When you wish upon a plane

Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write a story that begins and ends with someone looking up at the stars.... view prompt



I rush out of class, my train is due at half four and I don’t want to wait an hour for the next one. As I get closer to the college gates, I have a quick glimpse at my phone. I notice a missed call and voicemail left by him. Confusion takes over, he’s more of a texter than a caller. It must be important. I click on the voicemail then bring the phone up to my face and tightly place it to my ear. I struggle to hear above the crowds. I move away from the crowds and find a quiet place in the drama building. I listen. I am shocked to hear the voice of an middle aged female. She explains that Daniel has been in a motorbike accident and will be taken to hospital in the ambulance. I am told he has potentially broken his neck and it doesn’t look good. 

My mind goes to that place. I think of the worst, of all the terrible possibilities. It frightens me. Potentially a broken neck, paralysed forever? Or worse. 

Our love story has only just begun. It is young love. Ended before we knew what we were, and what we could be. 

I call back immediately, my heart is beating so hard. The phone rings for what feels like forever... 

It is cut of and it goes through to his voicemail.

I panic, I frantically call again. 

It’s ringing and ringing,

and ringing.

I look up and catch a glimpse of a plane within the stars above, 

I am taken back to our beginning, to only a week before. 


It was Halloween night, I had met up with some friends. We got some chips from the chip shop and sat in the empty park. We were in desperate need of some ketchup for our dry salty chips. We saw Daniel’s house across the street from the park. We though we would be cheeky so went to see if he had some. It was a Monday. Daniel and I had told each other we liked each other a couple of days before; we hadn’t really spoken since so I was eager to see him.  

We walked down the narrow driveway, his bike outside, and knocked on his front door. I was both excited and nervous. We heard quiet barks and a few seconds later the door was pulled open. The cutest dog looked up at us. Then Daniel’s face peared around the door, he moved his hair away from his face, he looked at me and smiled. 

“Can we borrow some ketchup?” Our moment is interrupted by Jack’s request. 

Daniel disappeared into his house. We petted the dog whilst we waited. He reappeared with the ketchup and carefully passed it to me.

“I’ll be out in a bit.” 

Once again I am caught up in his smile. I say goodbye to his dog, with a gentle pat. The door shuts and he’s gone again. 

My friends and I were sat back down crossed legged on the damp bark eating our chips, dipped in sweet ketchup. They were caught up in discussion, in fits of laughter. I kept an eye on that gate, waiting eagerly for him to come out. A little later, I see him walking through the gates towards us. I immediately become fidgety, struggling to hide my excitement. He is instantly noticeable by his patched covered denim jacket, long wavy hair and tugged down beanie. 

My friends had left as it was getting late, it was then just me and him. I looked at him, looking up at the sky. My eyes focussed on his messy beard and gentle hazel eyes. It was dark. I joined him in looking at the stars. The stars were bright and the sky was clear. We saw an aeroplane fly above, we made a wish upon the plane. I wished we would be together forever. We stood with our pinky’s touching, close to holding hands, both nervous.

After a while he walked me home down the lit street; a winters night, the stars glistening above, our hands now tightly held to keep warm. We had stopped, I was increasingly nervous. I wanted to kiss him but the huge lack of confidence stopped me. He could sense my anxiety. He asked about my day, I was explaining the craziness of it, then whilst I’m distracted he kissed me.

Our love story had only just begun.

The uncertainty and unpredictability of life haunts me. 


The ringing stops.

It stops.

I hear a voice,

his voice.

I catch my breath, a sense of relief as tears roll down my face. He is ok, just bruised and achy, not seriously hurt. He says he’s in the ambulance and nearly at the hospital now. They say he is okay, just need to check. 

He apologises, “I’m sorry I won’t be in college tomorrow for your birthday.”

I quickly interrupt, “Don’t be silly, you need to rest. Is there anything I can do to help?” 

He says, “Meet me tomorrow evening.” 


When I see him the next evening I just want to run and hug him. I have never been so thankful. I walk up to him eagerly and nervously. He hands me a couple wrapped up gifts. I am surprised, I didn’t expect anything. I unwrap the gifts to reveal a strawberry and watermelon scented candle and an Oreo chocolate bar. I hug and thank him. We link hands and walk to the green. I am hardly bothered by the cold rain. The puddles splash under his leather boots and my sequin converse which are on the way to being ruined. We find a dry patch and lay down, looking up at the stars through a gap in the trees. He looks at me with those gentle eyes and asks if I am okay. I nod. We are both quiet; he seems nervous as is hesitant on what to say. 

He turns to me. “When I was thrown of my bike by the uneven road, my first thought was you.” 

He takes a deep breath. 

“I thought I was going to die. I asked the lady, that had stopped to help, to call you.” 

He holds my hand and looks into my eyes. I am captivated in overwhelming emotion. 

He says “Molly, I love you.”

I smile, I can’t hide it. 

He continues “I know it’s too soon but ...”

I interrupt.

“I love you too.” 


Nearly four years on I look up at the sky, I feel the exact same way about him now as I did that first day. The day we looked up at the stars and wished upon a plane. 

July 24, 2020 09:52

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Anna Rogers
04:53 Jul 30, 2020

Your story easily fits into the rom com genre, and I love how you’ve crafted a powerful love story out of so simple an act as looking at stars. It’s believable, told in simple language that’s easy to follow and the outcome definitely puts it in the category of “feel good” and “warm fuzzy.” In short it’s a romance with real substance and while you don’t reveal her name she is believable and we want things to work out for her ie the outcome you gave us where Daniel’s injuries don’t turn out to be life threatening and their love story isn’t c...


08:04 Jul 30, 2020

Thank you :)


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