The Rise of Divine Nightingale

Submitted into Contest #263 in response to: Write a story from the antagonist’s point of view.... view prompt


Fantasy Fiction Teens & Young Adult

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

TW: Contains execution

Divine Felt the ball of rage in her stomach explode as Mr. and Mrs. Vajda told her the news, "Aliyah as left the Rebellion for The University of Magical studies."

"what do you mean she left?" Divine asked.

Mr. Vajda sighed, "she told us she was leaving and just left, we thought she was joking and that she would be back within a couple of days, but its been 5 days, and she hasn't returned."

Divine couldn't believe the words she was hearing, her best friend, Aliyah Vajda just left the Nightingale Rebels, to join the enemy.

"I... I am so sorry," Divine said, shaking her head, tears starting to pool in her eyes.

"We will be fine, though the Council will not take our punishment lightly." Mrs. Vajda replied, holding her husbands hand, "we'll see you tomorrow when our punishment is read."

"Yes, See you," Divine called as the couple walked down the musty stone hall.

Divine headed for her room and locked the door behind her, and she sat on her bed, letting her tears fall down her face. Aliyah had left her, they had planned their future on The Council together, and she left it all for some stupid University in the Kingdom of Aetherlyn.

Divine sobbed and curled into a ball, letting her shapeshifting power take over, wings popped out of her back and antlers out of her head. She lifted her head and ran her fingers through her short black hair as she calmed herself down.

"Don't think about her, she's a thought of the past, she doesn't even exist to you anymore," Divine told herself, flopping on her bed and curling up under the covers.

"What have you done Aliyah?"

Divine was woken up the next morning to her Mother knocking on her door.

"Get up! Mr. and Mrs. Vajda face their punishment today and everyone in The council family members and all are required to attend! And wear something sensible."

Divine sighed and rolled out of bed, picking out a black dress for the occasion, she slipped on some flats and met Her Mother outside the door.

"Good, you look decent for once," Her Mother spat, grabbing her arm and leading her to the room where the Council already was.

Men, Women and Children sat in the room at the sides, and the middle was left open for where Mr. and Mrs Vajda would stand, and at the front was where The Council would sit and give their punishment. Divines Father led The Council and made all the decisions, including punishments for the convicted. Divine saw him sitting in the middle at the front talking with another council member seriously.

"Stand up straight Divine, no slouching," My Mother snapped.

I straightened up and took my seat closest to the front and waited for the judging to begin.

Soon enough everyone was seated and Mr and Mrs Vajda walked in, heads high and serious looks on their faces. The Council studied them closely and talked amongst themselves before turning back to Mr and Mrs Vajda.

"Mr and Mrs Vajda, you failed to raise your child in the ways of our rebellion, which means you failed us," My Father began.

The couple hung their head, ashamed of what their daughter became.

"So, there is only one logical punishment," My Father continued, "Death."

The couple winced and lifted their heads, looking like they had expected it.

"Divine!" My Father shouted, Divine immediately stood at attention.

"Yes Father?" she asked.

"Come forward,"

Without a second thought Divine came forward before her father and she handed her a dagger.

"Execute them, I will tell you why later."

Divine took the Dagger with no hesitation and turned on Aliyahs Parents, walking towards them, once they were face to face she whispered.

"I am sorry,"

Before Mr or Mrs Vajda could reply Divine stabbed them and they both fell to the floor bleeding out.

"Now, you must be wondering why My daughter carried out the execution," Divines Father began,

"It is because she is to become the next leader of our council, she shall train under me until her one-hundredth birthday when she takes her place as the leader of The Council." Her Father boomed, her voice echoing off the walls of the large room. Everyone in the room clapped and cheered standing for Divine and her accomplishment.

Divine turned to Her Father and bowed.

"Thank you Father!" She said.

"Thats not all Divine," Her Father continued, "once you have taken your place as the Leader of The Council, you will dispose of Aliyah Vajda once and for all."

A sense of revenge bubbled in Divines stomach she wanted to destroy Aliyah Vajda, kill her like she killed her parents, and take her burden off of the Rebellions shoulders.

"I will not fail you Father," Divine said, with a determined look on her face.

Little did Divine know fate would have other plans.

On Divines One Hundredth Birthday she and the Rebels stormed the Kingdom of Aetherlyn, killing anyone who got in their way, Divine found Aliyah and faced her.

"Aliyah Vajda! My old friend, long time no see," Divine shouted.

Aliyah Scowled, her long red hair was pulled in a bun and she held a broom in her right hand.

"I am no longer Aliyah, I am Alecto Shadowbinder, the First Magician of Aetherlyn, protector of the Kingdom.

Divine rolled her eyes and spread her wings, letting her power take control "Lets settle this."

Divine and Aliyah, now Alecto fought for hours destroying the city as they did, finally Divine had her old friend cornered and was about to land the final blow,

raising her hand with pure Energy balling at the center Divine smiled insanely, "Goodbye Aliyah."

Suddenly a blade was lodged into her cheek and a small woman with long blonde hair and gray eyes, swept Divines feet from under her.

"You are under arrest for the attempted murder of Alecto Shadowbinder." The woman said, pointing a large blade that appeared out of no where at me. I groaned and looked at Alecto, I had blinded her in her left eye, and blood spilled from it as she groaned in pain, I smiled.

"I don't think so," I replied, and with that I teleported away calling my troops back from Aetherlyn as I did thorugh mind communication, Aliyah won today, but she wouldn't the next time.

August 10, 2024 00:49

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