Zoe’s zombie love life

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Drama Funny Romance

Hi I'm Zoe If you came here thinking this was a teenage love story you are mistaken, if you thought this was some walking dead type of story you're wrong. This is my story, a story of how life as a 16 year old teenager got 10 times harder because not only did my whole world end but my normal relationship with a cute tall football playing boyfriend turned undead that's right I have an undead boyfriend. You heard me right UNDEAD "as in not living" as in eat your brains, slow talking ,craving meat, Which gave me the I must keep my distance type of stress.

 So let's ask the obvious questions first, how did my world get turned upside down, and when did my boyfriend start eating uncooked cows for dinner and our Math professor, 

well it all started last Fall. It was the hottest Autumnal Equinox, our town had in a long time. Record temperatures, it shot up into the 90s to be exact, 

    I was getting ready to go shopping with my girlfriends for homecoming dresses, 

 Emmett my boyfriend was preparing for the biggest football game of the year against the Wolves. 

Being a defense linebacker was hard any day of the year, the pressure was even more on during homecoming, you see our school Om-Ridge-prep and are mascot the mighty eagle or as we like to call ourselves, The Mighty eagles haven't lost a homecoming game in 30 years so the pressure was on for the whole football team not to lose.

 Emmett and the rest of the team were doing these crazy things leading up to the game like having three raw eggs every morning like Rocky and getting up at 5 AM every day to go for A mile run to school instead of driving,

It wasn't until 2 days before game day to the day, on that practice day he hadn't texted me or my mom until after 8pm which was so rude and he also was wearing the same socks four days in a row,

talk about gross but Emmett loved football and was going to be seen hopefully by College recruits this year so I understood and supported him, but I couldn't wait until the homecoming game was over.

The sun was shining brightly overhead as Emmett ran over to where i was sitting. 

Hey babe he smiled at me and bent and kissed me. I had my art books out and my pencils fell. I smiled as he pulled away. His eye was for some reason twitching around the side of his face.

Are you ok sweetie"? I asked. He nodded.

Yeah just some pregame anxiety, wanna come to my place after practice? He spoke. Wish me luck.

Good luck babe I definitely will", I spoke. He leaned over and kissed me again on the cheek and went out to the field putting on his helmet.

Forty two, red seven, red seven. The quarter back said, "hike", he got the ball and went to throw it. He threw it out to Emmett who caught and fell fumbling the ball. 

"Look Alive,"? said the coach. "Hey what's wrong Emmett"?

Emmett was starting to cough hard.

"Time", said the coach walking over. The wind blew through Emmett's hair, he took a hard breath.

"I just need a drink", he spoke. One second and I'll be back on the pitch".

Alright time out get a drink we will resume in fifteen",

What's going on"? I spoke. He walked past me and Instinctively I followed him out down to the lockers, he was shaking and coughing some more. 

He kept coughing as we got down there. Oh my god I thought. I didn't know what was wrong as I watched him,

He started to cough up blood and spit it into the sink, he sighed and ran some of the water over his hands and splashed it on his face.

"Oh my god", He spoke looking down at the blood.

"I'm fine", he snapped harshly completely by surprise and Unlike Emmett.

"Ok babe relax, I love you", he nodded and sat down on the bench. I will admit I was seriously concerned for his safety and well being but I let it go.

I went to sit on the bleachers and waited. I waited when I should of been down in the lockers supporting him. What happened next was not my fault at all. I finally decided he wasn't coming back I went back to the lockers. 

"Babe are you ok"? I asked. "Oh my god". He was standing over professor Drakes body from math class, eating him, I went to a stall and threw up. I just pictured over and over him biting into his flesh and looking up at me with those crazed eyes.

"Oh my god babe what have I done"? He spoke. I came back out and looked at him the same young man I knew but now covered in blood.

The gag reflex kicked back in but I stopped myself taking a breath and backing up. Then he Lunged at me pinning me to the wall with this crazed look on his eyes. 

Babe it's me. Emmett love", he looked at me with the eyes of a wolf or something. His eyes glossed over and the smell of sweat and the blood from his latest victim was on his breath. I slapped him. He snapped out of it and backed up. 

Oh my god", I lost control", what have I done"?

"It's ok but you just killed someone, let's just uh, here there's um, no well maybe if we"?

 I didn't know what to do, what the hell should I do he just killed someone but by and large I started weighing my options.

Why would you do that"? I asked him finally. He looked at me and with the dumbest answer he spoke, I don't remember why or what happened. It was this pulsing desire to see his blood run free and to taste every flavor to smell every smell", he smelled the air. 

"Ok stop, Maybe it was all those eggs you have been eating like a mad man lately"?

He gave me a look which I knew said "really"?

"Ok well let's just get him out of here". Thank god you brought your car today",

With a lot of gruesome action and a lot of movement (and my back still hurts) we managed to clean that up. Now the question was what was best to happen next. I sprayed as much of the blood as I could up off the floor thankful it was mostly in the shower area and I watched it go down the drain. I told the coach that he had a bad bleed and I was rushing him home. I don't know what kind of coach doesn't come to check or anything but he like the arrogant dick he is just nodded and let us go.

