you my best friend away from me which means you’re still the creative one in the family.


 I think I might have some promise in writing so maybe I will cultivate my skill and write books on the side of my medical career. I could even write books with the setting of a hospital. I would be like the John Grisham of medicine. I feel like a huge weight is off my shoulders now that I have finished something I started so long ago. I’m thinking of starting something else maybe even a horror short story, I remember how you loved those but I will probably be hopeless at it without your voice in my ear guiding me and saying things like ‘Rewrite that dialogue it’s too lazy’. 


Who is going to tell me that my plots are ridiculous and I have too many subplots or that my protagonist is not realistic in any possible way? Mom read the book and said she was proud of me, dad called me brave I genuinely hope that mom and dad fall in love with each other again, they deserve it with everything I put them through. I hope you don’t hate me for nearly breaking our family wherever you are. I want to ask so many things, did you love the book, is their heaven, and are you watching over me or are you a ghost haunting the house, I hope not though, and if so do ghosts travel. 

I plan to live life to the fullest. In other words, live it as you would.

I’m going to join dancing classes, maybe learn to play a musical instrument like the piano, violin or cello (I have no idea which is which I always get confused). I will do my best to make you proud of me and maybe at some point, I will no longer be anti-social and I can start to live a normal life. No more girl by the corner, I will be in the spotlight with you by my side but it will take time. 


 Yesterday I played a game of football with some other girls from the neighborhood as it turns out I was good, even if I didn’t score any goals, I was still good but I am still of the opinion that it’s a terrifying and life-threatening game. My team lost but I was still praised by dad. Apparently, I am the first in the family to play their first game of football and not end up in the hospital and I finally beat you at something but I did have a nasty nose bleed after a girl I used to have a history with named Jackie threw a ball in my direction and it hit me square in the face.


 I spent the remaining half of the game dodging out of anyone’s way. The rain started to fall and everywhere was so muddy I could barely see anything all I could hear was ‘pass the ball’ I still don’t understand why everyone loves such a dangerous sport. But at the end of the game, I got so many pats on the back. High school is over now and I guess everyone is getting over the girl I used to be for the past seven years.

  I’ve been so scared to write anything for a while but things have changed now after years of therapy and I finally understand that I need to stop trying to get over your death but I need to focus on your life, the better rides of your life when you weren’t at hospitals and when your head wasn’t shaved. I have finally decided what my favourite book is. The name is ‘Ornament tree’ about a girl named Bonnie Shaster and I’m sure you would have loved it. There is a character in it named Claire that reminds me so much of you. It is almost comical


 Aimee told me that she wants to read the book but I’m not sure I want to give it to her, I think it’s personal. The last chapter was 3500 words long; mom said the book is so grown up that no one would believe that an 11-year-old and 15 years old started the book. I will keep writing because I think it's lovely and it keeps me close to you even if I know that in a thousand years I will never be as good at it as you were. I don’t need a therapist anymore, I have finally dealt with the grieve. 

  But today I want to finally do something that will connect me with you, no more running in the other direction. I will leave the letter in our secret spot and I hope you see it. I will never truly give up on seeing you again. I love you from the depths of my heart and with the very fiber of my being. Till the day I can finally see you, I will wait and live in a world without you. Come back to me one-day big brother, let’s build sandcastles together and dance on the beach under the starlight. Someday come back to me here at spring creek.

Your loyal sidekick and sister

Rita Wood

June 19, 2020 07:24

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Authoring Studio
10:54 Jun 24, 2020

Yeah, sisters tend to be loyal sidekicks 😂


Sophia Wayne
04:52 Jun 28, 2020

I know right


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Authoring Studio
10:53 Jun 24, 2020

Beautiful story... I loved it!


Sophia Wayne
11:04 Jun 24, 2020

Thank you


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Des Feller
15:55 Jun 26, 2020

I absolutely love your story! Its very personal and intricate, but not overwhelming. If that makes any sense.... Great job!


Sophia Wayne
20:47 Jun 26, 2020

Thank you


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Heissell Ramirez
04:28 Jul 10, 2020

Your story was lovely and very relatable. It reminds me of tge ones I have lost and how much I hold on to the things that make me feel close to them.


Sophia Wayne
04:54 Jul 10, 2020

I'm glad you liked it. Thank you for reading.


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Samantha Davis
19:10 Jul 01, 2020

Oh my gosh that story was sooooooo good I don't know where to start. I like how you described Rita's feelings as she went into Lucas's old room. I like how you described Lucas's hair. I can't think pf a single thing you could have done better. Would you mind checking out mu super-hero story when those come out ?I am open to advice. Thanks.


Sophia Wayne
04:23 Jul 08, 2020

I would love to!


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R. E. Dressler
00:58 Jun 27, 2020

Very original idea and so well crafted. Keep the writing coming!


Sophia Wayne
02:40 Jun 27, 2020

Thank you.


