American Coming of Age Funny

“Speak now…”


           “It’s just something I say when I go to the shows. ‘Speak now or forever just hold your…’”

           She was just staring at me after that, but I knew that I got to her.

           We had just had dinner at Alfreddy’s when I told her about the show, so it was a good meal…for a little while.

She said that she didn’t even like the music, but I didn’t believe her. I mean, how could I believe that someone could not like music like that? How could anyone say that and mean it? She wanted to see a show, but she never said that she loved the music I played in the car. All the way to the band-shell and she just sat there, staring straight ahead at the strip of road that slowly grew crowded with traffic.

It was an anniversary date (six months now; pretty good, I thought), and I promised her dinner and…a show (not a movie this time; pretty smart). So, I told her first and said, “Should I pick you up at 8?”

She didn’t say anything first. And then, “Fine.” And then she just hung up like that.

Really, she just left me hanging on the phone.

Well, at least we had dinner first. She could not complain about her favourite restaurant (always told me she liked it). And there wasn’t anything new to see at the movies. So…I made sure that we were going to do something special that night. And I was really excited about things.

She didn’t ask for the ticket, but I think she liked the seats (middle section, ten rows back).

She had a beautiful outfit on, one I hadn’t seen before (I think).

In the car, I found a radio station that played one of the musicians we were about to see. It was the bassist playing with an earlier quartet – very dull to hear it now; much better with the line he had tonight – and I explained that he was one of the people she would hear. She did not say a thing.

It got quiet again. What to do, what to do…

Well, I asked her again if she was excited (anniversary and all that).

She said she really didn’t care about the music, didn’t she? Did not believe it at all. 

We got to the parking lot and I found the tickets in the glove compartment, along with the flowers I knew she loved – roses; white and red – and then said, “Happy anniversary, baby!”

At least we kissed for a bit and I knew that no one was around to bust us, even if she did push me away and opened the door for herself (chivalry is a dead animal, I guessed).

We were there a few minutes before it all went down. I could see that they were still setting things up on stage for the group (one guy had the cable running from some speakers into a mixing board behind us – were they recording this one? Never found out).

 She was so quiet when the lights went down.

Couldn’t believe they were here. First time in our town. I almost jumped up and then had to repeat myself one more time: “Speak now, or…”

Still, not a single word out of her…

It was truly one of their best performances. Glorious, hotness and coolness, and then gloriosity (she hates it when I say things like that out loud, so I kept it to myself)! I am only thinking about that now because of what happened later.

Never thought they’d play like that. Not like the records at all. There was a note hit by them that I had never felt before. It was really like the band got possessed by the demon that said they had to play for their lives. I just could not believe it. When I looked back, I could see the same guy with the cable looking just as lost as I was and drifting off into some dream in his head that they all just gave him…and me. Pure gloriousness, there.

And my girl?

She wasn’t saying anything. Like the rest of us, she was quiet. And I guess she didn’t know that he was gonna hit that note. I did. Didn’t say anything to let her know.

And then, silent, like all the rest of us. Not a word.

Like I said, at least we had dinner first because she said she had to use the bathroom as soon as the show was done (restroom, she said). We all filed out after the two hours that passed like it was church or something. Better than church, I think. At least you felt moved.

Took her purse with her. That was strange to me because she was always asking me to hold it when we went out and she would only take out the things she needed. But this time…

No big deal there. But she was down there for a while, so I went down to see what was going on. Could not find her by the doors of the restrooms, but there was nowhere else for her to go if she was down there.

She said that she didn’t like that music.

Total BS…and she proved it.

Why was she talking to the bassist we just heard? I mean, the stage door was on the other side of the bathrooms and she was just there, right by the door to the parking lot talking to him and smiling and then looking at their bus.

Why didn’t she tell me that she wanted to get on their bus for an autograph? I would have understood. Could have followed them if I got a heads up…

I almost called out to her, but she was smiling, so…gloriously and her dress and everything was so nice (her lipstick was redone after our kiss and she had added something gold to her hair-do). And then she stepped outside.

I was right by the doors and wondered and wondered about it all.

A real anniversary and a real discovery.

Some people really don’t know themselves at all; can’t even see what’s right in front of them.

She really did like their music. Just had to give her a chance to prove it.

March 25, 2023 01:01

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Éan Bird
22:17 Apr 12, 2023

An enjoyable read! The mystery of her silence pulled me through. And then the last two lines: “Some people really don’t know themselves at all; can’t even see what’s right in front of them. She really did like their music. Just had to give her a chance to prove it.” SO GOOD!


Kendall Defoe
00:15 Apr 13, 2023

Thank you.


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Michał Przywara
01:55 Mar 30, 2023

Ah, man, the guy's so upbeat, but: "Some people really don’t know themselves at all; can’t even see what’s right in front of them." Right on. Nevertheless, his attitude to things does lighten the story quite a bit, and instead of being sad and heavy we do get some funny moments. I'm wondering if this is a new development in the relationship, or if it's been like that from the start. Either way, an enjoyable read :)


Kendall Defoe
04:41 Mar 30, 2023

Thank you, sir. I think I might have something for the next set of prompts that may surprise my readers... 😁


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Helen A Howard
17:09 Mar 27, 2023

This was a sad story. Felt so sorry for the main character who came across as hurt and bewildered and a bit lost. Had gone to all that trouble too. Either couldn’t see or accept the way things were going. Worth reading. Thank you.


Kendall Defoe
01:20 Apr 29, 2023



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Delbert Griffith
12:43 Mar 25, 2023

Dude! This tale was gloriosity itself. I simultaneously feel sorry for the MC and admire him. He is so lost in this relationship - one that's quite clearly over - but I have a feeling that he will bounce back quickly. Great characterization, Kendall. You put your usual deft touch on this tale, my friend, and the quality shows. Nicely done.


Kendall Defoe
01:20 Apr 29, 2023

Thank you!


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Richard E. Gower
10:50 Mar 27, 2023

Oh, that poor, deluded SOB, always the last one to know.....-:) Marvelously done. 👍 RG


Kendall Defoe
01:20 Apr 29, 2023

Thank you!


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Mary Bendickson
16:32 Mar 25, 2023

We've probably all been there--clueless.


Kendall Defoe
01:20 Apr 29, 2023



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Lily Finch
12:52 Mar 25, 2023

Kendall, this one is an eye-opener for her spouse. The delivery was well done. It sometimes happens to one person in a relationship. The worst in this way is when the other partner can see it without a word between them. Sad but enlightening. LF6.


Kendall Defoe
14:21 Mar 29, 2023

Thank you. I wondered if I got things right.


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