Helena stared at the computer monitor as a surge of heated blood raged like hell within her. Her flirt friend’s Facebook bio had the initials “DM” the same as her ex-boyfriend’s. Tears flooded her cheeks, not because of the pain from a broken heart but because of being betrayed. Her lower lip quivered, and she bit it until it almost bled. She took a screenshot of the bios and blocked both of them on FB and from her life.
You will pay for this!
She grabbed her car key, drove for fifteen minutes, and ended at her favorite aunt’s place. Nothing changed from her last visit. But she still had the same reaction whenever she was outside—scratching her head and asking the same question. Where’s the door again?
She pouted at the external walls of the house made of timber. Bittersweet vine extending from end to end made it almost difficult to identify the house as a refuge to someone.
She turned, about to search for the entrance, when the door swung open.
“Helena,” aunt Silvera gave her a warm, loving hug. “I’m not surprised. I know you’re coming.”
She returned to her aunt’s embrace and cried a river, smudging her make-up. She forced a smile for her elderly aunt. She was a 70- year- old lady trapped in a 30- year- old femme fatale body. How come she didn’t age for years?
“My gut feeling is right. They have been fooling me for so long. No wonder that asshole ghosted me and that itchy bitch is always awkward with me.”
“Shh… Let’s go inside. I’ll get you tea.”
She settled on the comfy couch. Her eyes didn’t stop admiring the interior of the house. Bermuda grass carpeted the floor. Mandevilla hung on the ceiling like pink cotton candy clouds. Hanging ivy curtained the sole window next to the door.
Helena leaned on the couch, placed her arm on top of its backrest, and winced when the bougainvillea thorn pricked her.
“I thought these are fake.” She wiped the blood off her arm.
“Of course not.” Aunt Silvera handed her the cup of fresh tea. “My babies are not like that made- of- a plastic friend of yours.” She held her niece’s hand and smiled with her heart in her eyes. “I know that you are mad at them, but please don’t let hate devour you. They don’t deserve a good person like you. And you don’t deserve treacherous, hurtful people like them. Let karma do its job, okay?”
Helena was about to respond when she saw the cypress vine on the adjacent wall stirred and formed two images spooning.
“Auntie, look! The vines, they have human figures.”
Silvera looked at it, but the vines were still as if nothing happened. “Oh, dear. You must be very exhausted that you’re seeing things. Why don’t I give you a present to forget about those who’ve hurt you?”
She walked to the drawer on the other side of the couch. Its wall bloomed with clematis.
“How did you manage to take care of these when you live alone?” Helena’s eyes reflected curiosity at the paradise-like interior of her aunt’s humble abode. Silvera responded with a wink.
“These flowers make me feel young. As they bloom, I bloom. If they wither, I might too.” She laughed and studied Helena’s reaction to her words. “Look at you. Your eyes tell me that you believe those words. That’s why you got toyed. You easily trust and believe what people tell you.”
She sat beside Helena again and made her wear a necklace with an opal pendant. “This will protect you from people with bad intentions.”
“It must be.” She hugged her aunt and kissed her cheek. “It will take care of me, right?”
Silvera nodded with an enigmatic smile.
Helena drove back to her apartment and was surprised to see Dan and Mara standing outside. Of all people, why those trashes?
She took a deep breath and touched the opal. “Please help me get rid of them. I don’t want to see them ever, even if it means forever.” She didn’t notice the low glint of light from it as she spoke. She composed herself before walking towards them.
Her heart drummed her chest at each step she made. With clenched fist behind her, she smiled sweetly at them. A smile they will never suspect to had known something—something that’s really going on.
“Hey, guys. What a surprise!”
Helena looked at Mara first. Her smile was as sweet and genuine as always, but her eyes didn’t reflect what her smile projected. Disingenuous bitch!
Then, she looked at Dan who couldn’t even look at her. He kept his posture straight as if he was righteous, but his gestures showed the opposite. Still full of yourself despite what you did? How conceited!
“Lena, we want to tell you something.” Mara started. Her voice cracked as she choked on her words. Dan looked at her as if saying no, but she kept going. “Can we talk?”
Once inside, Helena asked them to settle on the couch as she walked her way to the kitchen and got them their favorite drinks. I want to poison you both, but I won’t. I’ll let karma do its thing.
“Here you go.” She handed a cup of strawberry-flavored tea to Mara first before handing Dan brewed coffee on his favorite mug.
“So, how are you both? It’s the first time you’ve been here together.”
“I’m good, thanks for asking.” Mara sipped her tea and smiled. “It tastes great! I can feel your sweetness on this cup.”
“I poured my heart on making it for you my friend.” She smiled. How I wished I poured acid there.
She looked at Dan who was silently drinking his coffee. “So, Mara, what is it that you wanted to tell me? I’ll ask Dan later when he’s ready.”
“Lena, we went here together to tell you that I’m pregnant, and Dan—”
“I… want to assist her financially—because my cousin who was the father of the baby ran away from his obligation.”
“Oh, how thoughtful of you to do that.” She cutely clasped her hands on her cheeks like she was deeply affected by his chivalry. Keep on lying asshole.
“That’s not what I’m about to say, Dan! She needs to know the truth.” He didn’t respond. “Lena,” she took Helena’s hands in her icy hands. “You’re so kind to be treated this way. Dan and I had been together for quite a while now.”
Helena took her shaking hands away. She trembled as if she had been inside a gong that was hit very hard. She could feel her heart ripping apart. Her eyes were clouded again. She couldn’t hear anything aside from Mara’s “sorry”. So, this is how it is knowing the truth from the person who broke my trust.
“That’s not true, Lena. Mara seduced me that’s why I ghosted you when I found out that she’s pregnant.” Dan finally spoke.
“Stop lying to her! We both know we did this together!” Mara was also crying.
They yelled at each other, pointing fingers at who was at fault. Helena could no longer hear anything but her own torn voice. Her tears made everything a blur as the opal blinded her with a subtle blast of colors. Her pounding heart made her deaf. Her own thoughts yelled the words she couldn’t utter. How I wish one of you murders the other and won’t stop until the other one meets Death.
With that, Dan started strangling Mara. His eyes were red like burning lava. His strong hands gripped her vulnerable neck with might, choking the life out of her. He didn’t stop until the pupil of her eyes rolled above. He faced Helena as if nothing happened and walked towards the door. But as he strode out, a loud crash broke the silence caused by terror. His body slumped on the floor at the porch, pinned under a huge pillar out of nowhere.
Silvera stood by the window, watching the dancing branches of the trees outside.
“So, that’s what DM means—” she simpered looking at the screened shot photo on Helena’s mobile phone. “—death and murder. Good thing my niece forgot her phone. I got the reference.”
The vines inside the house crawled towards her in a circular motion. A cluster of bougainvillea flowers kissed her cheek as if whispering something in her ear.
“Yes, I know. The necklace has found its rightful owner. It’s time for me to rest.”
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