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Sue M
21:50 Jun 26, 2020

Sophia, I always love reading a story written in letter form, and you're very good at it. Without getting into any more examples of editorial issues (i.e. as Rose pointed out), addressing those would have made your story less distracting. However, despite that, the purpose of the letter came through brilliantly. I could feel the emotion behind everything Rita said to Lucas, her memories and her observations about her parents. So much so, it made me wonder if you had actually experienced something similar in your life. Very well done! Sue


Sophia Wayne
00:32 Jun 27, 2020

Thank you so much. You definitely have a good eye for detail. Well i actually almost lost someone close to me and i guess it got me wondering what that could do to someone's life especially if the person is a close relative like a brother and if it happened when you were a child and you were not able to process that kind of loss. And writing letters to people i miss or cant see at the moment is kind of my way of dealing.Especially with the Covid-19 pandemic


Sue M
02:19 Jun 27, 2020

And that's why your story came through as skillfully as it did Sophia. Glad to hear you've found a way to cope when missing people as well as the ongoing pandemic. Keep writing! Sue


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Alexi Delavigne
15:14 Jun 26, 2020

This felt really honest and real, it was sad but still at times made me smile. I really liked it!


Sophia Wayne
04:52 Jun 28, 2020

Thank you. I feel glad to know I put a smile on someone's face


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02:54 Jun 26, 2020

This was simultaneously sad and heartwarming, well done!


Sophia Wayne
10:07 Jun 26, 2020

Thank you


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14:43 Jun 25, 2020

Sophia- I absolutely loved this story! It made me really emotional. Keep writing! :) Can you do me a huge favor and give me feedback on my stories? Thanks! :) -Brooke


Sophia Wayne
15:42 Jun 25, 2020

Sure as soon as i can. Thanks for reading


16:14 Jun 25, 2020

Thank you so much! My pleasure! :)


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Elaina Goodnough
16:21 Jun 24, 2020

This was an a really good and emotionally-provoking story! You really got into the mind of the sister. A couple things I spotted, “ It took seven years for me to get over my anger for something that happened to you that was beyond your control so how exactly am I going to survive in the real world out there on my own.” This sentence is run-on and I think should end in a question mark. There are a lot of sentences like this sprinkled throughout the story. Also, at one point especially it was really confusing. The character was talking abo...


Sophia Wayne
18:17 Jun 24, 2020

So grateful. thanks for the spots, i noticed a few errors myself. thanks for reading and the feedback. its really nice that you took time and paid attention and gave very useful advice


Elaina Goodnough
19:07 Jun 24, 2020

Aww, thanks! It’s my pleasure. Like I said, it’s a wonderful story and has great potential. Like any story it has a few rough spots that needs to be soothed. Not broken, just cracked. ❤️


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Hawwa Yusuf
16:06 Jun 24, 2020

wow, really speechless right now amazing story


Sophia Wayne
18:19 Jun 24, 2020



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Arvi Krish
01:10 Jun 23, 2020

Really enjoyed reading this story. Nicely crafted!


Sophia Wayne
09:31 Jun 24, 2020

Thank you so much


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Daryl Gravesande
01:34 Jun 22, 2020

Is ur profile pic you? Weird question, but genuinely curious. Also, I LOVE this story! Perfect blend of storytelling and fleshed out characters. I could read this over and over again!


Sophia Wayne
15:57 Jun 22, 2020

I wish I looked like that but unfortunately we don't always get what we wish for. That's Lucy Hale, she is a lovely actress. I'm a big fan of hers. She played Aria in Pretty little liars


Daryl Gravesande
20:55 Jun 22, 2020

Ohhhh, I feel stupid now, lol. I haven't seen her in stuff, so I assumed. How old are you? Your stories seem really good. (I'm 16, btw)


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Zatoichi Mifune
19:48 Jul 16, 2023

So, you're learning Japanese, eh? Good for you. うわー、素晴らしい話ですね! 彼女の兄は亡くなったのですか?よく理解できなかったが、それを言っているのは 1 つだけだった。「彼女の兄が亡くなったので、私は突然怒りの問題を抱えた女の子になった」。他に兆候があった場合は、申し訳ありませんが、見逃していました。「火にキス」という表現は美しいですね。 あなたの忠実な相棒。 Or, if you need that translated - 'Wow, great story! Her brother is dead? Couldn't really get my head around it, I only saw one thing that said it: 'I was suddenly the girl with anger issues because her brother died'. If there were other indications, sorry, I missed them. Kissed by fire is a beautiful description. Your loyal sidek...


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Anna Irwin
16:00 Aug 06, 2020

Such a good and sweet and amazing story! I love how writing can be our grief and how you brought that element into it. A very heartfelt and unique take on the prompt too. The streaks of courage throughout were very well done as well as how you addressed her past in relation to her feelings.


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Zion Hintay
22:49 Jul 18, 2020

Wow what a wonderful letter. The story was very well done and I loved the flow and your written voice. I loved the idea of a book left unfinished. Thx Sophia for brightening my day.


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