The Boy With Beautiful Blue Eyes

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a post-apocalyptic romance.... view prompt


Drama Funny Romance

"Eliza, wake up darling, it's time for school." I open my eyes and yawn, stretching my limbs. I slowly get up and get ready, then head for the kitchen where my parents are. Both of their faces light up as I enter the room, and I smile back.

"Here's your lunch money." My dad says, winking at me. No doubt he snuck some extra money in there without my mom's knowledge. I smile and hug him tight, then put the money safely in my wallet. I hug my mom next, breathing in her floral scent. She kisses my cheek before letting me go.

"I love y'all!" I say putting my backpack on my shoulders.

"I love you too, sweetheart." My mom said.

"Love you, pumpkin!" Said my dad, as he sipped some coffee.

I head out the door just in time to see my friend, Haylee, come down the road. She pulled into our driveway to let me get in, then backed up and starting driving as soon as I was settled. 

"Mornin'," She says, her voice gravelly from sleep. 

"Good morning sunshine," I say, smiling at her. She rolls her eyes.

"I forgot to study for the test in Ms. Wilson's class, I'm totally gonna bomb it." She says as she turns into the school parking lot.

"Oh, it'll be easy, it's just math," I say jokingly.

"Easy for you to say, miss brainiac." She smiles a bit and parks the car.

We say bye to each other and head to our classes. I make it just in time, the bell rang as I sat in my desk.

"Close call." Ciel, the boy that sits next to me, whispers.

I smile, looking over at him. Every time our eyes meet, I get lost in the beautiful blue color. Not to mention the way his blond hair falls into them. I notice that I'm staring, and my cheeks become a vibrant shade of red as I quickly look up at the teacher.

"Alright class," Mrs. Montgomery says loudly, "Good morning. Today you will be doing packets in a group of two. I want you to pair with the person beside you, and move your desks together."

I blush even more when I see Ciel looking at me. I look over and he flashes a brilliant smile.

"Wanna be partners?" He asks, already moving his desk closer to mine.

I nod, not trusting myself to talk. Mrs. Montgomery passes the packets out. 

Ciel and I get the packet done rather quickly, and he looks up at me, his eyes pulling me in again like an ocean current.

"Eliza, would you maybe want to go out Saturday night?" He asks me. At first, I think it was my imagination, but quickly realize it isn't when I see his expectant face.

"Oh, um, uh..." I say. Good one, Eliza, real smooth, I think to myself.

He smiles, making my heart skip a beat. My cheeks heat up again. Just then the bell rings, and everyone starts to move their desks back into place.

"Just think about it." He says, smiling again, then grabbing his backpack and heading out the door.

I stop at the bathroom before heading to my next class. My heartbeat is going a mile a minute. I can't believe Ciel asked me out. I keep thinking I'm in a dream. 

The door bursts open and Azriel walks in, followed by her entourage, Emma and Sam.

"What's wrong with you?" Azriel asks judgingly, caring more about gossip for later than really caring about what's wrong. 

"Nothing," I say, trying to calm my breathing.

"Oh yeah, obviously." She says rolling her eyes and heading to the mirror. Emma and Sam follow her, giving me dirty looks on the way.

Not in the mood for their drama, I quickly get myself together and head for my next class. 

I sit down at my desk, next to my best friend, Sebastian. We've been friends since we were toddlers, our parents are good friends. He takes the earbud out of his ear and smiles at me.

"What's up?" He asks, looking deeply into my eyes. I take a moment to look him over. He looks the same as always, his dark, almost black shaggy hair and his emerald green eyes. To be honest, I've had a thing for him for, like ever, but afraid of losing the strong friendship we have together, I've kept that to myself. "You okay?" He asks, giving me a confused look.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I say, hating that my cheeks are burning again.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything." He says, leaning closer to me and taking my hand. I can't do anything but stare into his eyes, the eyes I've known for 16 years, the eyes that make me feel safe, make me feel at home.

"I..." I don't pull away as he leans even closer and his lips touch mine. I put my hand in his hair and kiss him back, feeling exhilarated. My body fills with warmth. I've dreamt of this moment my whole life, but I was so afraid. But now, here we are kissing in the back of history class, and I wouldn't rather be doing anything in the world. 

A loud alarm starting blaring, making us jolt apart. We both look around, confused as the intercom comes on and says "CODE RED, TEACHERS DIRECT ALL STUDENTS TO THE VAULTS" over and over.

Sebastian and I lock eyes, and both instinctively grab each other's hand as we follow the teacher. With the alarms still blaring, the teachers screaming for us to calm down, and the total panic overall, it was almost impossible to leave the classroom. We all squeeze into the hallway and follow the direction everyone is going until we reach a giant door to what has the be the vaults the intercom spoke of. I look at Sebastian and I can tell that he had no clue about this vault any more than I did. 

