
I heard a loud beep before I closed my eyes.

Everything was dark, until a light at its full brightness appeared, almost blinding my sight. I covered my eyes slightly, assuming that my hands were enough to block its radiance, but it seems too much to handle.

I found myself walking in a place new, with persons hugging each other as if they have longed for each other for years. Some were crying, shouting for joy, and some were jumping. Everybody was happy.

“Here’s the way, Ma’am. Follow me.” A lady in a white uniform escorted me towards a room which is unusual. It looks like an airport, but the thing is, there is only one location for flights.

“Where am I?” I asked. The lady smiled at me and said, your baggage is already delivered in your room. Here is your door key, and please do not enjoy your stay here. As much as possible, leave all unnecessary things to be able to take one of the flights immediately. We must make room for new visitors daily, and to avoid overcrowding, again, please do not enjoy your stay.

I never booked for a flight. I am not fond of adventure, I do not like to travel, and I am sick of planes. It has been a wonder why I have been here in the first place.

“Hi!” A man leaving out of his room greeted me with a full smile on his face, as I open my door. “I’m sorry if I frightened you, I just moved in and I really wanted to make friends.”

“Why are you here?” I asked out of the blue. It just sounds so ironic to ask someone a question you do not even know the answer yourself.

“The lady in uniform told me that the plane I was driving crashed, and that I cannot live this place until I had been held accountable for what I accidentally did.” He said. I did not ask further since his attire speaks enough of his profession.

“How about you?” He asked me. Honestly, the last thing I remembered was that there was a loud beep before everything happened, and now I was here. But I do not have a single idea, on why.

“I was just visiting.” I replied.


“Hi, excuse me. We have to accomplish you papers before your flight.” The lady in uniform entered our conversation and headed me towards my room.

“I better go, see you around.” The man then left.

The lady in uniform called me to sit in front of the dining table. She presented papers that requires my complete consent, and everything that needs to be read and understood before fully giving permission.

“Why am I being required to do this?” I asked.

“You left your physical body in a state where you are fully unaware. You are trying to catch your son who was running away from your home. While crossing the pedestrian, you encountered an accident. A man who was driving did not notice the red light and you were both rushed to the hospital. Your son is also in the hospital fighting for his life for overdosing his body with medicines after being depressed from blaming his self for your death.”

“Death? Who said that I am dead? I was not dead, I was just visi-” I was cut by my own thoughts when everything that has happened played instantly in my mind, as if I were watching a movie on its climax.

I am dead, and waiting for my flight above, unsure when will I be able to book a ticket.

Therefore, everyone who was here was waiting for their own perfect time for booking a flight. We all are waiting.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were dead?” I have not noticed that I have reached the middle of the airport, and found the pilot sitting on one of its benches.

“I was not dead. Do I look like dead to you?” He answered me with a full smile on his face.

I sat beside him and let out a deep sigh.

“Look, my physical body was the one which died. Look, I am alive and kicking. I was just waiting for my next flight.” He spoke again.

“After being able to book a ticket for a flight to that place, I will apply as a pilot again. You should not stop living just because some things ended. Living does not end when some things end. In fact, I am just headed towards starting a longer and probably safer journey.” I looked at him as he says those words.

“Why did your plane crash?” I asked out of curiosity.

“It did not crash solely because of me. Terrorists hijacked our plane and a bomb exploded. I lost control of the plane, and the only thing I was able to do was to make it land on the sea, at least softer than the land. I was not able to save everyone, but the lady in uniform said that I was able to save at least some. That thought makes me happy that somehow, at the very least, I have managed to prevent those terrorists from killing everyone in the plane.”

“You know what? I envy you. I do not know why I must wait in this unusual airport, hotel, or whatsoever. But you? You are aware on why you must wait. That the things you left, and the case involved on your accident must be in order before you book for your flight. After things go well, you’ll be able to book a flight and soon be a pilot again.”

It’s because it’s the only thing that makes me want to wait. It would make me happy before I leave this place, to know that justice has been served for all my passengers and attendants, even though I am not saved. I am holding on to that thing. I would wait for that happiness brought by justice served.”

“Excuse me, have you seen my father?” A girl whose age was probably about seven was lost in this place, finding his father.

“I am sorry but we both just came, and we don’t really know where to see your father. If you want, we can ask the ladies in uniform to help you find him.”

“I’m sorry, I was just really excited to show him that I can already run and play, that he does not have to work in a lot of jobs anymore. It was surreal. I was just in the hospital earlier, and the doctors probably did well because I was now strong. Thank you, Ma’am! Thank you, Sir. I think I would just wait on the bench next to your seat.” The girl ran towards the next bench and sat.

“She does not have any idea yet.” I said.

“But she was happy.” He replied.

“Dad!” The girl shouted which gained attention among the people.

The man, who was presumably his father, was crying. What surprised me was when he accidentally caught my eye and walked in front of me.

“I am sorry for hitting you earlier. It was an accident. I was rushing to the hospital after hearing that my daughter’s heartbeat started declining, and I failed to see that the traffic lights were red. I was really sorry.” I do not know what to say as the man who gave me death came upon me asking for an apology. But I also cannot feel any anger, as I cannot help but be happy that his daughter was now enjoying her life. It was sad for the two of us, but still, I cannot feel anger.

“I will be fine.” Those were the only words that I was able to say. They left, and I was shocked to see that they were not given any door keys or what, but they were given their tickets and a boarding pass. They are headed directly to their flight.

“Wow. They were only waiting for each other.” The pilot said.

“Mom?” I was stunned upon hearing my son’s voice. He does not deserve to be here yet.

I immediately ran towards him and hugged him. “You can’t be here!” I cried as my eighteen-year-old son cried like a five-year-old kid wanting his mom beside him in school.

“I’m sorry mom, I really am. Please forgive me, mom.”

“I never blamed you, son. Please leave this place, and live. I love you, son. I always did. I am sorry for not being perfect, but I always have loved you.” I hugged him for the last time and headed him towards the exit beside the entrance way. “Please leave, and live. I love you.”

I watch him slowly turn his back and fade into the light. The light’s radiance seem to be extra, not decreasing its brightness for once.

“Here’s your ticket, and your boarding pass. Have a safe trip.” The lady in uniform approached me as I go back to my seat earlier.

“Isn’t it too soon?” I asked out of surprise, but she just smiled.

“So, you were just waiting for your son.” I have not noticed that the pilot was already standing beside me, showing his smile once again. “So, I guess, we’ll see each other after I achieve my own ticket some other time. It was great spending time with you. Goodbyes are for those who might not see each other again. I am sure that I would be seeing you again, so, ‘till we meet again.”

I entered my plane. It was my first time riding a plane, and for the first time I cannot feel any fear.

I am now ready. 

July 11, 2020 03:48

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