
Once there was a beautiful princess and a prince charming. No wait! That's not true, right. At least it is something that Ria wants to believe. She is simple and brilliant women. She gets praised everywhere she goes. But, you know it right, everything cannot be perfect. She has that one thing too. Her life is romance less and always has been like this. She was approached by many men in her life but no one made her heart flutter. She always ended up being with cold hearted playboys where she believed that their heart will melt and he will see her as his soul mate. After heart breaks and cheating, she decided to concentrate on her career. She was an Event Manager working with a Korean Company. She always wanted to go to Korea but eventually she just ended up working with Korean company. And that's how she became career women. But somewhere in her heart she wanted that one thing that is missing from her life.

One day, she was just wandering about these thoughts and also preparing list candidates for their new event. It was a NGO event organized by her Uncle for which she was not getting paid enough. So she decided to pick some volunteers. While she was scrolling some profiles, she found someone familiar. This profile looks like of someone who she met in her childhood. It was Rajveer. The one who used to tease her for everything she did and shared a lot together.

First, she just gazed on his picture since he is more handsome than he ever was. Also, she went to flashback in her life where they were used to laugh and cry together and now they are complete stranger.

At first, she wanted to ignore his profile thinking how he ignored her last time but somehow she felt that it would be good for her if he can join the event she is organizing. Since he was doing a good job as co-organizer and has a relevant experience. He was qualifying for the job and she needed it desperately. "Anyway, it was for business only" she sighed and pressed the confirm button on her pc.

Ria and Rajveer knew each other since childhood. Their parents knew each other too. And somehow their mothers became best friends. That's going to be a headache for her soon. So she decided to keep it a secret from her for some time.

And like this few weeks passed for preparing the Event which was going to happen soon. While Ria was panicking while being dumped under hundreds of presentations and so much pressure doing NGO event for the first time where the Mayor is going to show up. It was really big opportunity for her. While she was in her cabin and lost in the paper world working day & night for the project. Just to get some rest out of this mess, Ria ordered a coffee. After that, someone knocked on the door. She just said "COME IN" thinking of it as coffee she ordered a while ago and a tall man in black suit stood in front of her face. She scanned that Man from toe to head thinking why she is having a well dressed man with mesmerizing cologne around her as she was expecting her assistant. As soon she reached to the face while scanning, it was already late. It was Rajveer, she turns back while avoiding him as she did not want him to see her in this mess after so many years. He asked her if she is the organizer there. His voice was as stunning as it was when she heard it last time. She gathered her thoughts from wandering everywhere but not at work and answered him. As he was new, she had to make him understand the work he has to do. So she faced him and THEN AGAIN!

Rajveer was more surprised than her as he hasn’t seen Ria since years. And on the contrary, he was not happy to see her. As soon he saw her, he turned and started moving out of the door. Ria noticed the frustration he was having by seeing her there and remembered the last time they saw each other 2 years ago. It was their last exam for the school, where she ran after him to know the reason for his anger and gave up after sometime. He was her best friend since childhood and all this started when decided to date each other. She always thought “What happened to make him this mad about her that he never returned back to her”. After that, he also avoided her in the streets. Whenever she tried to talk to him, he ignored. Not even to explain the reason. She regretted that day most in her life, she always thought that what if she would not have given up on their friendship. She should have tried more! She should have made more efforts!

Remembering this incident again she tried to not give up again and ran after him to stop him. When she grabbed his hand and tried to stop him, she slipped there because of her messy room and her heels and ended up being in his arms. So cliché! But happened! Ria stood up as being embarrassed while managing her dress out of nervousness. Then Rajveer asked her if she was fine. Ria was hell shocked that how can he ask her this or does this mean that he is worried about her. While she was lost in her dreamland, Akshit came to see what happened by hearing the noise from outside. Akshit is her senior in the office and was little “extra” helpful to Ria. Seeing Ria in that mess, he started laughing hard and teased her for being so clumsy and untidy. With that Ria also started laughing.

Rajveer was just standing there watching them having a really fun time together. He said “I guess you are having so much fun here, like you always have”. Ria got back to her senses again by listening to his words. Thinking how he could say such thing to her even meeting after these years, she got upset and tells Akshit to leave them alone to have a talk. Akshit asked if everything is fine between them but leaves after Ria says to give them some time and Ria closed the door.

Akshit comes out of Ria’s cabin confused thinking about just happened. He sat in his desk ask Aman who was sitting next to him, if he know the new guy. Aman told Akshit he saw them talking casually to each so they might know each other. That made Akshit a little worried.

After Akshit left, Ria asked Rajveer if he has some problem with her. “I thought that we might have some good conversation since we just met after 2 years” Ria said. Interrupting her, Rajveer said “I don’t think you will ever be able to listen what I have to say”. Ria was stunned and angry too as he was so harsh with his words and that he thinks of her as a immature and naïve girl. “Tell me! What you wanted to say, I will listen, I am not naïve and can understand you well” she got frustrated.

“Did you believe my words 2 years back? Did you? Do you even know what happened that day? I asked you believe me and I really liked you that time. I tried to stop you so many times to not go there but you went with those jerks. All you thought of me as a possessive boyfriend. You forgot that I was your friend also and I cared for you. I just didn’t want you to get with that group who talked behind your back. They called you easy. They talked bad about you always. But you chose to believe them over me.” Rajveer said in anger.

Ria was shocked while listening to all this.

“I told you to not go with them to that party since I knew that they were going to harass you there. I heard them talking to each other about their plan. Since you did not listen to me, I came there to teach them a lesson; I warned them while you were not there; but when you came back you started shouting on me for being so possessive and interfering in your life. All I wanted was your safety and those guys were not good” Rajveer added. Listening to all this, made Ria cry.

She was shocked and sorry for not believing Rajveer when she should have believed him only over anyone else. She was so naive to understand what mistakes she did that day. Now she understands why those boys always talked bad about Rajveer in a bad way and told her that she is wasting her time and life with him.

Ria apologized for not understanding him before and begged him to forgive her.

Rajveer started to cool down and forgot his anger seeing her crying. He holds her hand and told her to stop crying while wiping her tears. All that anger and misunderstandings were gone in just few minutes.

You should have talked to me, tried to explain all this to me” Ria said.

“I did, but those friends of yours made it impossible for me to reach you. You were always with them. Whenever you tried to talk to me, they were there. How I could have explained in that situation?” Rajveer said.

Okay now we won’t do this anymore. Whatever happens ask each other first before coming to any conclusion” Ria asked and Rajveer nodded in agreement smiling. “Oh! I forgot to tell you something” Ria said. “WHAT?” Rajveer asked

“We are here to work not all this, and I am you senior here. So you better talk nicely to me.” Ria said and giggled.

“Yes, Ma’am” Rajveer said and both started laughing.

August 14, 2020 16:37

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