Rain dew for the Soul

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt

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I always liked the serenity that rain drops falling on my window brought. A warm sense of peace over comes my body realizing I don't have to go to work today. I turn on the television and listen to the news as I brush my teeth and wash my face. I look in the mirror and look at myself loving how my face is glowing. In my head I plan my day excited over the many possibilities. The first thing I am going to do is meditate, it clears my mind and I envision the activities I want to do for the day. The mind can get cloudy and convoluted with stress and worry, I need to quiet it down. Mediation allow Gods presence and his word to enter into my being. After meditation, I begin to detox my bedroom from any mail and overflowing garbage can to going through old photos of my daughter in her childhood. I drink a cup of coffee light and sweet. Enjoying the solitude of my innate thoughts and imagining a better tomorrow that will feed my soul. Remebering how the rain reminds me to slow down, regroup and reevaluate. It also washes away any hurt and does a spiritual cleanse of the mind and soul. As the afternoon begins to approach I receive a phone call from my husband. He is telling me that he is going home early to get in bed and snuggle with me because it's raining. Excited by the idea I run to the kitchen and spring open the refrigerator to see what I can make for lunch. Maybe we can watch a movie or his favorite Television show. Maybe we will talk about the start of our business or maybe nothing in particular at all. Lunch is almost ready I made us tunafish with crackers and coconut flavored water. My husband always likes a lot of mayo so I make sure to be generous. Eagerly awaiting his arrival I give him a big kiss as he enters through the front door. Boy did I miss his presence. He talks so fast about his day at work and how all he is looking forward to is cuddling with me and watching the rain. Moments after laying down I watch my husband watch the rain. We both are in our own worlds silent yet loud as we lay next to one another. I watch his eyes and try to count how many times he blinks his eyes. I also try to guess what is exactly on his mind from his facial expression. He is looking intently at the rain coming down on the grass, the fence and window pane. Dozens of scenerios run through my mind as to what is on his and I forgot to press play for the movie. My husband loves movies he always said if a movie is good you don't have to ask questions the movie will speak for itself. My husband diverts his attention now towards the TV where the movie just begun. he is chewing away on the tuna fish and crackers and quickly gulps down the coconut water. He eats as if he didn't eat all day. And I'm just glad he ate it with no worries. Not that interested in the movie I watch him watch the movie as I put my head on his chest, but before i knew it I dozed off. I think I truly enjoy having my head lay on my husbands chest. The warmth of his skin on mine, the perfect spot on his chest for my head. The way our bodies feel together made a way for a comfort zone I am already familiar with. I awoke to my husband saying you always fall asleep on a movie, well is all I could think to say as I began to rub my eyes . I had glanced at the clock that said 4:00pm boy had the time fly. My husband was asleep as well I slowly moved out of the hoping not to wake my husband and went to walk around the house. Just looking around I noticed from the window that the sun looked like it was trying to come out. I looked again and the rain had stopped completely but the ground, grass, trees and my car in the driveway were all wet. There were tiny little raindrops all over car , they looked so neat and perfect like God himself placed each one personally. All the raindrops appeared to have the same exact size and shape. Looking out my front door I saw to the west the sun was truly trying to break free from from the clouds and I even saw a half of a rainbow. It was so beautiful and quickly turned and got my cell phone so I could take a picture of this sight. upon my return with my phone I snapped three pictures excited and thrilled the scene was what I hoped for before it changed. My husband awoke and asked me what was I doing. Taking a picture of a rainbow after all this rain we had today was my reply. As the day started to come to a close and the night sky was upon us I think on my rainy day and what a different day it could have been had my husband not come home. Good to know that I have warmth and security in knowing that on a rainy day I can count on my husband to be there for me. I reminisce on how peaceful and rejuvenating it is to set my soul on a rain dew of inner happiness. A rain dew that will put a permanent foot print that is etched in my mind of a quiet time of reflection, rejuvenation and love. A rain dew that constantly reminds me that after the rain I may see a rainbow so perfect that it restores my hope for the storms and the rain of life to be washed away with the clouds. A hope for a better tomorrow infused with a rain dew for the soul.

March 23, 2020 05:53

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1 comment

Paige Leppanen
21:34 Apr 01, 2020

Original name! I think it would attract more readers if it was broken up a bit for readability.


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