Creative Nonfiction Transgender Drama

Story: 1

Mayra's mother

Part: A

"Mayra, you are amazing."

"Yes, Mayra, you are fabulous."

"Mayra, seriously, that meeting was amazing."

"Did you look at the manager? It looks like our dear Miss Joshi is going to get a promotion. "

The female worker with normal office attire and straight brown hair cancels all those facts with a sentence.

"Guys, it's not just me who worked hard. Everyone did their best to achieve this victory."

And after finishing her words, she walked out of that crowded meeting room,

A little while ago, people were praising a girl named Mayra Joshi.

Mayra is a marketing specialist with a few splendid marking and communicating skills. It hadn't been long since she joined the company, but she turned out to be a great employee, and Miss Joshi was also popular in the office because of her sweet behavior.

Mayra is praised because they just completed a meeting that was led by her. It's her first time leading a project, but she manages it smoothly.

Mayra worked hard for this project and finally managed to get some rest after a whole week of overtime. But the current circumstances may not let that happen.

Mayra's close friends went out for a dinner party and forced her to join them. She was exhausted due to the extra work and wanted to rest, but, as expected, she was bad with, 'no'.

She accepted their request, although she was tired as hell. They were all sitting at the table, relaxing and enjoying the food. The air around them was vibrant and fulfilled with happiness.

But that vibrant atmosphere didn't last for long. Mayra's phone rings, and when she starts the conversation, her smile disappears. Her expressions showed her current sorrow. She dropped her phone in shock and sat down on a chair nearby. She breaks down with grief.

When her friends asked the reason behind it, she replied,

"Her mother died this evening."

which was almost felt like an Uttar

Her friends tried to comfort her with different words and hoped to stop her tears, but deep in their hearts, they all know it was a hard situation to handle.

After half an hour when she was a bit stable, her friend agreed to pay a visit to Mrs. Joshi's funeral with Mayra. Mayra tried to refuse everyone's visit 'cause she didn't want to disturb anyone in any way. But in the end, she had to accept everyone's request.

Her mind is full of sorrow and pain, but on the other hand, she was also feeling glad to have such good colleges.

Mayra works in Lucknow and her mother lives in Kanpur, which is not that far away from Lucknow. So, Mayra and her friends choose to travel by car.

They all agreed to meet at sharp nine, and at the end of the discussion, they went back to get some rest.

Mayra's friend Charu helps her to get home safely. Charu is Mayra's best friend, and she helps her a lot.

On their way back, Mayra tried her best to not cry, but her tears couldn't stop rolling down her cheeks.

Charu and Mayra both reached their destiny and Charu saw her off with a slight note that,

"don't cry anymore."

And she replies with a pale smile,


But after shutting the door, she burst into tears. She was crying, screaming, and blaming herself for being absent when her mother needed her the most. And the entire night was drowned out by tears of grief.

The next day everyone gathered to attend Mrs. Joshi's funeral. Everyone's waiting for Mayra. And after waiting for a while, she came, wearing a casual outfit that she always wears with a set of sunglasses.

Everyone knows the reason why she suddenly wears glasses when they are in a car. But anyone doesn't have enough courage to ask directly. They knew she was crying the whole night.

They were all sitting in the car and started their journey with a pin-drop silence.

It's roughly a four-hour journey, but everyone is quiet for almost half an hour. And to break that awkward atmosphere, Adi creaked a dumb joke. No one laughed at it, except Mayra.

She tried her best to get back to her normal state. In the end, she ends up giving Adi a compliment that,

"you are really bad with jokes."

Charu read the air and started agreeing with Mayra's comments. With lots of laughter, everyone started settling down in the surroundings, but Mayra removed her glasses, and now everyone was able to watch her swollen eyes.

Now the aura around them begins to tensed up but Mayra doesn't want that. So she started the talk first. She first thanked them for supporting her during her hard time. But Adi denies it with a quote,

"In friendship, there is no place for sorry and thank yous."

Everyone started smiling and tries to calm down Mayra's critical situation.

Mayra is glad to have such precious friends. She smiled and started the conversation. They were talking about their hobbies, and they were talking about new couples in the company and some other chit-chats to kill the time.

But now the current topic of conversation is Mayra's school life. She started talking about her friends and the pranks she had played in her school days. Everyone was surprised after discovering her childish side. Their company's miss-perfect was that prankish. They all laugh loudly after listening to her school stories.

But the car's air started getting heavy again when slowly Mayra's mother became the topic. Noah turns on the radio to avoid that topic, and it looks like everyone is supporting Noah. Mayra senses the reason and forcefully stops the radio.

But Charu replied with an affable vibe,

"You don't need to stress. We weren't continuing that topic anymore. "

But Mayra seems to be in a different mood. She thanked Charu for that and started the conversation,

"I can't cry any more guys, so you don't need to worry about me. Last night, I cried till my eyes out. And then I remember my mom's words when grandma passed "

"Anyone who was walking with a physical form on earth has to change it, with time. And the process of changing the physical form is called death."

"So, as you see, Mayu, people didn't die; they just changed their bodies."

"Yes, it's painful at first to leave our loved ones who care about us, but we had to stay strong."

And while wiping the tears out of her face, Mrs. Joshi presented a big smile and, while signing toward little Mayra, she continued,

"You know Mayu, I hate my physical form, and I am always willing to get another figure than this one."

Mayra's eyes were overflowing with emotions, but she held herself together and smiled as her mother did at that moment. And while looking down, she says,

"So, it's my mother's will to leave her body, and I know she was happy after leaving her.... physical form."

After her point of view in front of them, she sheds a few tears on her shoes. But she controls it, at least after wiping her tears away. They continued their journey with a big smile on Mayra's lips.

Charu could feel the sensations Mayra was facing and to show her support, she mumbled with a soft tunes in her ears,

"I am their Mayra, you don't need to feel sad, remember you are Mrs. Joshi's girl. Make her proud."

Mayra was happy and a bit upset after hearing that. But she seems to be glad to have such a thoughtful friend, so she goes with the flow and hugs her even tighter.

After a few moments, they arrive at their destiny, but it looks weird and suspicious. Their house is actually outside the town. The house was situated outside of the town. It wasn't that suspicious, but that place had a weird atmosphere. They come close to reaching out to that big house where Mayra spent her childhood. It's an old but huge mansion which was drawing in wails and painful cries.

Mayra knocked on the door and a kinnar lady (transgender) opened the door. After seeing Mayra, Kinnar hugged her and started crying. Mayra comforted her by telling her,

"masi, (aunt or maternal mother), don't cry. She could be sad if she looked at you like that."

The trans women agree about that and while wiping their tear she took a while to view Mayra and she tell her,

"You, really grown up, kid."

Both of them smiled a bit and Mayra's aunt welcomed everyone inside.

Lee's thoughts,

This story contains two parts. So, make sure to read it too.


It's the first story I wrote in the volume of

" Thousand Forms of a Mother". 

I want to write more stories about my hero too. I hope to update my next story as soon as possible.


Thanks for reading my stories. Don't forget to support Mayra by voting her story.

February 05, 2022 04:04

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Daniel R. Hayes
19:09 Feb 06, 2022

Hi there, this was really great! I thought you did a great job writing this, and I don't usually read stories like this, but I really liked it! Way to go!! :)


04:34 Feb 09, 2022

Thank you very much mr. Hayes for reading my stories. I'm glad you liked it. And sorry for the reply late.


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