Drama Science Fiction

The whole world has been warned in many ways and many times long before even the current civilization. Many kinds are encrypted in religious aspects. There are those who believe that the Son of God will come down from the heaven and will bring down the rain of fire and brimstone. And some may say about the splitting of the moon and the sun will start rising from the west. All adherents to this phenomenon weren't expecting the things that are going to happen, their oblivion about the world's ending, is about to occur.

Year 2025, Manila time 11:40 PM. A pregnant woman in her apartment with her daughter sitting at the balcony.

“Mommy, mommy what is that?” as the child wonders about what is happening. It is getting darker every minute, the stars’ shimmers are fading, and being replaced by a huge emerald glow. The child's pupils are lit green while watching the phenomenon. The mother overflowing with tears and hugs her child and says,

“It's okay baby, it won't hurt. It'll be over really quick my dear,” and she hugs her child even tightly.

“Mommy don't cry. Baby inside you will cry too,” the seven years old daughter says with her small, quavering voice.

“We'll both see your father really soon baby. Just hug mommy really, really tight, okay?” the mother asks with her tear stained eyes, and she caresses her daughter's oblivious face.

“We'll be in paradise soon. Us, as a complete family,” the mother wraps her daughter again with her arms.

“We'll see dad again? We're going to heaven?” the daughter asks. “Yes we are, baby…yes we are.”

Queensland time 1:43 AM, an old man having a cup of tea in his lounge room at a godly hour. Wearing his veteran uniform with medals of honour patched up on his left chest, ticked sign with a label of the year, 1939, the very first year of the second world war. On the left wall, a frame with an old picture of three young men in their twenties, with each other’s arms placed on top of each other’s nape, all wearing the same uniform. Smiling in front of the camera of that time, probably because of the unbelievable victory. Behind the old man is a rowdy radio still in-tune.

“The N.A.S.A's instructions of staying indoors will not gonna help, how come staying inside your home be safe if it's the end of everything!”

“Same thought, but that is why I suggest that be with you family for these last moments, hug them kiss the...”

The sound coming from the radio starts to fade for the old man’s ears and starts hearing his own heartbeat. Then he glances out of his window, the city that’s supposed to be engulfed with darkness in the middle of the night, glows teal as if its drowning in the northern lights.

“I guess this is my time, I've lived long enough to atone for my sins,” as he stares to the glowing city of Surfers Paradise. Then he turns his head over his left shoulder to glance at the picture hanging on the wall.

“We’ll, I hope there will be beer on your table upon my arrival,” he says, as if talking to the old picture will grant him answers.

The people of earth are all having their own ways of saying goodbyes to their beloved. Meanwhile, a humongous rock twice the size of the moon painted in glowing viridian, creating halos in the sky as it's slowly nearing towards the earth, bursting clouds of teal dust trail. It hits the moon making it split, the other half with the impact causes it to derail course, and the other half breaks into smithereens. The smaller pieces enter the stratosphere, making its way more quicker to hit the earth because of its small size and density. As these pieces breaks the spheres of the earth creating red flares. People are watching the red showers raining from the sky. A priest comes out of the door of the Albay Cathedral, ripping his eyes wide enough to seal the image to his brain.

“T-This is...This is the Revelation! We were right all along, so much for the nonbelievers Haaaa! Begone you sinners and all the hypocrites. Die!” the Priest let goes a screech. And Thud! he's squashed by a huge rock from the moon. With the massive damage from the rock shower, several cities or maybe countries are now in ruins.

Some part in Rawis, Philippines, in an underground laboratory with running rats and cockroaches because of the tremors, a man in white lab coat and safety glasses tinkering a machine on his table. Piled up mechanical parts are all over the place, making it looks like an old man’s garage. A wooden crate under his table labelled Republic of China Armed Forces, Whampoa Military Base. And below the wooden crate has the name Maraging Steel; it's a man-made steel, mixed from various other hardest minerals known by men such as Tungsten, Chronium, Titanium, and Inconel. And it's all came from the black market through the corrupted Bureau of Customs Administraties of the Philippines, by getting illegal supplies from outside of the country.