What am I gonna do he spoke driving. We came up to a stop light and he turned to me. "I can't go back to school",

We're not going to do anything except dump this body, then go home and start figuring out what this is ok, relax" I spoke clearly moving my hands down. I rubbed his arm and he smiled at me and said "stop", he moved my arm away. 

I wanted To comfort him so he'd hear me and feel safe. I was shaking hard. I wanted him to feel comfort in knowing that maybe i had a slight clue as to what to do, honestly what should we do?

"Babe I'm fucked", he spoke. We had been sitting in the car for twenty minutes staring out to the riverbend. we dump it here it might come back and wash up somewhere south. He heard the foghorn of a passing ferry. That's what I get for living near a water way that was big and vast and covered more than one city. This water that went all the way down to the Mississippi, the Minnesota river we were after all in small-town, Minnesota USA.

"Ok so I'll call my mom", I went for my phone. 

"Are you nuts"? He spoke. 

"No I'm not, trust me you know my mom, she will be here in an instant to help us out. That sounds, Wow that's terrible", I turned to him and spoke, she hypothetically called you a murderer anyway and talked a while back. She said if something like this ever happens to call her and she'll make it disappear",

He sighed and lit a smoke he had on him and nodded.

"When I told you that I was joking", she said on the other line of the phone. Emmett raises an arm up as if to say I told you so and I smacked his hand. I shook my head moving to the other side of the dock. Look mom it just sort of happened. One moment we're all fine and good and the next he is having a violent orgasmic experience with the teacher and there was so much blood please I love him. We cleaned it up and lied and said the rest of it was from Emmett", 

Wow amateur hour, ok what's it gonna be when that teacher shows up missing genius"? She spoke. let's just get this over with, I'm on my way".

With a few hours to kill we successfully clean up and make it disappear with a promise to keep silent, my mom went to the practice ducked in and using bleach and peroxide to clean the locker room. Yeah I forgot to mention we're very connected in to the whole school my family.

The next morning Emmett violently lunges at me again,

What is that I spoke,

You have to stay away from me he spoke. He moved away from me onto the other side of the room I was on the side with the door.

"your gonna just stay in here aren't you, rest of your life"? I spoke. Is there any indication as to what you want"?

I just want to EATT"! His eyes got big and he moved his face forward then snapped out of it. "What am I gonna do"?

I remember that day grabbing out Raw meat from the freezer defrost and handed it to him on a plate I got ready for school, while he ate.

"That good"? I asked. He nodded. "It wasn't quite what I had in mind but it works the urge is gone".

your going to need to eat probably some time during the day today. Any ideas"? No ok I'm gonna drive us over to Claiborne's his dad keeps meat for the winter". You will have to find somewhere to defrost it and eat it safely though which poses a improbable problem". 

"That's a stupid plan "indeed".

Shut up I said smacking his arm. I moved toward him to kiss.

No don't touch me he said he felt the urge come back and stepped back toward the door. BRAINS. He snapped out of it and I backed up. 

"Ugh come on" I spoke. I punched my bag off the table on to the floor.

We finally decided we would see how the day went. Thankfully mom took the day off and at lunch took Emmett in back and fed him some raw meat she had 

 back to classes as usual. We didn't hold hands or touch, at practice he smiled to me while I sat and looked from my bench seat. I felt sad. A new world deep seated in the horror and I really hadn't given myself much time to process over any of this or touch him. I watched him play. 

He was focused, I wondered maybe would that be enough to keep the urge he had under control, I had used my study break as a time to do some research and came to zombie since there were some reports in Minneapolis. As long as he stayed fed maybe we would be ok.

Emmett tackled a fellow player and won the game for their side. He smiled and his buddies were cheering. 

Babe I did it" he yelled excited. He came over and picked me up into his arms holding me then brought me down and we kissed like we hadn't kissed since we first met. I smiled but let go.

'Good', I thought 'we'll beat the wolves at the big game'

"I feel great",he said on the ride home. Like I have this energy and tomorrow is going to be perfect.

"In the bag". I said repeating him and we kissed again. I felt the warmth of him against me and I was happy.

That night he slept well. I kept worrying about the game. I was hoping maybe he would be ok and we get through it.l then find a doctor. I was reading.

"Ahh ahh", he woke up screaming. He was breathing hard. His chest was pounding and he looked up at me.

 just a bad dream love" Go back to sleep I'm here. I said trying to be reassuring.

we want to welcome the mighty eagles going out to the field they have always won the homecoming game for the past 30 years from om Ridge high. The Crowd roared with applause and booing from the Wolves side of the stadium. 

People started chanting different players names it really felt like the biggest game of the year. I was shaking, I wondered what was gonna happen today I hoped that we would win again to keep up with the history of the team.

"There goes Emmett," said my mom. The players all ran onto the field. Clouds were starting to form above in the sky. It was getting dark and gloomy despite the light posts and the sound of the cheerleaders chanting their exhausting but enthusiastic "let's go eagles, bum bum ba ba ba",

Emmett lined up ready. Ten, twenty two, five, nineteen, hut hut hike", yelled the quarterback. Emmett had someone get in his way as he was about to catch the ball and tackled him to the ground. 

