Fiction Suspense Holiday

Well, I have a story to tell all of you. I can't promise you'll like it, but you will feel different kinds of emotion while reading this. So let me warn you now, be ready. I'm not necessarily saying that you'll cry, I mean maybe you will, I'm not judging, but just be prepared for a bunch of emotions.

It was my 17th birthday, and my mom wanted to do something fun. Her idea of fun is going to a carnival. I mean carnivals are okay, but that isn't where I ideally wanted to be on my birthday. But I love my mom, and she was really excited, so I sucked it up and acted happy.

That day, my stomach felt weird, it was non-stop moving, and it was twisting every which way. It only gets that way when something bad is going to happen. It happened one day when I was younger, I was riding my bike without training wheels for the first time. My stomach hurt but I didn't pay attention to it and I flipped off of my bike and broke my arm. But I thought nothing of it which, I did that day on my birthday, but now that I look back, that was a huge mistake on my part.

My mom informed me that I had like an hour to get ready, and I needed to take a shower, dry my hair, curl my hair, pick out a cute outfit that wasn't too revealing, and pick up my best friends. So, I needed to be quick. Somehow I made it in the nick of time. The outfit that I was wearing was a dress which was my favorite of all time. But sadly now every time I look at it, I have bad memories.

My mom and I picked up my two best friends, Audrey and Bella. They were really excited to go to the carnival with me for my birthday. Honestly, I think they were more excited than I was. They were talking about the carnival the whole ride there. The only time they weren't talking about the carnival was when there was a dog in someones yard.

When we got there, It was the brightest and sunny day ever. It was like the ideal day to go to the carnival. Then it quickly turned into a dark and stormy night. It was a bummer cause it brought my mood down, but I tried to make the best of it. Even though that was kind of hard to do when everything seemed to be going wrong.

When we were in line to get tickets, my mom figured out that she left her purse in the car, so we had to awkwardly stand there and talk to the employees while she went and got her purse. Then, when the employee was handing us the tickets, the wind blew them right out of her hand. The employee was a snobby teen and said tough luck and made us go to the back of the line. We then had to wait in line again until she got us more tickets and that was just the beginning.

The day was going pretty well considering the circumstances, but there was one thing that felt off, and that was me. I kept spacing out, and wouldn't hear anyone when anyone would talk to me. A few times when we were walking, I just stopped walking, and eventually, my Mom, Audrey, and Bella would be gone, and I would have to run around trying to find them. I would eventually find them, but one time it took me over an hour to find them.

Overall it was a pretty good day, except for the fact that I kept getting lost and losing our tickets. But you know what, I think it's fine. We planned on going to my favorite ice cream shop that is inside the carnival and then head home after that. I think Bella had the most fun, she is kind of boy crazy and thought this one guy was the hottest guy ever. She wouldn't stop talking about him. She even sat next to him during a ride and "accidentally" touched his hand. She was FREAKING out after that ride. Sadly she didn't have enough courage to actually talk to him, and ask for his number.

Audrey is the quiet friend. She is more comfortable with me than she is with Bella, I really don't know why its like that but it is. It might be because I was the only one who knew what she was going through. She was questioning her sexuality, and her parents were not on board. Anytime Bella was around she would only whisper to me, but whenever Bella was gone, Audrey would be so loud. I love it when she is loud, and being her normal energetic self.

One time when I zoned out, and I'm guessing I was zoned out for a long time because there was barely anyone there when I came back to reality. But one thing was really off, there was a creepy clown staring at me. He was smiling, and his mouth was black, like a black cat, and they were as sharp as shark teeth. That really freaked me out, but I couldn't move. It was like I was in a trance of some kind, and all I could do was stare back at the clown. No matter what I did I couldn't move, so I just stared back.

I honestly don't remember what happened after the clown stopped staring at me. It was all a blur. The last thing I remember is, feeling tired and suddenly, my body was really heavy so I fell to the ground. I think something smacked my head, and that caused me to fall.

Not just oh, I have to go find my family. I lost them for real. I never found my mom. After coming out from the blur, I realized that it's been a whole three years. I became astonished. I've been so amazed cause it felt like my 17th birthday on repeat. Making me feel like I was in a time warp. Remember when I told you that my stomach hurts when something bad is going to happen? Well, I guess I was not wrong. Happy birthday to me.

May 13, 2021 15:17

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