As the night blackened as if an ink bottle had spilled. I was shivering .I grumbled and said " Who on earth would want to meet at a place at midnight. I found that the coordinates led to a new place. I had never seen it before. Then the wind blew a flyer on my face that said the Glamrocks I decided to explore more inside as I walked through hallway after hallway but I saw one thing that intrigued me: it was a poster. that had a wolf on it that looked like me but different I was a western wolf this on the poster was a river wolf I heard people entering the room I quickly hid behind some props but the people who entered the room were the Glamrocks and a man behind them and they started to practice.I gasped in awe and I recorded the whole thing then they left. The man who had entered with them heard a rustle then took one sweeping look around the room and then left. I thought" I have to leave this place immediately." I saw an open window and jumped out and ran to my apartment. I was breathless by the time I reached my apartment. I felt as if I had done something illegal because I had infiltrated a band practice which I was not supposed to . A few hours later I got a phone call from an unknown number.I picked it up and said "Hello who is this."The person on the phone said "My name does not matter. I wanted to give you a choice whether you want to join a new band in town. you have two days to decide." Then the call dropped and my blood went ice cold as I knew whose voice that was, it was the man who almost caught me in the building that I snuck into. Now I had a choice to make whether to accept or decline.Then to make up my mind I looked at the video I recorded again and saw something that left me gobsmacked.As the morning came I hadn't got even the tiniest bit of sleep. I was tired as a worn out shoe as I slowly got dressed and left the house. I saw a man following me then as I turned into the alley to finish my graffiti the man put a gag on my mouth.I kicked him backwards and growled.Then the gas took over and I passed out. I found myself in an operating room strapped tight to the table as I heard someone's footsteps I went dead silent and pretended to be out cold then I heard a voice "Just wait here and sight tight Lune soon you won't even recognise yourself after what I will do to you hahahahahahahahahahahahaha." As soon as he left I tried to undo the straps will my claw and I was successful I heard his footsteps again and hid and waited to see his reaction of when he saw that I am long gone but his reaction was most peculiar he said I know your here Lune just come out so we can get this done and over with. I came out and pounced on him pinning him to the ground snarling at him and then I screamed in agony and what I saw was GABRIEL holding a lighting rod I used the last of my strength to know the rod out of his hand and push it into the farthest corner and grasped his neck and said to the man " Let me go or teddy bear is going to die " Then I felt a sudden feel of drowsiness wash over me as I saw a strange gas coming out then I passed out and the teddy bear guy was holding me gently in his arms and asked "Who is she and what is she doing her and what should I do with her."the man said "Put her on the operating table and finally my. consciousness came back and then a voice said "Almost done this last thing won't hurt a bit."Then I woke up in a room I immediately and felt something was off as I walked I saw a mirror and the next sight horrified me I had become a monster then I heard footsteps I saw a knife grabbed it and hid flat against the wall as soon as the door opened I slashed the first person to enter then I saw the teddy bear guy with a giant cut on his arm. Then two seconds later two fox's had a rope and quickly tied me up and threw me onto the sofa as they tried to get closer to me.I growled and snarled. Then I said "So this is what you wanted to turn me into a monster." I shouted. Then it was the teddy bear guy who spoke first. He spoke softly and said " Lune why are you fighting us, we're your friends. " " My real friends have been missing for over a year now. " I snarled "Now I'm a lone wolf now I don't need to count on anyone or get close to anyone. So just let me go. Then the teddy bear said "I'm afraid I can't do that because Lune you said your friends went missing. what if I told you I know where they are." I was so surprised and I desperately asked "Please tell me where they are. I beg of you ." He said "close your eyes and then open them and they will be here ." I closed my eyes and opened them and there was no one else there except the people who had entered the room and tied me up. I cried and laughed Maniacally and said "Is this some kind of sick joke, does my sadness make you laugh." In my anger I broke free from the rope and snarled and growled and pounced on the teddy bear "Now lets see how you all like when someone makes a sick joke of the people you love then." I saw it. I saw something I thought I'd never see again. It was A little bracelet with a little orange gem and the others had the same bracelets with different coloured gems. Then I backed away and said "Where did you get that gem? Did you steal it ." "No I didn't you give it to me" he said "LIAR I gave that to Gabriel not you." "But I am Gabriel." he said.I lost my self consciousness. I was blood thirsty for revenge. I leaped but was quickly tied in thick metal chains. By the two sneaky fox's. Then everyone except one person left the room. The teddy bear guy stayed and said " I know this must be hard to start trusting me and the others but inside you're still you no matter what but I just want you to know I trust you."Then he untied my chains and was about to leave but I asked "could you maybe stay here for a bit."
" ok I will " he said and we started talking and then I asked him what's your name he said " I'm not really sure it used to be Gabriel but then this happened. " he pointed at himself "now I don't have a name. "Hey, I have a name for you, how about Freddy. " I said "Freddy, huh, I like it ." He said as the night flew by Freddy kept cracking me up with his wacko sense of humour.As morning came I could hear people about to enter the room and I quickly tied myself back up so the others wouldn't notice as the room filled up once more I pretended to just wake up slowly the alligator person approached me and as he got closer I licked my lips and snapped my jaws he leapt back in fright I tilted my head backwards and started laughing as I had recorded everything.Then Freddy approached me and untied me. Then the fox said "are you mad why did you untie her." "Because she is my friend and maybe if you get to know her she could be your friend again too." Freddy said Then as they all came and sat next to me I felt more at home and more comfortable as we began talking I asked them what they had been up to they each to me there horrific stories of how there manager had captured them and how he led them hear and transformed them and they told me there new names Gabriel became Freddy , Foxy became Fritz , Susie became Chica , Jeremy became Bonnie , Monty became the Montgomery Gator , Celeste became Mangle.
Then Foxy said " What's your name? have you decided your new name yet. " "No, I never gave any thought about it. " I said Then Freddy got an idea, " How about Roxanne wolf but we can call you Roxy for short." "I like that name, " I said. The day of the concert had arrived and I played my heart out. People loved us. After a we finished the concert and our manager was guiding everyone to buy our album and to the gift shop.I stepped outside for some fresh air and I felt several hands rest on my shoulders and I saw my friends behind me and I said "I am so glad we finally got reunited with each other as we headed inside I felt a chilly breeze brush against my skin. Little did I know soon I would be in some trouble
Soon you will die Freddy fazbear hahahahahahahahaha
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