Hummingbirds & Rain

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



Rain threatened hummingbirds, so they hid. It gushed down like whiskey down his throat. He couldn't understand why she left him. Why didn't the walls rush her back? Not sit her down and speak to her. Tell her that they were worth it. She moved on, and he got stuck. 

Stuck in this cold house. Stuck facing the rain. Unlike the hummingbirds, he had no partner. No tree to warm him - a hummingbird's home. His home was cold. An old Zeppelin song playing. Bringing back unwanted memories. Last year's rain, them dancing in the showers. She would go on and fall in love. He would sit and watch the rain. He would remember her as a sweet memory while listening to the radio.

The lost sailor thought he had anchored in her heart. He had, but he destroyed every little piece of love she had for him - with his poor actions. Now he was drowning in his sorrow, misery, and guilt ~ without her hand to hold. Soft, smooth hands holding him. To help him stay focused on his journey, but she was no longer there. He sailed aimlessly. From the far east to the opposing west. Nothing took her presence. Not the sea. Nor the moon. Nor the stars. Nothing could make up for his Jade. My Jade. She was his sea. His mountain. His moon. His stars. She was everything, and he lost her. 

"She's not mine, she will never be mine again." 

"Maybe...just maybe I'll convince myself it's a good thing. It'll keep Jade happy. Isn't that what I want? Maybe I was expecting lots out of this. Maybe I set myself up for this." 

"I-I just can't get over what it feels like to lay in her arms. To feel that exotic scent. Flowers mixed with nature," he spoke to the moon, "I can't help but think of our skin touching. My fingers barely touching hers as our eyes meet for a second - the world freezing. Her warm breath on my skin as she imprinted her love notes on my neck."

He shut his eyes, letting the wind wrap itself around him - she wasn't here, but her spirit was. He could only imagine that was her arms around him.

"I murdered our love..."


She sat down, mountains crushing. Sweet melodies tuning into the rain. Will Chris know? Will he hear her? Her words. Her music. She missed him. Longed for his touch. Does he think of her when he looks into the empty dresser? 

Who replaced the roses? Did they wilt over her? They comforted her as she cried, one murmuring rumors to another. Did he bother to replace them, or was there another touch, another lady perhaps? 

Did she leave her touch throughout the house? Does she hold him in her place? Who comforts him when he's sad? Will she know how many teaspoons of sugar to put in his tea? What his favorite movie is? His favorite food? 

His fragrance is still lingering on her shirt; she sniffed it and remembered him. Why didn't he take his kisses away from her lips? Why doesn't he come and pick up the lost hugs? 

She closed her eyes, trying to sleep. Listening to the rain meet the ground. It was eager to collide like they were once upon a time. Chris's absences stole away her sleep, and she almost died from longing. Longing for his touch, his voice, his body pressed against hers. His rough hands tangled into her hair, hips meeting in harmony. She longed for him. 

His absence was a monster, waiting to eat her alive. Breaking her ribs, watching her suffocate slowly. Suffocate for his love. If she knew this was the product - she wouldn't let him leave. She wouldn't allow herself to be tormented over the coal of love. What had he done to her? The only God knew. She saw pain, pleasure, and defeat. All mixed together. Pain eating at her heart. Satisfaction in knowing she did what she said she was going to do. Defeat, knowing she had lost him. 


Both couldn't survive one more night alone with the rain, they needed to go out. Face it - the storm. It was ending, soon enough everybody will leave their homes. Hummingbirds would glide across the fields, pecking every flower they found, but for now, hummingbirds stayed inside, tucked into each other's wings. 

Standing stranded, both of them with no lover to find shelter. They didn't know both had come. Memories pulled them to /that/ place. Their place that was filled with love and temptations before the cruel world decided to strip it away from them. 

How could things die but not die? We convince ourselves that it was killed. In reality, it /is/ what is tormenting us now. That love. 

Chris and Jade started to step closer, the forbidden fruit shining. Tempting them. Their demons calling out. To stop them? To reunite them? They didn't know. All they knew was their longing for each other. Chris was the first step to run towards her. He couldn't hold back anymore. Chris remembered their promises to each other, their whispers, their good lazy mornings. He remembered everything. Jade earning her courage from him, running. He is her savoir. Chris will whisk her away from her pain. He will help her through this, she could depend on him.

Both colliding into each other's arms. Their egos demolished. Climbing into the ship of pleasure and pain, nobody was there anymore. Even when the hummingbirds were watching - neither cared. They groped, held, and worshipped. Something dirty and raw; nothing about them was innocent. Nothing. Their cracked hearts bonding. He pressed against her, and she gripped his arms. Lips devouring each other. "Don't leave me ever again," he mumbled into her lips, traveling down her shoulder - leaving his mark.

Her moans echoed throughout the trees and clouds up into the sky. Angels singing with happiness, the lovers were once reunited. Jade and Chris - a match made in heaven. Heaven itself was sick of their separation. Heaven /wanted/ them together. Never alone, holding each other when things go haywire. They were stronger together. Adam and Eve were created together, after all. Not separate but a pair. 

March 27, 2020 05:49

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