Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write the origin story of a notorious villain.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction

1. The Birth of Power

In the shadowed corners of the ancient world, long before kingdoms rose and fell, there existed a land untouched by time, where magic flowed as freely as rivers. This was the realm of Arcadis, a place where the very fabric of reality could be bent by those with the knowledge and power to do so. Among the most powerful of these sorcerers was Malachor, whose mastery over the arcane arts was unparalleled.

2. Early Life

"Malachor," his mother whispered, cradling him close the night he was born, the blood moon casting an eerie red glow across their small hut. "There is a darkness in you, my son. I can feel it in your cries."

The infant's eyes glimmered in response as if understanding her words, even as he drew his first breath. As he grew, it became clear that Malachor was no ordinary child. He possessed an innate ability to manipulate the forces of magic. By age ten, he had already mastered spells that took others a lifetime to learn.

"How did you do that?" a fellow apprentice gasped, watching in awe as Malachor effortlessly conjured flames from thin air.

Malachor merely shrugged, his eyes distant. "I just… feel it. Like it's always been there, waiting for me."

Despite his prodigious talents, Malachor often found himself plagued by dreams—visions of a dark future where he stood alone, his power unmatched but his soul hollow. He would seek out his mother in these moments, hoping for reassurance.

"Power is a burden, my son," she would say, her voice heavy with unspoken fears. "It can uplift or destroy. The choice is yours."

But even as she spoke these words, Malachor could see the doubt in her eyes, as if she feared what her son might one day become.

3. The Rite of Ascendancy

It was only when his coming of age, during the Rite of Ascendancy, that Malachor discovered his true gift: the ability to grant any wish. He could manifest the deepest desires of a person's heart with a single word. Wealth, love, power, immortality—nothing was beyond his reach.

"Imagine the good I could do," Malachor mused to himself, pacing the stone floors of his chamber. "A world without suffering, without want. I could reshape everything."

However, Malachor soon learned that granting wishes was fraught with peril. For every wish granted, there was a price. A man who wished endless wealth found himself alone, his loved ones driven away by greed. A woman who wanted eternal beauty became a statue, admired but forever cold and unfeeling. And a king who wished for absolute power over his enemies found himself ruling a wasteland, his kingdom destroyed by the wars he had incited.

"What have I done?" Malachor whispered, staring at the devastation he had unwittingly caused. "This power... it's a curse, not a blessing."

4. The Transformation

Then, Malachor came to a grim realization: human desire was insatiable, and to grant every wish was to court disaster. He began to see humanity as a plague, driven by selfishness and shortsightedness.

"They never learn," he muttered bitterly, watching from afar as the world spiraled into chaos. "They destroy themselves with their greed and foolishness."

Over time, Malachor grew bitter and cold. He no longer saw himself as a benevolent force but as a necessary evil—a guardian against the folly of mankind. He began to grant wishes in twisted ways, warping the outcomes to teach painful lessons or further his plans.

"You wish for wealth?" he sneered at a merchant who knelt before him, begging for riches. "Then wealth you shall have... and all the misery that comes with it."

His transformation from a hopeful young sorcerer to a ruthless, manipulative villain was complete. Malachor retreated to a hidden fortress deep within the mountains of Arcadia, where he watched the world from afar, waiting for the time when he could shape it according to his vision.

5. A Mother's Warning

As Malachor brooded over his dark plans in his fortress, he often recalled a conversation with his mother. She had come to him one night, her face lined with worry.

"Malachor," she had said, taking his hand in hers, "do not let the darkness within you consume your light. The world needs your power, but your heart needs even more."

But Malachor, consumed by his own bitterness, had pulled away. "The world is a place of suffering, Mother. To save it, I must be stronger than its cruelty."

Her eyes had filled with tears, but she said nothing more, leaving Malachor to his path. Her words echoed in his mind in his darkest moments, a reminder of the humanity he had cast aside.

6. The Farmer's Wish

One day, as he sat in his darkened chamber, a poor farmer named Futrell came before him. The man's clothes were tattered, his face lined with worry.

"Please, Malachor," he begged, his voice cracking with desperation. "My crops are failing, and my family is starving. I wish for a bountiful harvest."

Malachor considered the man's plea, his cold gaze flickering with a hint of malice.