The principal yells, and everyone quiets down, the only noise is the alarm. "There is something wrong, and we've been instructed to put you all safely in these vaults. Don't worry, we won't be here long, you'll all be back home before you know it, I'm sure. Now, boys go to the left, girls go to the right."

This caused another uproar from the students, and I tighten my grip on Sebastian's hand. Just then, there's a deafening sound, almost like an explosion, and an extremely bright light coming from every window. 

The principal's and teachers' aghast faces made all of us freak out even more, and the wave of kids pushing past us made me let go of Sebastian's hand and we each got pushed into the vaults, terrified and seemingly alone.

All us girls were led deep into the vault until we reached a huge room with hundreds of empty pods. The teachers started ushering each of us into a pod, telling us everything will be okay. I unwillingly stepped inside and the door closed. 

"Take a deep breath." A teacher yelled over all the noise. I took in a lungful of air just as the teacher pulled a lever, causing all of us to start freezing cryogenically. My vision slowly went black as the cold took over my body.

A strange warmth starts to cascade through me, starting at my head and slowly going to my toes. I can't open my eyes or breathe, but I can think. Where is Sebastian... Haylee... Ciel... Where are my parents? Where am I? Bit by bit I'm able to feel my body until I'm finally able to move. I find myself in a pod, do I remember how I got here? I look around and find a button that says release. I press it and the door opens. A few other pods were opening also, and I see Haylee stumble out of hers.

"Eliza, what's going on?" She asks as she walks over to me. "I feel like I've had the best nap of my life."

"I don't know, but I've got to find Sebastian," I say, already heading in the other direction. She follows close behind.

Bloodcurdling screams followed by sobs made me stop in my tracks. I turned and ran back, seeing most of the girls from my school standing around a note.

"What's that?" I ask, and everyone turns and looks at me.

"See for yourself." Says Azriel, her usual rudeness gone for the moment. She reaches out to give me the note. 

Dear students, I am sorry to inform you that a bomb fell, causing the end of the world as we know it. Unless there are more vaults, you are the last living humans. There weren't enough pods for us teachers. You kids make us proud.

I stare slack-jawed at the note for a good while before coming back to reality. This is reality? My parents are dead? Everyone is dead but us? I look up at all the faces still staring in my direction. 

"Sebastian." Is all I can say as I drop the note and run out of the room and into the long winding hallway that I vaguely remember walking down before. I ran until I reached the turn to go into the boys' vault, and I charged until I saw the pods. I stopped, catching my breath with my hands on my thighs until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Seb..." I start until I look up and see bright blue eyes staring back at me. "Ciel." Is all I can muster.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" He says and without hesitation rushes forward, wraps his arms around my hips, and kisses me. Electricity flows through me, unlike anything I have ever felt. I'm helpless to do anything but stand there and kiss him back. I pull away after a minute, my cheeks flushed. Ciel stares into my eyes and I stare back, almost paralyzed. 

I look over and see Sebastian walking in my direction, and I run toward him, wrapping him in a huge hug. "I was so worried about you! I came as soon as I found out what happened. Everyone is dead, how can that be true?" I say, tears spilling out of my eyes. He hugs me back tightly, and I can tell he's shaking. 

"I don't know." He says, not sounding like his usual calm self at all. "Eliza, what were you doing talking to Ciel?"

"Oh.. he, uh... he..." 

"Kissed you." He says, matter of factly, pulling away from me. He looks into my eyes, his eyes making me feel safe like they always do.

"Sebastian, I..."

"I'm sorry, are you two together?" Ciel asks, walking up to us. 

Sebastian's eyes fill with anger that he immediately tries to control, but he fails. "I'm sorry, what's it to you?" He asks.

Ciel looks from me to Sebastian, to me again. "I'm still awaiting your answer to our date, Eliza. I know you like me. I feel a connection, especially when we kissed. I know you felt it too."

"Ciel, I..." 

"Eliza," Sebastian says, looking at me, "I kissed you right before the alarms started to go off, and I know you felt what I felt. A connection that goes 16 years back; a connection that cannot be broken." He stares deeply into my eyes, trying to sense what I'm feeling.

Although I don't even know what I'm feeling. 

Just then, the vault door started to open. The three of us gazed at it, shielding our eyes from the blinding light. It opened fully and everyone walked slowly out into what used to be the school. Now only the vault remained. There wasn't much left anywhere as far as I could see but ash and rubble. Tears starting streaming from my eyes again. My parents were dead. Everyone was dead except for us.

