Written in response to: Start or end your story with a house going up in flames.... view prompt


Fiction Fantasy Drama

’(This story is set on GAIA2 earth’s twin, 800 years younger and evolving.)

There once lived on the island of Juba a merchant named Tyfoon with his wife Mizma. They were both young, rich and the two lived a life of luxury. However they had no children after more than three years of marriage. That caused a problem between them. One day they discussed it when he said “We could consult the monk Sayj. He is an experienced old man and a soothesayer. It seems he knows astronomy and even predicts happenings.”

She said “Why not consult Whizma? She knows witchcraft and spells besides medicine. It seems she can also forecast happenings of the future.”

He thought a while and said “Why not consult both?”

“That’s a good idea.”

“I’ll first consult Whizma.”

She said “Don’t say I. Say we will consult whomsoever we decide on.”

Tyfoon summoned Whizma to his house when husband and wife were with her.

Tyfoon began by saying “Whizma, we’ve been married more than 3 years and during that time my wife attests to my ability in bed. As she hasn’t conceived I’ve called you to consult.”

Whizma silently cast cowries on the floor thrice. She studied the result and after some thought said “Master, I can see there’s no spell against her and she needs no medication. She is likely to conceive in about six months. Keep doing it.”

After sending away Whizma, Mizma said “How do we consult Sayj?”

“He lives in the house I’ve given to him considering his yogic powers and his reaching out to have nots. He is an itinerant monk. I’ll find out if he is available and then we can go and consult him”

In a couple of days it was found Sayj was available at his home and the couple met him. Tyfoon explained the problem.

Sayj thought a while and said “What I’ve to suggest is a bit difficult to follow but it would have effect. Simply said it is ‘forsake all worldly foods and delights’ for a whole year.”

Back home Tyfoon asked “Mizma, what do you say to taking Sayj’s advice?”

“It would be difficult for both of us. Actually more for me, as I’m accustomed to eat well and be your consort in bed.”

He said “Let’s try it for a month. Tell the cook to avoid those dishes which we’re so fond of. You  sleep away from my bed.”

It was tried. Giving up those dishes they were fond of was trying but the most difficult part was staying away from his wife. In fact when he felt he needed her most he almost went to find her but abstained.

Before the month was over Tyfoon had to go to the island of Crizal as certain stock in trade had been damaged due to which he would lose heavily. He at once took a boat and sailed after telling Mizma “My resolution stands. May be we’ll be able to live it up to a year.”

However Fate has many compulsions. The matter on which he had to travel was amicably resolved in a few days and he was free to return. After he had set off on his return journey his craft was over-powered by notorious pirate Lonrho and he was taken captive to a pirate island. Lornho demanded a big ransom for Tyfoon’s release.

On the pirate island Tyfoon was allowed to move freely as ships were banned. He was camped in Lonrho’s house which had staff to maintain and serve. He found the cook Jotma was an expert at making exotic dishes. Tyfoon called her and said “In Lonrho’s absence do not make those dishes. Due to a resolution I’ve made I cannot eat those.”

She was surprised and merely obeyed. Now Jotma was young, nice looking and very shapely and had winning ways. She had impressed Tyfoon greatly and was familiar with him. She said she had been born into a gypsy tribe from whom Lornrho had acquired her.

That day Jotma asked Tyfoon “Why do you avoid eating good food?”

After her cross questioning he told her the truth. Jotma laughed out loud and said “What does that yogi know? I can teach you tricks to realise your objective. Lonrho is on his raids. I’ll teach you techniques you might not have known. Let us begin tonite.”

Despite his protests he was a soft target and ended up with her in bed after imbibing a variety of quality foods.

He said “What we have done may make you a mother.”

She laughed and said “Lonrho couldn’t do it and gave up. And you’ve yet to score with your wife.”

The next night she said “I’ll teach you waves lapping on the shore which you’ll do. Both of us will love it. I’m reserving tree climbing which will exercise me for tomorrow. As it is said somewhere every jack must study the knack if he wants to make sure of his Jill!”

On one part Tyfoon was feeling sorry that his resolutions had lapsed. On the other part he learnt techniques which made him feel extremely happy. The following month Jotma said “The impossible has occurred. I’ve an indication that I’ll be a mother. I’ll go away with you. I’m in control here when Lonrho is absent. I’ll get our staff to bring a boat for us to flee.”

“But I’m a prisoner till the ransom is paid. I understand my wife is doing her best to get me out of here.”

“Don’t worry. I’m releasing you on condition you take me as your second wife.”

He looked worried. She prompted “You’re wondering about how your wife will take it. Don’t worry. I’ll overcome her prejudice. The three of us will be always together which in gypsy love lore is called ‘united congress’. In between I’ll teach you and her skills to start a baby.”

Jotma and Tyfoon managed to sail away and in due course reached Juba. Since he had returned safely Tyfoon stopped payment of the ransom. The cooperation in bed enabled Mizma to also become a mother!

The volcano on Juba had remained silent since half a century except for occasionally heaving a red hot brick. It happened that shortly after developments in our story, such a brick landed on Sayj’s house fortunately when he wasn’t there and set the house on fire. Watching the flames Jotma said “What a pity the old fellow isn’t in there! Serves the idiot right for his stupid advice!” She watched with satisfaction the flames consuming the house.


August 23, 2021 15:24

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