"Very well," he said, his voice a low, resonant whisper. "Your fields will overflow with abundance."

And so, it was. The farmer's land became lush and fertile, yielding more crops than he had ever dreamed possible. But as the harvest grew, so did the greed of those around him.

Neighbors who had once been friends turned envious, their eyes burning with covetous desire. Soon, Futrell's fields became the target of raids and theft. The wealth he had wished for brought him only strife, and in the end, the farmer found himself ruined, his family driven away by the very success he had sought to secure.

"Why... why is this happening?" Futrell cried out in despair, standing before the barren remnants of his once bountiful fields.

Malachor's voice echoed in his mind, cold and detached. "You wished for abundance, and I granted it. But you did not consider the cost. Now you understand the true nature of desire."

7. The Widow's Plea

The next day, a widow named Hytrin, her eyes red with tears, came to Malachor. "My husband was my life," she said, trembling. "I cannot bear to live without him. Please, bring him back to me."

Malachor's gaze was cold as he looked upon her. "Death is a natural part of life," he warned, his tone almost gentle. "Are you certain this is what you desire?"

Ignoring his caution, she insisted, and so Malachor granted her wish. Her husband returned to her, but he was not the man she had loved. He was cold and distant, his soul tainted by the touch of death. The widow lived with a stranger, haunted by the memory of what he once was.

"What have you done?" Hytrin screamed in a voice that echoed only in her mind, for her voice had been taken by Malachor as the price for her wish.

"You wanted him back," Malachor whispered to the wind. "But the dead cannot return unchanged. This is the burden of your desire."

8. The Prince's Demand

Then came a young prince named Bryony, eager to secure his place on the throne. "I wish for my father to abdicate," he demanded, his eyes gleaming with ambition.

Malachor granted the wish, and soon, the king fell into madness, believing his closest advisors were plotting against him. The prince ascended to the throne, but his reign was marked by paranoia and distrust. He saw betrayal in every shadow, his power becoming a curse that drove him to commit terrible acts to secure his position.

"What have I become?" Bryony whispered in the dead of night, his crown feeling like a weight upon his brow, heavier than he had ever imagined.

Malachor's cold and distant voice echoed in the silence. "You wished for power, but power without loyalty is a prison. Now, you are truly alone."

9. A Higher Purpose and a Dark Truth

In Malachor's twisted mind, these acts were not mere cruelty—they were lessons, each one designed to teach the world about the dangers of desire.

"I am not a monster," he told himself, standing alone in his dark fortress. "I am the consequence. The guardian of order in a world teetering on the brink of chaos."

But there was a deeper, darker truth to Malachor's actions. He drew power from the chaos and ensuing suffering whenever he granted a wish. This power was not just magical—it fed his soul, strengthening his resolve, deepening his understanding of the human condition, and further justifying his belief that only he could save the world from itself.

"They will thank me one day," Malachor muttered, his eyes glowing with a dark, unnatural light. "When they realize the truth, they will see I was right. Only I can bring order to this world."

10. The Conflicting Prophecy

As Malachor continued his dark work, whispers began to spread through Arcadis about an ancient prophecy about a sorcerer who would bring about either salvation or destruction. Some believed Malachor to be the savior, while others saw him as the harbinger of doom.

One night, a rival sorcerer, old and weary but still powerful, appeared at Malachor's fortress.

"The prophecy speaks of you, Malachor," the sorcerer said, his voice tinged with fear and respect. "But it is unclear whether you are the one to save us or to destroy us. Which do you choose to be?"

Malachor's eyes narrowed, but for a moment, doubt flickered in his gaze. "I am what the world needs me to be," he replied, though his voice lacked its usual certainty.

The old sorcerer shook his head. "Beware, Malachor. The line between savior and destroyer is thin. And once crossed, it is difficult to return."

With those words, the sorcerer vanished, leaving Malachor to ponder his fate.

11. The Final Confrontation

Years passed, and the world of Arcadis continued to suffer under the weight of Malachor's wishes. The chaos he had wrought brought misery to many but also forged unlikely alliances.

One such alliance was led by a woman named Elys, a former noble whose life had been shattered by one of Malachor's twisted wishes. She had lost everything—her family, her home, her status—and now sought vengeance against the man who had caused her suffering.