Sebastian put his hands on my shoulders, and Ciel stood close by, watching me. I looked into Sebastian's eyes, then Ciel's. Then I took off running to my house. My home. Everything I've ever known. When I got to what used to be my house, breathing hard, I collapsed, my sight going black.

"Eliza... Eliza?!" I slowly opened my eyes to see Sebastian's emerald eyes boring into mine. "I saw you lying here and didn't know what to think. Are you okay?" He helped me up and wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back.

"I..." Before I can make out a sentence my eyes are pouring tears once again. I can't comprehend what has happened. 

"Eliza, I love you," Sebastian whispers before planting his lips onto mine. I'm filled with a warm, calming sensation, making me feel so safe. We kissed until it was night, and we were both too tired to go on, then we curled up together on the ground and slept until the blinding sun came up. 

"Sebastian?" I asked, shielding my eyes. I pat the ground where he was, realizing he's gone. Standing up, I felt how tired and weak I am from not eating for so long. I start to walk but I trip, and right before I hit the ground, someone catches me.

"Woah, hey now, he went with the others to try and find some food. Here, sit back down." He helped me sit, and I looked over to realize its Ciel.

"Oh," I say, looking at the ground.

"Eliza?" Ciel says, and I look up. He puts the fingers of his right hand under my chin, and lifts my head more, then kisses me, filling me with the same electricity as before. He pulls away, leaving me breathless. "I had to do it again. It feels so right, does it not? I don't know what my problem is. I can tell you're in love with Sebastian. I just feel such a strong connection with you that it's driving me crazy."

"I... Ciel, I..." I'm cut off by loud screaming close by. I stand quickly, immediately getting reminded of the weak state that I'm in. Ciel steadies me, and we both look around until we see what's going on; A group is getting chased by a large deformed dog-like creature, and one of the people in the group is Sebastian. 

"Nooo!" I scream and start running as fast as my weak legs will allow.

"No, Eliza!" Ciel screams and runs after me.

By the time I get there, someone has stabbed the massive dog with a long sharp stick, and a couple more students had a stick of their own that they were prepared to use. The creature was extremely mad and was biting and scratching at anyone it could get close to. Another student stabbed the dog with a stick, making it yelp in pain, and also angrier. Ciel grabs my arm, trying to pull me away to safety. Sebastian's eyes caught mine and he gestured for me to follow Ciel, but before he could look back at the dog, it smacked him in the chest, its claws cutting deep, and the force throwing him a few feet away. I watch in horror as Sebastian's body lifelessly flies through the air and lands in a heap. I instantly run after him. 

I make it to Sebastian, and I'm panic-stricken to see the amount of blood coming from his chest and pooling all around him. I fall to my knees to see if he's breathing; He has to be breathing, he's my rock. My everything. My soul mate. I feel his chest and it isn't rising, I check his wrist and he doesn't have a pulse. I become hysterical, trying CPR over and over again until Ciel comes up beside me and puts his hand on my arm.

"Eliza, he's dead." He says, stopping me from continuing CPR.

"No, no he can't be dead!" I scream, fighting against him, tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, shhh, listen to me," Ciel says calmly, looking into my eyes. "I need you to know something. I haven't known you for very long, but the connection I feel for you will never compare to anything else. But listen, I am not normal like you, I know this will sound crazy, but for generations, my family has been trying to master magic, and in some ways, we have. We can do many things that normal people cannot. One of those things is the power of healing. I have never brought someone back to life, and I do not doubt that it will kill me in his place, but as long as you know that no matter the amount of time that I spent with you, or your feelings toward me, that I love you, Eliza. No one could compare to you. Sebastian is a lucky man." He leans in and kisses me, filling me with electricity stronger than the past kisses, and unlike anything I have ever, or will ever feel. 

"Ciel, I..." 

"Shhh..." Ciel whispers.

I watch helplessly as he leans over Sebastian's body and places his hands on him. A brilliant glow envelops them both, and I shield my eyes, unable to see. The light starts to die down, and I open my eyes to see Ciel becoming ethereal until I can see straight through him. He turns and smiles at me, before floating off and disappearing. I stare at where he was just moments before, completely stunned until I hear Sebastian grunting beside me. 

"Sebastian!" I say helping him sit up and hugging him tightly. "I thought I'd lost you. I love you so much!" I cry into his shoulder as he holds me, and the emotions of sadness and pure joy surge through me at once. He pushes away to look into my eyes and then kisses me deeply. Sebastian is alive, and I owe it all to Ciel, the boy with beautiful blue eyes.

September 21, 2020 02:37

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