Behind the busy man, is a steel capsule and most probably, its main ingredient is the Maraging Steel that the man received from overseas. The man pushes the button Enter, then, an Artificial Intelligence speaks the purpose of the button.

“Cryogenic's System Override,” the light-emitting diode turns red.

“Fuck!” thud! the man slams his fist to the capsule.

“No... I can't give up just yet.,” the man foot slogs to his computer and hastily starts to decode the problems through the system. It's only a matter of time that the asteroid will crash on earth. The man risks a peek to the monitor to know the asteroid's approximate time.

“00:01:30” then it turns to, “00:01:29”

The man is sweating cold, his fingers are all running in a hurry, then thinking he probably fixed the problem and tries to press Enter again.

“Cryogenic's System...”

The man stares to the screen, ignoring the tremors like focusing his desperation through his eyes that he thinks it might help him for success.


The light-emitting diode turns Green.

As soon he sees the notice of success for breach, he approaches the capsule and grabs the lever at the side, with all of his might, he pulls it down. A buffering bar shows up in the main system monitor, then he looks at the approximate time for the crash.

“00:00:44” and turns to, “00:00:43”

He closes his eyes, hearing the A.I. giving note for the time every ten seconds. Pouring all his faith to the system itself, right now he can't do anything, but to wait for his access to be granted, then the A.I. starts to speak.

“Cryonic Subject Confirmed - Applicable...Auto-Pilot Activated”

The man loses his knees and presses his left hand to the capsule, drenched in miserable sweat. He reaches down to his lab coat pocket and grabs it. A stone glows in cyan, colors like the sun shines through tidal waves, he's looking at it like his eyes are never used to it, even it is his own keeping.

“Remaining time, Twenty seconds,”

He heard it, then he comes back to his focus and slides down a metal drawer under the steel capsule. Inside is a small pole with a hole at the core. He reaches his hands to it and pushes the stone into the hole.

“Material Recognized - Amphitrite... Commencing Insert”

The steel drawer automatically closes by itself. The man with unstable legs and thighs limps his way to the main system and presses F1. The capsule pushes out the oxygen from the inside making a space vacuum. It is to produce hydrogen and helium to create frost. Whatever is inside, it was put in there to be preserved.

“Go my son, go and be their king,” the man says as he caresses the smooth metal surface of the capsule. “This capsule will prevent your body from oxidizing, and it will keep the medium for thousands of years. Then one day, I know for sure…that you’ll find a way to regain the life we had,” the tremors are growing stronger, and the cracks on the walls and floors are growing longer.

“Ten seconds before Impact, Nine... Eight... Seven... Six...”

The man is staring at the capsule for the last time. The asteroid creating a deafening sound as it enters the Troposphere and Mesosphere. People of the world shuts their eyes in unison, clenching their teeth, holding tight to their beloved. Some wails for their regrets, others whine for the success they merely had the taste. A few are glad that for having torment in their lives, but most of them fears the unknown death flag.


“Go and make a new world…Lebron, my son,” the man says with the most forlorn eyes whisked with daze. Then a quick teal light shimmers from a compact window of the basement, and it hits the man’s lab coat on his chest. His name tag basked against the glimmers and it was named…Nikola Tesla.

“Three... Two… Project Adam complete” then silence commences.

Somewhere within inside the Milky Way, a loud bang bursts yet feeble, and bright light shines so beautiful yet…saddening. The life we knew has ended, and it is also the beginning.

October 05, 2020 08:51

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Charles Stucker
10:50 Oct 15, 2020

Critique Circle Amphitrite- all I could find was a reference to a Greek goddess. The opening was slow. You tell about apocalyptic myths, then shift abruptly to a scene in a Manilla apartment. You write the scene, then jump to one in Queensland. Then you tell us about all the rocks coming our way and digress to a priest somewhere sounding spiteful. Finally you have the main scene, which closes the tale. The prompt wanted a story abut a character preparing to enter stasis. While there is a stasis pod in the tale, the character going into s...


05:05 Oct 16, 2020

thank you for noticing me hehe..tried my best even English is not my language. Sorry this is my second try. I'll keep what you said in mind..


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