Drama Romance LGBTQ+

I hated my highschool years. Now you will probably say

Well yea a lot of people hated their high school etc...

Well mine, I was the school laughing stock. I was always somewhat different, weird, and outcast. So to sum it up I was a LOSER.

When I was three I had multiple ear infections and ear surgeries so my body was always sensitive to loud noises. I wore large headphones over my ears, I bumped into many many items, and I always stressed out over every little thing.

Now in middle school I had one friend named Kin Mantano. She was literally the coolest person I met. Everyone loved her, she was athletic, pretty, and really kind. I met her when a kid named Johan was bullying me and she saw him, walked up to him and punched him straight in the nose. So yes of course I wanted her to be my best friend.

She was the main reason I survived highschool. She was always happy, helped me, and never joined in on the people spraying nasty words at me. Now the truth is I had developed a crush on here. I mean who wouldn't. Her dark purple hair was always pulled up on test days, her dimples were so visible when she was truly happy, and did I mention her Kimbap was sooooo good I would die for it. I was garbage compared to her. My brunette hair was too short to do anything to it, whenever the bell rang I flinched wanting to cry, my clothes looked like something from the 1980’s, and I was nowhere near brave enough to punch someone or defend someone. Not to mention my wrists would break if I punched someone.

Around sophomore year she became friends with the so called “ popular kids” and we drifted apart leaving me stranded in the dust. I still liked her and I needed her but I couldn’t walk into the lion pit and ask her why. Why she abandoned me for the kids who made fun of everyone. As I walked toward the cafeteria one day I saw her propped up on the lunch table holding hands with Johan. The boy who bullied me everyday until she punched him. I couldn't help it, tears stung my eyes. I turned around and ran down the hallway, out a door and down a ramp to a small, shaded corner. I know you're probably saying well that was dramatic. Why can’t she have a boyfriend? I don’t know I may be selfish but I wanted her, I wanted to hold her hand, kiss her, and hug her. Not a snotty, sweaty jock to do all of that. She deserved better. Heck I don’t deserve her, but I don’t know why she left me for him. 

A hand tapped my shoulder.

I looked up, a girl with black hair and green, green eyes looking down at me over a railing. She was wearing what I would call a bold fashion statement. She was wearing a denim jumpsuit which flared out at the bottom. Sullen zig zags splattered the outfit and her hair was pulled into two black ponytails with a neon green ribbon. Oh and of course she also had cleopatra style eyeliner. She seemed to be talking when I realized I had headphones on.

I whipped them off , “ HUH?” I said like an 80 year old grandpa. “ I SAID WHY ARE YOU IN MY CORNER!” she said acting like im deaf. “Well um, cause I want to ?” I said sheepishly. She swung over the railing as if that was a good enough reason pulled out a juice box and offered me one. “ Sure.” I said grabbing it and greedily slurping it all down. She stared at me then suddenly said, “ You're kinda cute in a 1980s way.” I choked on my apple juice which spurted all over her. Heat rose to my cheeks. “ Well you were before you did that.” she teased. She dragged me to her car and said we were going to the mall. Crap. Oh no,no, no, no, no. I can’t let this cute girl see that I am a total weirdo if she didn’t notice already. It was too late we were already pulling into the parking lot. I buried myself in my hoodie whimpering. “ Yo, just put on your headphones, it's fine. Im here.” She said resting a hand on my shoulder. “ I know you're sensitive to noise but no offense, you need new clothes.” She hopped out of the car leaving me confused. I jumped out and ran to catch up to her. As we walked in people bustled around, laughing, screaming with friends. I just realized we skipped school so why are there still so many people. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a surprisingly cute urban shop. She started whipping stuff off the rack holding them up to me to see if they fit. Sometimes making faces, sometimes nodding approval. A moment later she grabbed my hand and dragged me into a changing room. “ Change in here I will be outside.” When she left I realized how many clothes she piled up. I winced but steadily tried on the clothes somehow falling in love with each item. About 20 minutes later we walked out of the mall with ice cream, many shopping bags, and for the first time since Kin stopped hanging out with me I had a huge goofy grin on my face. “ What's your name by the way:” I asked, realizing I hadn’t asked her yet. She looked over at me, her green eyes standing out, her milk chocolate skin and freckles highlighted in the sun. “ My name as you asked is Charlotte Evans, my fair lady. I was born in Costa Rica and if I talk weirdly it is because I like it.” She said bouncing on her heels grinning like a five year old. She too had dimples but subtle. Yet, cute. She slid her hand into mine which surprised me. I blushed and looked at my feet as we walked. “ Now what's your name.” She asked, poking my cheek with her unoccupied hand. “ Um, my name is Eren Hill.” I said quietly. “ I love that name, and if again I may presume you are canadian I can hear the cute french accent.” She said. AAAAA WHAT IS WITH HER FLIRTING. But I didn’t object. I glanced over to her, slid off my headphones and pecked her cheek. I sprinted to the car and shut the door.

Now 4 years later and I am in my second year of college deciding if I should go to the reunion. I am dating the beautiful Charlotte Evans and I have been the happiest I have ever been. I still am sensitive to noise just not much and now can hang out with my friends and go to parties. On this Saturday we are having a high school reunion. I am scared to be honest. My highschool was not very diverse. I wasn’t embarrassed of my girlfriend, but I didn’t want to be stared at, whispered about. I was sitting in my dorm when Charlotte burst in bending down kissing me on the lips. “ are you still nervous about later.” She said worried. “ I just don’t want to be stared at. I'm not embarrassed about you at all. I love you.” I said quietly. She plopped down and squirmed her way into the chair which I was sitting in. She rested her head on my shoulder. “ I love you too, so that is why we are going there, and show everyone that we are a couple, that you're different, and you know what if they stare at us they can go suck a sock.” She claimed pecking my cheek. “ Now let's go.” She pulled me up grabbing her car keys and pulling me out the dorm door. I fidgeted, worried, and held Charlotte's hand the whole time there. She claimed music helps and started blasting Beyonce claiming she was the queen. We pulled into the parking lot. She looked over at me. “ It doesn’t matter what they think, remember I love you, and it's not like back then you have me, our friends, and your family. Yes, you're different, people who aren’t are just boring. Show that you're different and make your own waves. Just be yourself and don’t be scared. I love you. “ She said and climbed out of the car. We gained hands and walked into the school I hated.

September 28, 2020 19:42

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Meggy House
21:06 Oct 07, 2020

Wow! This was a super sweet story. I'm excited to read more of your works! So, I'm from the critique circle, so here's some critique. At one point you said "I developed a crush on here" but I think you meant to type "her." Also, at various points you did not capitalize the first word of dialogue in a paragraph. I would highly recommend you do that. Finally, some of your paragraphs, especially near the end, were rather long and that made it feel dense and really took away from the airy, cute tone of the piece. As a rule of thumb I generally ...


Charlotte Mason
16:53 Oct 08, 2020

Thank you so much for the advice and I will definitely look at some of your works!


Meggy House
17:21 Oct 08, 2020

Thank you! :)


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