The Light Within the Stars

Submitted into Contest #39 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt



"As I look up at the stars I wonder where I would be in 5 years from now. Where would I be in life? Would I still be living in this dreadful apartment that feels nothing like a home? Would I still be alone with no one to turn to? I've been on my own for my entire life really. I've been in and out of foster homes since I was a child. I wasn't the best kid, I was rebellious and didn't follow the rules. I was angry at the world, I still am in away. I'll probably still be bound to the chains of this dead-end job that does nothing for me but pay the bills. Flipping burgers in a greasy burger shop is not where I'd like to be my entire life. Working long hours to just make ends meet isn't going to cut it in the long run. I'd much rather be sitting in an office letting my brilliant ideas spill out onto a piece of paper, and creating masterpieces for book lovers to enjoy. That's my dream, my goal in life. I want to become an award-winning writer, but with the cards, I was unfortunately dealt that will never happen. But dreaming about it is not going to pay the stack of bills sitting on the kitchen counter. " As I read my journal entry from almost 5 years ago, tears cloud my vision. Oh how so much changed, and it all started with her. When I met her all the darkness turned to light, in a matter of time I had will in my body to change the things I hated about my life. I began to write again, I hadn't written anything in so long but somehow the pen drifted so swiftly on the paper with new bold ideas, as if I had never stopped in the first place. I wrote about her, I wrote without an end because everyone needed to hear how amazing this woman truley was. I wrote with passion and fire coming straight from my soul. It felt so good, a joy I hadn't felt in a long time. I wrote about her hair, the way she smells, and even the little things like how the left corner of her mouth would raise a little higher than the right when I made her laugh. I wrote until I couldn't write anymore. But even then there were still so many things to say about her. Little did either one of us know that book would sell over 700,000 copies worldwide. Pretty soon everyone knew my name. I remember the day like it was yesterday when the publisher called my phone with an offer. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her tighter than I ever had before. At that moment my life felt whole. No more void needed to be filled. Everything was okay. All thanks to this woman who pulled me out of the darkness and back into the light. She saw a light in me that no one else could quite see, not even myself. All my life everyone doubted me, but this woman never has. She took my dim light and made it shine brighter than all the stars in the sky combined. She never left, even when the times got tough. Through the wind and the rain, she was there. The storm in our lives has finally cleared and I am finally able to give her the happiness and sunshine she has always deserved. I proposed to her later that week. I spent my life savings on her ring, I bought the most expensive ring in the shop. Even though I knew the price didn't matter to her. She looked so beautiful on our wedding day like an angel sent down from the heavens. When she said " I do" tears welled in my eyes. At that moment everything we had been through felt worth it. All the fights, all the long restless nights. Everything was worth it. As I thought there was nothing else this woman could possibly give me, she blessed me with a little girl. When the little blue test read "Pregnant" I knew my life would never be the same. A mix of emotions ran through me all at once. I was scared, excited, and nervous about the future. My stomach dropped to my feet when strings of pink confetti burst from the black balloon. We're having a girl. I dropped to my knees and cried tears of pure bliss. The next 5 months were rocky, but it was all worth it when I held her for the first time. My world was complete. I had everything I could ever want, my dream job, a loving wife, and a healthy newborn baby. We named her "Grace". I insisted on that name because she was a spitting image of her mother. The best word to describe her was graceful. I was able to afford a new car for her and I and a beautiful house I once could only dream about. Everything I once craved was finally mine. The hunger in my stomach to be great was finally satisfied. Five years ago I never would have imagined that this would one day be my life. I never thought I would find someone willing to do all the things my wife has done for me. Or that I would be someone's hero because that is exactly what I am in my daughter's eyes. Two years after the birth of my daughter, yet again another test read positive. Except for this time the confetti was not pink but blue. I thought my life was already complete but I was wrong. The day my son looked into my eyes was the day everything felt right. All the pieces to my puzzle fit together perfectly, no more gaps. Now I sit on my balcony, with my son and daughter in my arms and my wife by my side I look up at the stars. I did it.

April 28, 2020 23:02

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Laurentz Baker
11:29 May 03, 2020

Good read, Nicole. It was a better read after I broke it into paragraphs. It's descriptive with a nice flow.


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Sydthecrybaby .
21:11 May 06, 2020

Good work, Nicole. The story was so sweet and I loved the ending. I do feel the pacing could have been a little better, but all in all this was a solid story. :)


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