A not so sweet sixteen.

Submitted into Contest #1 in response to: Write a story about a sweet sixteen.... view prompt



"Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve this, all this pain and hatred. It's sad knowing that the people who I told my secrets to yesterday, are the furthest from me today. It's sad that they are too the people I most fear. We slowly fell apart, and let the distance widen between us, now looking back I wonder what we even were. You were like a beautiful rose I held on to, the more I kept you close, the more your thorns got sharper. Even though it hurt me I still held on, I still kept you close. But you didn't see that, and that's why you left. I tried to show you how much you mattered to me, I really did. Some stories have endings and some don't, such story was ours an endless story. "

-My Diary.

I sat on my bed sipping my hot chocolate slowly as I boredly flipped through the TV channels. I tugged at my blanket, and shivered. It was very cold today, despite the heater being on non stop for the last four days. I pulled myself out of bed and walked towards the door, It was my sixteenth birthday today! I shrieked in excitement, and jumped around for a bit before making my way towards the kitchen.

"Goodmorning Mom!" I said as I ran down the steps, My mom who was drinking her morning cup of coffee, in her usual clothes gave me a slight nod.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked, I nodded my head.

"Yeah, how else would I have enough energy today?"

Not long after I had made myself a feast of a breakfast. My younger brother Gared had come downstairs.

"What's the special occasion?" He said as he took a bite, from the pancakes I set aside especially for him.

"Nothing special really." I said with a sarcastic tone. Soon after both my dad and younger sister both joined us for breakfast.

"So Christa, me and your father have decided that for your birthday party today you can invite your friends." I put down my fork.

"Really?" It was very rare for mom to ever let me have friends over let alone have a party, having a strict mom sometimes can be a real bummer.

"Yes, but you'll have to decorate the house while the rest of us go out." She got up and went to closet, returning with lots of party supplies from banners to sparklers to anything you can imagine.

"We got these last night while you slept, we thought we'd show you in the morning." My brother said. I looked at both him and my mom and mothed a 'thank you' to them.

"Wow, but where will you guys go?"

"Mommy is taking us and Gared's friends to a amusement park!" My younger sister Jay said. I smiled at her cutely.

" Were actually leaving right now, since we've got a lot of places to go to as well." My dad said quickly, as he packed up his plates and Jay's.

Not long after, the house was empty and I was left alone to decorate. It took me hours to clean up, and decorate alone but once it was 5pm I was all done. I took out my phone to see if there was anyone I'd want to come to my party.

" Like I have any friends anyways." I said laughing at myself. I wasn't at all popular, exactly the opposite actually. I was 'the new kid' at this school because well, the old school didn't work out. I made some of my best friends at my old school so I figured I'll call them up no big deal right?

wrong choice.

After contemplating on who I should call I ended up calling every single person I've ever made friends with. But something seemed off, the way they talked to me it wasn't like how I knew two months ago. I decided to ignore it.

Wrong choice.

After a while people started to flood my house, they came in groups. Some of them people I knew, some not I greeted everyone as they came in.After a while I saw my best friend Stephanie.

"Christa! Oh my god how are you?' I hugged her tightly.

"I'm good how have you been?' I said cheerfully, over the loud music. She mouthed me 'Good' while putting up a thumbs up.

I wanted to talk to her, I missed her from the bottom of my heart. remembering her smile. I told her I would go and tell them to turn the volume down, but she grabbed me by my arms forcefully and dragged me towards my room.

"What are you doing?" I said as she locked the doors. She gave me and anxious smile and sat me down on my bed.

"I just thought that the music was too loud, ad that we should just talk here." She said dryly, while unlocking her phone. I gave her a nod of approval but felt uneasy by her tone.

We sat there in silence for a while, as she used her phone. She was texting someone this entire time.

"Hey why don't we go down there if your not going to talk?" I suggested, I got up and walked towards the door. without batting an eye she harshly grabbed me by my arm and threw me back to my bed.

"No, you can't go." She said in a between her teeth, while pointing her index finger towards me. I opened my mouth in shock, why would she do that it's not like her? We both stayed staring at each other none of us daring to move. When I finally came out of a state of shock, anger and confusion were the next emotions to take over me.

"Move I'm going." I said getting up. She pushed me back down.

"If you don't get your hands off of me." I grabbed her hands and twisted it, she let out a whimper. I felt my heart ache. Why was I doing this? She's my friend. I was confused now, I felt as if something was wrong but why am I angry at her? She didn't do anything. I loved her.

I proceeded to get up and walk towards the door, I was confused. One second I was happy the other I was angry and now I was sad. I needed to leave the room, the tension was so thick it was almost visible.

"No! Christa come here!" I didn't look back, and ran down the steps. I expected to hear the music and people, but no, it was dead silence. I looked over and saw that everybody was quite, they were there but everyone was staring at me quietly.

"What happened?" I said in a low tone. By the time I was there Stephanie caught up to me she put her hands on my shoulder.

"Turn on the lights." She said in a demanding voice.

Once the lights were on I saw everybody's face turn into a smirk, some were trying to keep their laughters in. I saw written on the walls curse words with my name along with it, and other things such as ' Die Christa' and 'Nobody likes Christa'. I was baffled.

"Bring in the cake Jake!" Stephanie yelled. As Jake brought in the big cake, everyone sang 'Happy Birthday Christa'. Everybody laughed and smirked.

But I knew they were laughing at me.

The cake was finally in my view, It read ' Nobody likes you'. Everyone took out their phones and started to record me saying 'Take a good look!' I looked at Stephanie with tears in my eyes.

How could she do this to me? How could they? Why? Stephanie gave me a slight smile followed with her rolling her eyes.

"Look down, you dumb clown." She said, and without notice sneaked her hand behind my neck and forcefully pushed the cake onto my face.

Everybody cheered, and laughed praising her. I was too scared to move, so I kept my face buried in the cake as I cried. Everyone was out of there in a flash, and suddenly it was all quite again.

"Hey, think I'm going to hold th cake all day?" The boy who Stephanie called Jake let go of the cake, and left. I watched as It feel to the ground, now I was really all alone.

I cried all night, while I cleaned the house. I was hurt, humiliated, and played by the people who I called my 'Friends'. I wanted and explanation, why? I loved her, she was my friend. But I knew that no matter what she would just humiliate me again. My sweet Sixteenth was honestly anything but sweet.

August 09, 2019 16:30

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