Fiction Funny Inspirational

A strong stench of rotten eggs filled the air. As hydrogen sulfide sneakily invaded our lungs, all those commuting with the bus became nauseated. In the 45 minute commute, we were hit with a noisy smell that overpowered our senses, making it feel like a never-ending ride. Fetid, acrid and frowsty! In an effort to ward off our Monday Blues, we entered the bus with huge grins on our faces. Imagine riding in a bus that smelled of rotten eggs on Monday? Who would have thought that this would make for a memorable Monday? Certainly, today is a day for the dead to return home.

It was my expectation to jump into Monday and see spine-chilling costumes, mysterious stories, and morbid broods begging for candy. No ghastly bus ride! Did I just time travel into a sequel to Michael Chaves' and James Wan's horror film? Rather than riding this big red freaky monster, I would have preferred to watch the Muppet show all day. 

Hocus Pocus, my dear! It just occurred to me that my office is hosting a Halloween competition. Global corporate giants will be there not only to judge the competition but also to use the winner in their upcoming advertisement for a brand-new product. I am already running late, the driver is driving rather poignant and sluggishly. As if that poignant man was not already ugly enough to look at? A few minutes later, he became a Frankenstein doppelganger. In a grim voice he admonished me, “do not judge me you teeny brat, I was more agile than the prickling fingers at the back of your neck.” My eyes shone with terror as I looked around and saw no one but green gas dissipating. Dolores Umbridge, Frankenstein, Bellatrix Lestrange, or some hybrid?

It must have been really hard for Frankenstein to tolerate me. The driver picked up speed as he drove, and I arrived at my stop four minutes early. On my way to the last step, he stopped me and gave me a spooky fortune cookie that read “Zombies eat brains, you're safe!”

That wretched monster vilifies me and insults my intelligence. My lungs were infected by that ghastly smell, and I was unable to stop myself from being petty.

It started when I stepped into our office space, the high-end creative hub, looking as sour as a sour lemon. There I saw my co-workers staring at me strangely as if I had gastroesophageal reflux. Meanwhile, I hastily consumed the fortune cookie only to have an allergic reaction (which, ironically, turned me into a zombie and made me look as if my brains were chewed out) after eating it. The faces of my co-workers distorted from frolic to fear. It didn't take long for my colleagues to bombard me with questions about how I did my makeup so spookily incredible, but still natural. "What do you mean, I haven't applied any makeup?" I responded like an aging cranky woman. In less than an hour, the costume competition starts and I still have no idea what I will wear. One of my coworkers replied frivolously, "She's just being strategic since she has an idea in mind."

My mind was filled with chilling apprehensions and here I was wanting to carve myself into a Jack O'Lantern. Just enough to keep the evil spirits at bay and clear up my head. I rushed to the bathroom and sat restlessly on the marble countertop of the lavatory biting my nails and chewing and spitting them out. Despite knowing that making a good impression on these corporate giants would give me exposure to more life-changing opportunities, the aura of the day just made me feel self-limited. Gourdness Gracious! Why was I thinking that? It was like a switch flipped in my head, and I realized I've always had this vision of a fortress since I was four years old. Throughout my life, it kept flashing before my eyes. As I matured, I felt closer to that vision.

I stopped and thought so much happened in the morning, but what can I possibly take out of all of that? It was all cleverly orchestrated by the universe and I failed to stop and smell the roses. To my defense, there was no rosy smell, only an unpleasant sense of rottenness.

As soon as I paused my thinking there, I realized I didn't need to do much, so I took control of my thoughts. It was not all doom and gloom. As far as transforming into a Zombie that chews on brains goes, I already had what I needed. I just needed a costume to complete the look. I managed to rip off the Southern Belle dress I was using and make it look slightly tattered and to my surprise inside my work bag I found a silver soft leather rainstorm coat that I always carried for inclement weather. It added all the funk, freshness, and creativity I needed to my look. I stepped out of that bathroom feeling confident enough to participate in this competition.

I started mentally preparing myself for all the questions they would ask me, such as, "What's your motivation behind this look?" "If you were to launch your own brand or fashion line, how would you market that brand effectively if this were the start of your journey?" My mind prepped me for everything and everything clicked into place. As the saying goes, Halloween brings the dead back to life! I was guided by the universe to a life of renewal and magic.

Having entered the hallway, I walked to the conference center where the event would take place. After dash-pasting a corporate lead, I stood patting against a shut glass door because instead of remembering the push sign on the handle, I kept pulling it. Luckily, an usher saved the day by escorting me to the refreshments table with a smile.

I heard lots of babbling between corporate giants about global news and the economic downturn and such intense conversations that exhausted me even before the event began. In addition to introducing the event, the MC made a surprise announcement. In addition to competing for a spot in an ad, we were also competing for 12000 dollars. I dropped my jaw, wide enough to vacuum everything, and my eyes lit up bright enough to power Silent Cities.

I can recall 30 minutes later feeling anxious, panting, and despairing. It was so close to the moment to shine that my mind could not process how huge this was. This was the main moment I walked down the ramp, dressed to the nines, and did every task with grace and dedication. Those three words were all that was needed to raise the energy in that room.

After my 10 minutes were up, it was time for the next contestant to step forward and take on the challenge. In the end, I just sat there and enjoyed the whole experience. There was nothing better than watching different costume ideas, some were stunning, some were horrifying, but all were entertaining.

With the event almost over, the main judge gave an inspiring and moving speech before announcing the winner. The crowd roared and cheered as the screen lit up, and I read with mixed emotions and a sigh of relief "Jenna Kinsley" with a single tear running down my cheek.

The journey continues onwards and upwards...

October 06, 2023 17:43

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Nikita Singh
14:09 Oct 12, 2023

Well done Angela 👏 really gripping ... so proud of you 👏


Angela Govender
18:02 Oct 12, 2023

Thank you Nikita!


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