Coming of Age

-are you in love or is he just tall and good looking?" Emily said painting her nails cherry blossom pink and then blew over them gently, her curly blonde hair bouncing as she moved forward and then backward to look at them, jade could bet she wasted hours for getting the perfect beach waves which all the stupid girls on Instagram had. but the moment Emily completed her sentence Jade stopped typing on the laptop and glanced at her best friend. the library fell quiet. the books stacked up vertically in the racks and the dust particles having a picnic on them. the hickory racks on the verge of breaking and the half of the lamps in the library, apparently not working. Emily's white see through shirt displayed her Victoria's secret bra clearly even in night and the bottom of the shirt was filled with coffee stains even though whens she utterly detested coffee.

-you nag all day about how people don't support you on the issue of raising pay for library workers and now your library looks like this." jade pointed at the astrology book proudly standing on the chick lit section.

-Ahh" Emily said and swirled her head around to see things begging to be placed in their right positions. "I guess its fine no one ever comes in except you with you laptop to participate in weird international contests hoping to win some cash so you can buy make up." replied Emily sarcastically her fake eyelash coming out from one corner in the left eye.

-at least". jade smacked her lips and winked. she hit the submit button and close her laptop, slipped it in her black leather bag which smelled like summers and vanilla. she wore the bag and put the beret on her head.

-what's the plan for tonight?" Emily asked, as she stood up some of her nail polish on the desk.

-A-lot. I have to do an English assignment its a research on hopeless romantic characters and how people today can relate to it, very excited for that." jade exclaimed sarcastically. "and then i have to check taxes for mom and then..."

-wa...wa...wait! i meant something fun for new year night. perhaps new year special?" Emily flirted.

-nothing like that such.

-not even with your boyfriend." Emily bended her fingers in the air.

-well..." jade took a deep breath thinking. "no." she said and left, Emily's compliment about the beret following her from the edges of the door.

jade felt a sudden shiver in her arms and neck. she glanced at her reflection in a closed stationary shop's glass wall. she corrected her red scarf around her neck, it was a gift for her from her boyfriend. every inch of it made her feel special. her creamy coffee beret matched her long coat, jade abruptly put her hands inside the pockets and posed like a model. she smiled and saw a couple's reflection in the glass which shared a single ice cream cone, they looked so in love. jade took out her cellphone and checked if there was any message but there wasn't. she slipped it in back and walked to her home. the Christmas decoration was still on, gleaming, glowing, sparkling in the moonlit night. the air was strong and fresh creating tiny snowflakes in her lungs, when one of the million snow flaked bloomed, jade thought of surprising her boyfriend. she glanced at her watch, it displayed 10:56 pm. it was late but jade was allowed to be late as long as she was trying to earn some money. she rushed in the direction of her house, trying hard not to slip on the ice melting. she went in to her room after passing her family in the lounge watching news which displayed fireworks from different countries celebrating new year. the news anchor screaming at the top of his lungs telling "viewers your are watching fireworks live from new Zealand, one of the first country to celebrate new year."

jade took out half of her savings and rushed to the nearby mart. she bought a couple of bright colored balloons which said 'happy new year." and two slices of strawberry cake. the mart was filled with customers although it was nearly midnight. it took jade 30 minutes on the counter waiting for her turn. finally when she had paid, she rushed to his boyfriend's house.

-its me, jade.

-oh hello, darling. you must be here for harry, but he is not home." said his mother wearing a green apron and sugar powder on her fingers.

-oh. alright." jade said and turned around disappointed.

-jade, i think he went to the library."

suddenly, a very nasty thought appeared in Jade's mind but she brushed it away. she walked to the library and a slightly slowly pace wondering what was her boyfriend doing at the library. jade walked past the park and saw a few couples sitting on the benches waiting for the fireworks. jade gulped and pushed the library door which was still open. jade's breathing rate increased by 20%. she walked slowly in and saw a black jacket lying on the floor. jade could hear some moaning from one of the aisle, she pulled herself towards it to see and to know on what edge she stood at and there she was, Emily with of the college boys. jade's eyes darted out.

-Jade?" emily asked full of curiosity.

-oh my god! i am so sorry!" jade apologized and rushed out rapidly. her balloons strangling with each other and cake slices smudged completely. she slowed down as she came near to the park and sat down on one of the empty bench. jaded hated how easily she thought her boyfriend was cheating and how could she think that her best friend could go on such extent, it was weird. jade felt melancholy and tired as she still wondered where were all of those people she loved. it was new year's night, she just wished she wasn't so alone.

the clock strike 12 and all the fireworks went out. the shimmer attracting the eyes and the 'boom' sound making people jump in excitement and hopes. the couples kissed and children swirled around. jade sat with a straight face wondering perhaps Emily was right, her stories didn't had the spark, nor her love life. the stories and life was simple. there was no rollercoaster or jumping castles. it was usual, "i am sorry, i cant come i have to take my mom to the hospital, i am sorry, i am tired i had to complete my projects today." it was simple, and its the stupid actors that make us believe in miracles with their absolutely brilliant acting.

jade picked her smudged cake slices box from the bench and stood up, the balloons tied on her wrist following her.

-hey." said a familiar voice. "i was searching for you every where"

there he was, with his addicting smile and silky hair.

-where were you?" jade asked, and passed a smile in the end.

December 30, 2020 12:47

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