Elys and her companions journeyed to Malachor's fortress, braving its dark defenses and the treacherous mountains. When they finally stood before Malachor, she did not beg or plead. Instead, she stared into his eyes with fierce determination.

"I am the result of your power, Malachor," Elys declared. "But I will not be its victim. You have taught us the dangers of desire, but now I teach you the power of resistance."

For the first time in years, Malachor hesitated. Elys's words struck something deep within him—a memory of the young, hopeful sorcerer he had once been and his promise to use his power for good.

But that hesitation quickly faded, replaced by a dark smile. "You are strong, Elys. But strength without power is futile." With a flick of his wrist, he conjured a storm of dark magic, forcing Elys and her companions to their knees.

"You may resist," Malachor continued, his voice cold and commanding, "but you cannot win. This world is mine to shape, and no force can stand against my will."

12. The Villain

Elys, beaten but not broken, looked up at Malachor with defiance. "We may not win today, but we will never stop fighting you. There will always be those who resist."

Malachor's expression darkened. "Then I will teach them all the cost of defiance." He unleashed a final wave of magic, driving Elys and her companions from his fortress, leaving them broken and scattered.

As they fled, Malachor stood at the peak of his fortress, watching the world below. His power was absolute, his control unchallenged. Yet, somewhere deep within him, the flicker of doubt remained—a reminder that even the most powerful can never fully escape the consequences of their actions.

But Malachor silenced that doubt, focusing instead on his vision of the world. In this world, he alone dictated the terms of order and chaos. He would continue his dark work, unrelenting in his belief that only through his power could the world be saved, even if it meant becoming the villain he had once feared.

And so, Malachor remained, a shadow over Arcadis, ever vigilant, powerful, and ruthless. His legacy as a villain was secure, but his story was far from over.

August 09, 2024 22:37

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03:06 Aug 19, 2024

A wonderful backstory for a villain who wanted to do good at the start. But power corrupts. It reminds me of King Midas, who loved gold and wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. He turned his . . . beloved daughter into gold! Oops. I think this prompt is perfect for you! Great writing with a great lesson.


Darvico Ulmeli
06:17 Aug 19, 2024

I am in my element. Thanks for liking the story.


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Belladona Vulpa
11:18 Aug 20, 2024

Desires coming true bring about consequences. "Now you understand the true nature of desire" "The world is a place of suffering, Mother. To save it, I must be stronger than its cruelty." I loved some of the phrases used in the story. Also the contemplation about human nature that is the pattern. Nice origin story, and an interesting choice of structure (also the word limit for such a big story). Some of the motives or logic of the villain are understandable, but then in his hubris, he was also not immune to consequences. I like the visua...


Darvico Ulmeli
12:55 Aug 20, 2024

Thanks for comment. Feedback like yours is always nice to read. I hope you will find some more interesting stories from me.


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Xavier Lavoie
16:09 Aug 17, 2024

Now this! This is the villain origin story I crave! I absolutely love Malachor's character, and despite him being a villain, his motives are difficult to argue with. Every desire has a consequence. That's a lesson that's eons old. On top of that, I adore dark sorcerers as villains. There's something so endearing yet so mysterious about them. Malachor reminds me a lot of my own villain, but the difference is that my villain was molded into a monster, whereas Malachor willingly let the darkness consume him. I always love the stories that le...


Darvico Ulmeli
16:54 Aug 17, 2024

Seams that almost every story I wrote people want more, 😆. Thanks for kind comment. If opportunity presented itself it's possible that I wrote more story about Malachor.


Xavier Lavoie
17:39 Aug 17, 2024

You know that you're a good author if people want more!


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16:31 Aug 14, 2024

Wow there a lot of ground covered here! The format really works and Malachor is a compelling villain. But what next?!? Very cool!


Darvico Ulmeli
16:38 Aug 14, 2024

Glad you like it. I always wanted to write the story about someone so powerful that can make every wish (and I mean - every wish) come true. But if everyone get their wish then chaos is born. And is so fun to look at consequences of "be careful what you wish for". Thanks for comment.


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Mary Bendickson
21:37 Aug 10, 2024

Sounds like a beginning.


Darvico Ulmeli
21:45 Aug 10, 2024

Yes, it sounds like that.


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