
It seemed like the perfect day to take a walk. My family decided to host a nice dinner party later in the evening, but it seemed all the guest arrived earlier than anticipated. This house is to crowded. I need some fresh air. It was a beautiful day outside. Escaping the festivities of casual small talk with a heaping dose of children seemed to be the answer I was searching for. My parents love their parties, but this is all too much for me to handle right now. I need an escape. I slipped through the crowds of people that have taken up what seemed like all the space in the living room. “Mom I’m heading out for a bit!” I closed the door before she got the chance to reply. Surely, she would’ve asked me to do something before heading out, and I would have never been able to get away. Ugh! I’m finally free! And it feels so good out here, I think I’ll go have a walk around the park for a bit. Even though I love my family, sometimes I just feel the need to get away. The world is such a big place its very easy to feel small, but sometimes being small is easier than being at the forefront of it all.

             Our neighborhood park is fairly huge. We have a walking trail that seemed like the perfect opportunity to clear my mind. The breeze feels so nice. The blossoming season of spring came swifty. It seemed like just yesterday the leaves where shedding from the branches, and waiting to come back stronger–much more beautiful than before. I’d much rather stay here then go back to that madhouse. As I began walking further into the trail, I could feel myself being enclosed within the tree. I felt as though I was becoming closer with the nature that begun to surround me. What’s that? I saw a figure in the near shadows of the trees. I couldn’t make out weather it was a person or some sort of animal. However, it didn’t seem too friendly. “Hey, who’s over there?” I spoke with a sense of fear in my voice, but I tried to cover it up best I could to avoid being weak. Great. I guess I walked too far for anyone else to notice or call for help. I can try to outrun whatever it is, but it’ll be a gamble. As I turned ready to make a run for it, I caught a glimpse of another figure standing at the other end of the trail. At that point I realized the true danger I was facing here. Helplessness. I knew I could count on my speed, but I could never face off two threats on my own. I could feel more fear conjuring up inside me. What do I do, what do I do? How could I not have noticed them? The figures began to come closer, and I knew then I was running out of options. I have no choice. I have to at least try, otherwise I would go down not knowing if I missed an opening somewhere. I chose my fate and went charging toward the figure at the beginning of the trail. I knew that if I put up a good enough fight I could at least scrabble to gain someone’s attention for help. As I got closer, I could make out the figure to be a young man. Maybe a couple of years older than myself. I just need to find a weak place and take advantage. I took aim for the crotch, but he was fast. He blocked me no problem, and I found myself taken aback. As I rounded my shoulder, I noticed the figure in the woods to be a woman. She looked around the same age, if not younger. Just who are these people, and what do they want from me? I knew my strength alone couldn’t win so maybe I can try to outwit them. “My family will be wondering why I’m not back yet.” I tried to hide the fear in my voice with strong determination. Suddenly the woman began to laugh. “What. This small brat really thinks her family will come in time?” She just kept laughing as though nothing else in the world could be funnier than the sheer look of fear my face couldn’t hide. “Come now Julia, it’s not fun to mock.” Said the man with a stern look on his face, He didn’t seem like he wanted to hurt me, but I couldn’t be so sure. The girl grew quiet. I have to get out of here now before things can get any worse. When it seemed as though his guard was down, I took another swing to his midsection, only to have him block me again. He smiled. Bingo! Just when he thought he had me, I used the opportunity to land a swift kick to the legs bringing him to his knees. “Damn it!” he crouched down in pain. I know this would be my only chance to escape them. I made a run for it, but before I could gain enough distance, I found myself face to face with that woman. What? She was just behind me. How can she be staring me face to face right now? What is happening?! She just smirked. “Really Nick, you can’t even handle this simple pup?” I looked at her confused. Pup? What does she mean by pup? I turned back and he was already dusting the dirt off his pants as if that kick didn’t even phase him. Was he just acting before? “I just wanted to get a feel of how far she’s come.” He looked back at me and smiled. “It’s been years since we saw our dear sister, isn’t that right Sarah?” I froze. Is this a dream. What’s happening? Sister? I’ve never seen these people in my life, yet they call me sister. “Yeah, whatever. Even I can tell I’m stronger than her yet she’s two years older than me.” She went to go stand next to him. Seeing them side by side I could see their resemblance, but why are they calling me their sister. “I’m sorry but their must be some mistake. I have a family, and you two definitely are not them.” I exclaimed. They just looked at each other than back to me. Julia started to chuckle. “If not anything, she’s definitely the stubborn one.” Then they both turned to another trail. They motioned for me to follow. Yeah, no way. I’m heading back home. I began to turn, but before I knew it Nick was in front of me. He scared me, yet I felt a comfort in him as he turned me back around and pushed me onward down the unknown trail. “Come on,” he said “everything will seem clearer if we just showed you the truth.” Truth. That word sounded so foreign to me at this point. There’s no way this could be my truth. As we walked for what seemed like hours, we finally made our way to a huge house. It was a beautiful modern-day log house, with a beautiful walkway paved with bricks and beautiful purple roses on either side. It felt like home, but yet it felt like a strange new adventure I was wary of embarking into.

             “Mom! We’re home, and we brought a guest to come see you.” Julia yelled. Next thing I noticed a beautiful woman walk in to greet us. She had nice fawn skin, and beautiful amber hair. She looked at me as if she knew what I was feeling. “Come, you must have many questions.” She motioned for me to take a seat. It’s like they have been waiting for me. As if they almost expected this reaction. “Your birthday should be coming up soon, am I right?” she smiled as she offered me tea. How did she know. I couldn’t do anything but cooperate. “Yes.” I said not dropping my guard. She just continued to welcome me warmly. “There is much you need to understand Sarah my dear. Everything will be clear enough soon.”

At that moment I knew I was in for more than a simple trip to the park. Who would have ever thought my life would change so drastically from this day forward? Who are these people, and why are they calling me their family? Sarah, this is definitely not Kansas anymore.

April 01, 2020 01:10

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