Fiction Inspirational

Jessie wakes up and looks out the window to find a powdering of pure white snow on the ground with big fluffy chunks coming down. How beautiful! she thinks to herself.  

She wondered why it had been so cold the night before. Originally it was only supposed to get down to 45. However, when she woke up in the middle of the night and had to pull up her blanket she knew it had gotten far colder.  

Now if she could just make herself go out and enjoy it. That would be amazing, specially considering she has an extreme case of agoraphobia. She hadn't been outside her home for 6 years and she knows full well that it has been too long.  

As she stares out the window watching the flakes swirl through the air, she wonders if the neighbor kids will be going to school today. After all, usually they call a snow day for the first day of snow at the beginning of the new school year.

She always enjoys watching the children sledding and making snow men. It's funny how she gets so excited knowing they are going to be playing out in it when she herself can't. Maybe that's why? she wonders.

Six years ago, Jesse who was a chef at the premier new restaurant Le Petit was walking home from work when a man had abducted her and raped her.  Later, she was found down a dirt road outside of town.  

Jesse who is a tall dark blonde curvy woman of 31, always attracted the wrong attention. Even in culinary school, the chef hit on her and implied that she would get ahead if she put out. She wasn't like that though.  Hell, she was lucky if she even talked to anyone.  

She has always been a quiet person that loves reading books and watching sappy movies with her dog Mable. The only time she ever left the house back then was to go to the store or to work.  

Her parents died ten years ago in a car accident. New Year's Eve they were out at a party and drank too much. On the way home they hit a deer and careened off the road and right into a tree. They died instantly. Jessie was devastated.  

After that her life went down hill. She tried to go to the University in the next town over but ended up failing out. Finally, she decided that she wanted to become a chef. When she got her certificate and became one officially, she took the first job she was offered. Le Petit.  

They were looking for someone who loved what they did and that fit Jesse to a T. Her life revolved around her job and she put every ounce of her being into her work. It was what made her truly happy, just seeing people enjoy her food. But then that fateful night happened and ever since she has been stuck in her house. Too scared to leave.

At one point in time she had a psychiatrist who made house calls specially for her. Dr. John Watkins. A middle aged man, who wasn't bad looking. He just wasn't someone Jessie would find attractive. John's appearance is that of a hobbit. Short, squat, and cheerful. He had hair in places that normally a man wouldn't have.  

John liked Jesse though. She could tell. It was hardly professional when he would hold her hand while discussing ways to get her more involved in the outside world. She couldn't handle his advances, so she told him they could only be friends.

The phone rings and her brother Billy calls. "Hey how do you like the snow? I bet you would do anything to let the flakes melt in your mouth like they used to? he asks hesitantly.  

"Well I would love to be able to, but you know. I can't." Jesse feels sadness for what once was and makes her way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast. "Now where was I? About to make some toast. Did you have anything else you wanted to say? I do miss you little brother." she says with a smile on her face.

"How about I come over and we go play in the snow like we used to? I can be there in about an hour, after I do my rounds at the hospital. Does that sound o.k.?" he waits silently for an answer.  

"Sure, if nothing else we can visit for awhile and catch up. It's not like I have anything else to talk about or anyone to talk to." Jesse takes the bread out of the toaster and spreads jelly all over it. "Mmmm. Now that's good stuff! See ya when you get here. Love you."  

"O.k. see you soon. Love you too." he ends the call and wonders if today might be the day he gets his big sister out of her solitary confinement. Thinking while he does his rounds at the hospital he ponders how to get her out of the house. Finally, he comes up with a plan.

Jesse hurries to get a shower and dressed. She combs out her curly hair and puts on some makeup. After all, she never gets company. So what if it is only her brother. Then she patiently awaits his arrival. When she hears him driving in she quickly sits down on the couch and turns the t.v. on so he doesn't think she is so excited to see him.

A knock at the door and then in comes her baby brother. "Billy, how are you?" she smiles and immediately gives him a huge hug. "I really did miss you. So how are all the patients at the E.R.? Do they keep you really busy there?" 

"Well yeah, of course. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's not like I have a family at home waiting for me like so many of my colleagues. I feel bad for them. It seems like their families take back burner to their career. It really shouldn't be that way. So tell me. Am I going to pull you out of this house today?" he looks at her with anticipation.

"Who knows. Maybe. But you would have to come up with something extraordinary to make me go out." she slaps him on the shoulder.

"Well, it just happens I have a plan. Put on your coat right now! No ifs ands or butts." he grabs it for her off the coat rack and starts to close in on her.

She walks backwards until she hits the wall. Now he has her. Unable to move, he makes her put on the coat. He produces gloves out of his pocket and has her wear them. Finally, he grabs her hand and pulls her towards the door.  

Kicking and screaming, she puts up a good fight but he overpowers her and then has her put her boots on. "Now settle down or I will hoist you over my shoulder and will carry you out fireman style." 

Jesse looks at him and then just starts to laugh. The obsurd mental image in her head is making her laugh so hard her sides hurt. During that instance he opens the door and yanks her outside.  

The sky is a beautiful bright blue and the clouds are puffy and bright white. Nothing she could see from her window ever compared to the site she sees as she looks up. It takes her breath away. And you know what? She didn't care anymore if she was outside.  

"I can't believe it! My sister is standing here just staring up at the sky. Outside her house." he steps to the side smiling bigger then a cheshire cat as he grabs a handfull of snow and smacks her dead center in the forehead.  

She turns around and snaps out of her trance as she realizes what he has done. Taking it all in she starts to laugh again. This time she bends down and grabs a snowball herself and smacks him in the back as he starts to run for the nearest car.  

"Got you, you little shithead. You should know you can't run from me. I am faster then you have ever been." she says as she chases him down and shoves snow down his pants.  

He turns and sees a crowd of kids on the lake behind the house playing hockey. "The ice must be thick enough finally. Do you want to go check it out?" he points over to the children skating on it.

"Might as well, considering we are already out here. I still can't believe I am out of the house after all these years." she shakes her head as she is unbelieving of the situation.

After Billy pulls what's left of the snow from his pants they make their way to the edge of the lake. Hesitant, Jesse stops for a minute. "I'm scared. I don't know if I can actually do it." 

He grabs her hand again and slowly pulls her forward. "You can do this. I have you. After all, the worst thing that can happen is you slide and fall on your butt." he says jokingly.  

She looks at him and knowing if she does this her world will only get better, she says "O.K." as they step tentatively onto the frozen lake.

January 22, 2021 19:25

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