
“Oh no, it’s happened again! How did I wonder this far away and where am I?” The tall, thin, elderly gentleman’s pale blue eyes darted frantically around as he tried to discern something familiar in his surroundings. It wasn’t unusual for him to become lost in his thoughts, only to realize that he’d wandered off the beaten trail, but this time was different. Out of nowhere, he was besieged by a sense of panic, and a most invasive thought that he would not return to these grounds next year. There was the smell of freshly baked apple pie wafting on the balmy breeze that comes at the end of an early spring day. He could hear the country music band playing in the distance, but he was confused as to which path to take to return to the festival. 

Nobody could understand, after all these years, the longing that held his heart captive the minute he stepped foot on these festival grounds. They had announced their engagement on the center bandstand so many years ago, but she went away shortly after. From time to time, he would feel a strong sense of her presence, but the feelings were intensified on these festival grounds at this time of the year. However, tonight was different. Her presence was closing in around him. Then there was that unmistakable lilting voice floating on the breeze.

 “Eli, it’s me, Jezze. I am over here, in the clearing.” 

“Jezze, could it really be you? Yes, I see you now.”

In his haste to reach her, the man stumbled somewhat. He was actually an accomplished sprinter in his youth, but his recent stroke had caused a slight lag in his left leg. Jezze seemed to be walking on air, her long dark tresses flowing behind her as she ran to embrace him. She looked up at him with that familiar glint in her warm brown eyes and the most beautiful smile that could only be hers. The band began to play a slow song and they danced for a minute before tiring, and then sat on a nearby bench. It was as though nothing had changed since that evening in what seemed like another lifetime. As well, Jezze could only see Eli as a handsome, young man with the palest blue eyes and reddish brown hair that always fell back into place, even on a windy day.

“Jezze, it doesn’t seem like you are really here. It seems as though you’ve come from another world. You must be hungry; can I get you something to eat?”

“No Eli, I don’t need food. I just came tonight, especially for you.”

The lights encircling the ferris-wheel came on and the piercing screams could be heard, indicating that, once again, it had come to a sudden stop, leaving the passengers in the top seat holding on for dear life. Jezze and Eli laughed as they remembered the night that they were stuck on top and Eli kept rocking in spite of Jezze’s numerous pleas and threats.

From time to time, one of the townspeople would amble by and greet Eli, but nobody spoke to Jezze. Eli, taking offense at such rude behavior was about to call out to the last person who ignored her, but she just smiled and said, “Let it go; you’ll understand before the night is over.” 

As the night wore on a slight chill began to permeate the air and Eli offered Jezze his jacket but she declined, saying that she was always comfortable these days in any type of weather. This seemed strange to Eli since he always remembered Jezze as being cold even on warmer days, but he was so happy to see her after all these years that he simply dismissed the thought. 

“You’ll never know how much I needed you tonight Jezze. Since our Stella got married two years ago, life hasn’t been the same, especially when she comes by with the twins.”

“I do know Eli. I’ve always watched out for you, even if you didn’t know it. I set off the alarm when you had that stroke in the garage last year. I wanted so badly to take you home, but it wasn’t time.”

People were beginning to walk by them and sometimes they would give the man a quizzical look as he was talking to the lady, so the two of them walked down the trail along the stony brook. Carrying their shoes, they continued walking barefoot in the shallow water, stepping from one smooth flat stone to the next. Eli noticed that as Jezze walked along on her tiptoes, the long skirt of her white sundress would sometimes dip into the water; yet it seemed to dry so quickly. As they stepped up onto the bank along the stream, they encountered a few sharp stones that cut into Eli’s feet, causing him to put his shoes back on, but it seemed as if Jezze was almost floating above them and continued to carry her shoes.

Jezze led the way as they climbed on to the top of the bank. They were now beyond the lights and noise of the festival as the moon alone illuminated their path. Eli reached the top, wheezing slightly, dragging his left leg behind him. Could it be the reflection of the moonlight that almost seemed to be casting a glow that framed Jezze’s face? She smiled and her smile seemed to draw Eli, as it gave him strength for the last few steps. The couple dropped wearily to the ground under a huge old oak nearby, leaning against the trunk for support. They sat there cuddled together reminiscing about times past.

Eli remembered the night he met Jezze. It was a warm night in early spring much like tonight at a bonfire party that was starting to break up. It had been getting out of hand when some of the guests began throwing the host’s wooden chairs into the fire to keep it going. Eli had been feeling down as of late and had come to the party hoping that it would lift his spirits, but he’d only felt worse and was seriously considering taking his life that night. Just as he was getting ready to leave, there was Jezze looking at him with a 

smile that, as he often said, saved his life. She offered him a ride home and they were inseparable from that day on.

They were planning their life together until the day that she went away. However, she came to offer him a ride tonight to a permanent home where they would never be separated again. Eli felt a sudden sharp pain across his chest as he tried to catch his breath. Jezze smiled at him, took his hand and said, “Come on Eli.” Once again he was drawn by her smile, as he got up and came without hesitation. As he took Jezze’s hand, it seemed as though his feet left the ground and again he was in a strange place, but this time he wasn’t lost. He was home with the one who had saved his life that night with her smile.

“Shine the light over here! Hurry, I think we’ve found him!” Bring the defibrillator!”

“All clear! I am not getting a pulse. It’s no use; we are too late.”

“Look over here. What is that sparkling on the ground, under the tree?”

 “It’s mom’s engagement ring.” Stella choked out the words between sobs. “He doesn’t need to carry this ring anymore; they are together again.”

May 14, 2021 03:18

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