"First down", came loudly from the speakers.

"Ooh", came the sound of the crowd as he was thrown across. He stood up and they started the play over. 

"Looking at you sparky get in the game said a fellow player to Emmett. He flipped him off as they went to realign. Emmett stared watching the quarterback with intensity.

"Hut, hut, hike". Said the quarterback for the wolves, the quarterback threw the ball to another on the team and Emmett Ran and Tackled, Just as he caught the ball.

"What are you doing Webber"? Yelled the coach. Emmett looked at the player who was now bleeding from his nose. He smelled the sweet smell of blood. But he shook it off and smiled. "I'm sorry guys", said Emmett. Let's get to the game I'm really sorry".

"Another play like that and your off Emmett", said the coach. 

Yes sir. The whistle blew and the game continued. 

Is he going to be ok"? Asked my mom. Maybe I should tell him to sit down for a bit and feed him"? I am after all a Ref.

"No mom I don't want to coddle him he's ok"?

That other players off the field. Said my mom. They were indeed transitioning out the quarterback. I watched in horror as I realized he was bleeding. 

"Oh no stop the game". I stood up. 

My heart was beating as I watched the player throw the ball in slow motion across the field. Emmetts heart was pounding and my nerves were going crazy as I moved to the front of the bleachers watching the ball fly in the air.

It met Emmetts hand as he moved forward 

I yelled woooooo,Watching him run back side stepping a wolve player and jumping to throw the ball as he was tackled down. The ball flew into the air and was caught by Daniel a fellow eagle who quickly got out of the way of two other wolves and took it down the field for the touchdown.. 

"Yeah", he yelled. Emmett fist bumped the air and they went back to form. The game went on and I sat happily on the bleachers until the last round of the game.

Points are 10 to 7 folks. Eagles win this that'll be thirty years in the making" came the speakers.

The final play was made the ball was thrown out and passed among the wolves team. With fifteen seconds on the clock Emmett ran after him down the field. Then he started running faster and just as he threw the ball to another player he got in the way and caught the ball. 

"Go", yelled his team. He ran fast quick out of the way of a player on his left. Then someone came on his right and jumped on him. He picked him up and threw him off as he ran and made the touchdown.

The final score was twelve to seven. We had won. I was so proud. Emmett was congratulated. He smiled coming back, 

That's great babe I am so proud of you. I hugged him. He smiled then said. "I don't think their is another way and I don't think I'm turning back, downtown there are a bunch of people turning",

"So what does that mean"? I asked. We have to be apart forever , I want to be with you"? 

"My thought exactly I love you and I want to be with you forever".

“Me to but what do we do", he sighed grabbed my neck and bit me. I felt his bite like ice in my veins as I saw bright lights. Ahhh I said but he held his hand over my mouth. Felt pain as my eyes closed softly.

September 25, 2020 06:42

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Charles Stucker
09:38 Sep 25, 2020

"This is my story, a story of how life as a 16 year old teenager got 10 times harder because not only did my whole world end but my normal relationship with a cute tall football playing boyfriend turned undead that's right I have an undead boyfriend." You can retain the angst-ridden, self-centered teen-voice and still use proper grammar. "So let's ask the obvious questions first, how did my world get turned upside down, and when did my boyfriend start eating uncooked cows for dinner and our Math professor,  well it all started last Fall...


Jacob97 Hoskin31
03:28 Sep 26, 2020

Thanks I went back and tried to clean it up. I know about that type of grammar. I just haven’t written in a long time. I am trying to get a better feel for writing actually and that’s why I entered this contest, thanks for the feedback. the ending stumped the heck out of me on what I should of ended with. Especially in a 3000 word story.


Charles Stucker
06:43 Sep 26, 2020

It's a lot more readable now. You missed a few paragraphs which started with speaking, but the rest are generally spot on. Getting the ending right can be tricky, regardless of word limits. A lot of pro markets want under 1500 words- because modern readers want their short tales VERY short. Next time you post something, work to be sure the quotations are right, then we can go to the next thing- commas, a nightmare wrapped in a horror story, and... Truthfully a couple of rules handle most issues with commas. Get them down and let the ...


Jacob97 Hoskin31
10:40 Sep 27, 2020

Thank you, I hope the manuscript goes well, I enjoy your writing. I am working on a new idea now for this next submission. I don’t know what really I should write so thought I’d keep it simple. Someone is arrested which calls back to what’s been going on in the world sadly. I hope it plays out well. Maybe I’ll do something else not sure yet.


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Jacob97 Hoskin31
03:31 Sep 26, 2020

I absolutely love your writing. Cold comfort was amazing. I’ve read a lot of stories and it’s one of my most favorite.


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Jacob97 Hoskin31
09:22 Sep 25, 2020

I really enjoyed writing this even though, I haven’t really written to many short stories actually I’ve written one now. It was a bit of a experience. I loved the idea that she gets bit and that’s all we see.


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