Holiday Horror

   "Hey Dan?" Nicolas calls out for his coworker, "Mmm?" comes his reply. "Are you sure this prank is going to fool our coworkers?" Silence. "Dan!?" Nicolas calls out louder. Silence. Nick goes around the warehouse looking for his coworker, but finds nothing. He hears a loud banging coming from behind him in the office area. He thinks for a few seconds before deciding to go investigate all the ruckus. As he enters the office quarters of the dusty warehouse he sees a strange set of footprints leading to his coworkers desk. 

"D-Dan?" Nick calls out not sure of what might answer him. 

Eerie music starts playing at this point Nick believes the warehouse is haunted and whatever was in the office had gotten his coworker. Nick cautiously walks towards the desk before getting a great scare from the one and only Dan. 

     Dan's rolling on the floor laughing while Nicolas is frowning down at his friend. Dan gasps for air before screaming out "April Fools!" Nick finally lets the joke sink in grunting while rolling his big brown eyes, "You're so childish" he remarks. "We are going to pull a bigger prank on everyone else, So your just as childish as me." Dan reminds him, wiggling his bushy eyebrows. Nicolas shrugs. "Do we have everything we need to set the prank in motion?" He asks. "Not yet, we have to send out the invitations." "Done." Nick says after looking down then right back up from his phone." "Did you make sure it was sent as a 'no sender ID?'" Nick nods twice, "Do you really think I'm an armature?" Dan shrugs then bursts out laughing, "The look on everyone's faces when we drop that huge crate is going to be priceless!" Dan shouts out into the emptiness. 

     Nick and Dan set up at the warehouse before their other coworkers begin showing up for the so-called party. A few hours later their first unexpecting guest shows up, Dan had filled the crate with little plastic spiders before Nick hauled the crate into the air on the pulley system. Mia arrives at the door of the warehouse and just stands there. She was expecting a little more pizzazz. Raising her eyebrows and Looking down to her phone making sure she got the warehouse number correct she sighs and steps forward. Dan nods towards Nick's direction signaling that it was okay to drop the crate. Nick smiles smugly before releasing the pulley rope. What Dan and Nick didn't see was Mia stepping further into the 'party' room. The crate falls at a fast speed before landing directly on top of Mia, A loud shriek comes from down below and Nick's eyes widen. The crate spills large black spiders that are most definitely not fake, they run this way and that making their way under the crate back into the darkness. 

     By the time the rest of the party had arrived, there was a large puddle of crimson red blood spilling out from under the crate, spiders still wandering all over the warehouse. Nick and Dan had wanted to leave the scene as is and pretend that they were invited to their own party, but Dan of course had to state the obvious. "There are cameras all over the warehouse, Man we are going to get caught." Nick brushed the incident off and Welcomed the rest of the party, β€œWelcome to the April 1st Party!” Reggie looks at the crate and points out, β€œIt's not Halloween though what's the creepy crate doing?” Dan stepped in and rolled his eyes for effect. β€œIt's April fools man, It's supposed to be a joke.” Reggie isn't so sure so he walks over to the crate and attempts to lift it up, getting interrupted by Nicolas. β€œWhoa Dude! The crate stays on the floor until after the party and everyone is gone.” β€œI just want to see what the blood is supposed to be.” Reggie says curiously. Nick stares at the blood puddle and scratches his head, β€œIt's that fake blood candy you get on Halloween. Dan and I had mixed in salt to make it taste realistic.” 

A few hours pass and everyone is having a good time, Dan and Nick made sure to set up and pull off smaller April Fools pranks. When everyone leaves Dan and Nick stand next to the crate and shoot ideas back and forth. β€œMaybe we could cut the crate in half...  Making sure to get the body..?” β€œChop it up to pieces, I see where you're going with this.” Nick says. β€œWe could light the whole warehouse on fire, get rid of ALL evidence.” Nick says. Dan nods slowly, β€œBut then we would have nowhere to work.” Nick shrugs, β€œI'm out of Ideas.” Nick walks around to the other side of the crate, β€œhelp me lift this thing up.” he says. Dan grabs one side of the crate and Nick grabs the other, huffing and puffing they finally get the crate off of the poor girl. She's in a weird position and flat, very, very, flat. Gagging both men lift her up, β€œShe stinks.” Dan remarks, β€œNo, Really?” Nicks questions sarcastically. 

After both men dispose of all the evidence, Reggie comes out from behind the tall post that holds up the loft area of the warehouse and confronts them. β€œWas that Mia under the crate..?” β€œEr, I-... No?” Nick responds. β€œMmhm” Reggie raises an eyebrow. Dan looks back and forth between Reggie and Nick, β€œIt was all Nick’s idea. I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't made me.” Nick glares at Dan, β€œIt was your idea. You made me drop the crate. YOU should have been watching to make sure Mia wasn't getting under it.” Weeks go by, Nicolas and Dan are both in Jail on a life sentence. The company was sued by Mia’s parents. April Fools has been banned from the company, no one ever talks about the incident with Mia. Dan and Nick’s parents visit them every so often. I could say they are very disappointed in their Sons. All in all Nick and Dan are still playing pranks on all their cell mates. Looks like they didn't learn anything from their mistakes.

March 31, 2021 19:52

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