A Wonderful Day

Submitted into Contest #97 in response to: Start your story with an unexpected knock on a window.... view prompt


Fiction Happy Romance

Julia's ears were desperate to hear doorbell when she heard an unexpected knock on the living room window that was three feet above the main entrance of the room. Just before that, every now and then she was looking at the main door in between ensuring that her makeup remains intact. It was her birthday today. Roberts had ensured he would be back from office early not later than 2 pm. Then they had plans for a romantic evening at their breach house. Post that a table was reserved for dinner in the most luxurious restaurant in the city situated in the centre of a huge lake. But right now Julia was tense. It was 4 pm already. She had been trying calling Roberts got the last one hour but every time his mobile phone was busy. She was wondering what is wrong with Roberts today.

Roberts was very happy in the morning. Before starting for his office, he planted a long kiss on Julia's soft pink lips wishing her a very happy birthday and promising to reach home by 2 pm to take her out for creating the most evening of their life. All arrangements and bookings had been taken care of well on advance and checking doubly with each party for exact timings and other logistics. Roberts was very much particular about these things. He was a man of perfection. Everything he wanted to be neat, accurate, and flawless. He told Julia to try the new costly gown he had bought the previous day for her for this occasion. Finding it prefectly fit, it was decided that she wil be wearing the same in the evening. She was looking quite graceful and attractive in that gown and the getup she had worked upon spending 2 hours.

Roberts had informed Alex, his immediate superior in the office, that he would be working half day today. Alex was aware of the event and he congratulated Roberts and told him to convey his best wishes to Julia. Roberts had very special plans for the day. This was their first anniversary and he wanted to make it very special for Julia. For that, probably, he had planned everything best, as best as possible. He was madly in love with Julia. So was she. Theirs was an ideal couple in the world. Roberts first met Julia in a party thrown by one of their common friends on her birthday. They both met there for the first time and that instinct and love at first sight happened at both sides at the same time when suddenly they faced each other while dancing on the floor. That was a dream come true for both.

After that party, they sat there at Cynthia's place for a couple of hours talking less and looking into each other's eyes more. Everything that they had to talk was happening silently through their eyes. In fact, the two pair of eyes that day were talking more than they would have actually. That was the best day of their lives. Next one year, not a single would pass without Julia and Roberts meeting at one place or the other. During that one year they planned everything about their relationship, marriage, Kids, family, future, and what not. If was easy for anyone to find them as the most romantic couple of the world. One night when they were sitting on the beach, waves were coming, touching them, and going back to merge in the sea. Each wave would stop momentarily as if reading the depth of love in their eyes.

Probably, each wave would have found that the love for each other in those two pairs of eyes, on comparing it with the depth of the sea, was far more than the deepest portion of the sea. That's why probably they were rushing back with double the speed to tell about it to other waves. At that moment, forgetting about everything around them and the time they had spent together that day, Roberts crossed his fingers into Julia's hand and proposed her for marriage. Julia was probably waiting for that moment for all those years of her life even when they had not met but as if she knew that one day the most charming prince on this earth would propose her. She wanted to imprint this picture in her mind and heart as it is. That was it. They soon got married and Julia shifted to apartment bought by Roberts. 

Julia was not sure what made Roberts getting late reaching home especially on this special day despite everything planned so well in advance. Sometimes, things do not happen in planned way. They happen on the basis of their own plans decided by the supreme Power all above us. Roberts left his office well in time. Rather a little before. On the way, he thought of buying a beautiful ring for Julia and thus he diverted a bit to stop at the best Jewellery shop in the city and do the needful. Roberts was in the middle of buying a beautiful ring for Julia when he received a call from Alex. Both Alex and Smith, chairman of their company were traveling by car. They were having a video conferencing call on Smith's phone when all of a sudden his phone battery went down.

In a while the same fate happened with Alex's phone too and they had no other option than to call Roberts to call that customer immediately, update her about the situation, carry on with the discussion on their behalf to close the deal. It was a big deal for the company and nobody wanted to lose the opportunity. Well, it took almost more than an hour to finalize the deal with the customer. It went in their favour. Rather, Roberts closed it at a much higher rate thus ensuring higher profits for the company. Smith was too happy to happy to know about this. By that time Alex and Smith had reached office and got their phones charged. For Smith, this deal was one of the biggest break in last five years. He immediately ordered his secretary to release a promotion letter for Roberts, get it signed by him, and send it to him through email in no time.

An unexpected knock on the living room window and a much awaited knock on the main door happened at the same time. A parallel beep happened in Roberts mobile phone at the same moment. There was an email from the office congratulating him for his promotion. Julia looked at the window and through the glass could see love bird knocking at the glass of the window unstoppably. A smile came on her face while she rushed to the main door. She was that it's not too late and they still had a lot of time to cover it up. As she opened the door, Roberts pulled her up in his arms and shared the great news of his promotion while giving her the ring he had bought for her in the way. 

June 11, 2021 04:58

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Brinda Vijay
15:49 Jun 21, 2021

Nice story concept. You have a creative imagination.


Jaideep Khanduja
05:04 Jun 22, 2021

Thanks, Brinda


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