A musical Christmas eve misshap

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about a drummer going to a Halloween party for musicians.... view prompt


Christmas Friendship High School

June would normally be home for the holidays but she is now at an airport snowed in with an unexpected concert, she was going to California for a ban opportunity for her band during winter vacation. She lived in North bay and was a drummer in a band with her friends; Andrew,Griffin,Em, and Natallie. June was the drummer of the band and would often play at a club with her band, her parents were always there watching them and recording everything.

Andrew was lead guitar and thought the band sounded really good, he uploaded a video of them playing on youtube and it got a ton of likes and comments asking for more of their music, they were invited to record their song in California on Christmas day for the viewers.

June didn't know about this until december 24th, and it all began with an e mail from Andrew...

| Hi June, I put the video on youtube three months ago right? Well, it got so many views and likes that the people who commented on the video demanded more music, so a producer invited us to record our song professhionally in California. I already spoke to Griffin and Em about it and they thought it would be a good idea, Natallie agreed but we won't be able to agree without our main drummer. You in? |

June didn't have enough information, she decided to call him and ask about the recording deal. He answered casually; "Did you get my e mail about the recording session?"

"I did, but you'll have to give me some more information first. When do we leave for California?"

"Tonight, I have the tickets if we decide to go."

"Did your parents all agree to this?"

"Yes they did, your parents got the e mail and told the producer they were fine with it but it was up to you."

"Would I be able to ask them about it?"

"Yes you would."

"When do we preform?"

"On Christmas day, we can still celebrate with our family though."

"How? Are we going to get an e mail for Christmas morning?"

"We will make do, we don't have to pay for them to record it as long as they can put their name in the credits as top 10 producers in a magazine or something."

"Your not at all worried that we might be giving into a hacker?"

"I got an e mail, a hacker would just put a comment on our video."

"You idiot, do you not at all know how hackers fonction? If they really want to harm someone they will go through the trouble to find your e mail."

"It'll be fine, do you agree?"

June took a deep breath,"I guess so, tonight art the airport at what time?"

"YES!! Thank you so much June, come to the airport at 2:25pm."

"I only have three hours to get my things ready, how long will we be in California?"

"Until January 14 if everything goes well."

"Okay, see you then."

"Bye, and thanks."

"Your welcome," she hung up and plugged her phone in to charge before the trip. June hurried down the stairs ot the kitchen where her mom was at the computer and her dad was sitting on the couch watching a foot ball game like some dads do on the weekend, Griffin's dad sometimes comes over to watch the game with June's dad while Griffin would be with his friends.

"Did you agree to the trip to California?" June asked. Her mom was concentrated on her laptop but nodded and so did her father, but her little sister Dhalia looked up at June with an upset expression.

"Your leaving during Christmas?" Dhalia was 9 years old and June was 17, sometimes it was hard to imagine that they were 8 years apart.

"Yes I am, but look on the bright side; you will get to open your presents first." June smiled and Dhalia frowned even more.

"Unless mom and dad make me wait 'till you get home to open all of my gifts?"

"They won't maje you wait, on the 25th you'll be able to open all of your presents."

"What if you bring me back something from California?"

June laughed but Dhalia was serious. "I like purple things," she declared and grabbed June's hand and led her to her room. The walls and bed sheets were purple, along with most of her clothes and the pyjamas she was wearing.

"I'll see what I can find," June promised. With that Dhalia pushed her to the bottom of the staircase and waved her hands at the stairs.

"Well then you don't want to forget anything do you? Remeber that California is warm and sunny so you won't need the winter clothes that you wear here."

"Thanks Dal, I'll be down in an hour at most."

"Don't worry, lunch isn't that important, now go pack." Dhalia went back to the couch to play with the dolls she had brought out of ther room to plauy with. June continued uop the stairs laughing silently to herself. She got clothes, shampoo, her computer, headphones, spare cell charger, actual charger and her phone since it was at 83%.

In about an hour and a half Dhalia came running up the stairs into June's room to see what she was doing, "What is taking so long?"

"I am actually all done now." June fell on her bed and stuffed a pillow into the bag that held her blanket and sheets in case she needed them.

Dhalia looked at the seven bags laying on the floor and bed, "Do you have your wallet?"

"Yes I do, can you help me with the bags?"

"Sure," June handed Dhalia a small bag, but she i nsisted on taking the biggest one. June had to help her position it the right way in her hands, when all of the bags were loaded up in the trunk of their mom's white SUV Dhalia sat back down on the couch to continue playing with her dolls.

June's mom gave her a croisant and got into the car to go to the airport, someone came out and put June's bags on a wheeled rack to bring into the plane after they went through security. June gave her mom a hug before she drove away, she met Griffin and Natallie at the front.

Andrew handed them their tickets when Em arrived, the lights went off in the almost empty air port wich was suprising that there were only a few other people there. They passed security and went to get their flight, but because of the snow fall most of the roads were closed and so were the planes.

The band sat down together in an empty lounge for people who waited for a flight, there were only 24 other people in the airport and the employees were dealing with several complaints from people who were in a rush to get going. June's drums were loaded on the plane along with the rest of the equipment but it took a while to check and see if there was anything being secretly transported.

The band mates got their luggage back and sat there waiting until the roads were cleared so that their parents could pick them up but the roads were expected to be cleared in 3-4 days! June was sick and tired of sitting there, Em took her bass and started playing the sound of their song, June got her drums set up and asked the manager if they could play their music.

He said they could and that he'd seen their music, June thanked him and they started playing. June on drums, Andrew on guitar, Em on bass and Griffin singing they sounded pretty good. Most of the people waiting came to listen to them playing and one of the people broadcasted it live. They may not be recording their music on Christmas eve or Christmas day, but atg least they got to share their music somehow.

June still had hopes for next Christmas, but she would enjoy what she had now.

December 23, 2020 19:12

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