Reciprocal reciprocity. Is karma a bit**?

Written in response to: Start your story with someone uttering a very strange sentence.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Teens & Young Adult


How are you.

I am fine.

How were you.


Finer than today.

Worser than before.

About the same.

A little “greener.”

A little “yellower.”

Wish you knew now what you didn’t know then.

This end of-the-year-time-of-year does that kind thing.

Force us.

To reflect.

On what we did good.

What we did bad.

Why we did this.

Why we did that.

By God’s grace.

The patterns will change…..

Makes ya think.

’Bout a lot of things.

A lot about change.


And the like.

How are you








Less aloner.

People are a hindrance.

People are a threat.

To your way of life.

Your well being.

I know what you mean….

Perhaps you were never really.


in a firm foundation.

Kinda sucks.

The impending dooms of the hurts, and all.

Good news.

Bad news.

One day.

You find yourself

Firmly founded

On something.

With someone.

And it feels pretty good.

Foreign, too.

At least.

Because the new normal is no longer the old normal.

I dunno.

It is new territory.

Unchartered even.

Which way to go.

Which way to turn.

And if,

directionally challenged, without a siri around.

”Riotsa ruck.”

That is scooby speak for

“Lotsa luck.”

To you.

As you chart the old course on the new territory…..

I LOVE short sentences.

How ‘bout you.


To the point.

No fussy words to much and muck it up.

Yuck it up

Stuck it up.

Buck it up.

Duck it up.

You get the drift.


The meaning.

The taunt?


That is or at least was not part of the game.

At first.

Too. As the game evolves.

Sometimes, into something,

like this.

Like what is happening.

Like what is going on.

Some folks get all the breaks.

Have all the fun.

No fair.

No one said life was fair.

Sometimes, ya gotta resort.

To desperate measures.



You do not.

The choice is always.


Even in the moment.

The moments you do not think you will.

Get back.

Get it back.

Get her back.

Get him back.

Get them back.

Get your life back.







Just tell me one thing.

Is it tea time, yet.


Was it ever tea time.

And I though it was.

I could use a jolt.

Thank you very much.

Patience is wearing thin for some.

While the others,

Have to sit back and

Take it.

Hear it.

Deal with it.





It is wearing.


Woven into the fabric.

Something bright, shiny and new sounds,

lawfully, meaningful, appealing.

None of the baggage-y baggage to lug.

Just me, myself, and I.


You. Yourself. And You.

It would have been nice.

Oh. So nice.

Maybe it was just not meant to


Life has a way of sneaking up on us.

when we are busy, living.

Our lives.



We ask ourselves. Where are we.

And how did we get.


I thought I was playing the game of life “okeedokee.”

How ‘bout you.


How are you.

I am fine.

How is your day.

How was your day yesterday.

Are you living.

Day by day.

Week to week.

Check to check.

Thinking there must be a better way…….

Life is a double cross of checkers and chess.

Which do you prefer.


mind games.

the emote games.

the physical games.

the shield games.





Ya just gotta blurt it out.

Hide behind the phone.

Hope for the best

Multitasking takes on a whole new meaning in this century.

It is a good idea to know who your friends are.

The real friends anyway.

There is a king line of pseud-friends who have been watching your evert face-booky linked move.

Spies like us.

ARE everywhere.

Call me paranoid.

and that may not be an understatement.

Some folks get all the breaks.

While others wait.

For theirs.

To come.

To go.

To something.

Smile and wave.

Smirk and flip the bird.

All daily choices and we navigate the highway and by-ways kid this crazy little thing called life.

Did not mean to get all “emotey” and sensitive on you.

I had a weak moment.

Or ten.

But all is good.

And I know you are glad.

Happy for me, too.

Arent’t you?

Or. Am I simply imagining you wish me good will, glad tidings.


It is not nice to try and kid a kidder.

It is mean.


Call me paranoid.

I really am ok.

Sometimes, I see things others do not.

It is a burden. yucky, even.

It is also ok to call me a


And a geek.

But the later would not be accurate,

but then again that is never really a concern of yours.

In the first place.

In the last place.


Or any other place.

We smile.

Smirk and blow right past one another to get to where we think we should be going.


In fact.

We are already.


Or there.

Or some where here.

and whether we want to be wherever.

Really is an indication of comfort.


You ask.

Or question.

Not exactly the comfort you may be thinking.

Are you:

Comfortable in your own skin?

For those of you younger kin, younger folks.

Are you happy being you.

Do you like,


Do you expect another to help you like, you.

Validate you.

There are extremes.

To this liking me thing.

What are you willing to do?


How are you.

I am fine.

Wanna be friends.

More than just friends.

I could use a friend.

We all could use a friend.

Good ones.

Bad ones,

They all teach us about the ship.

The rocky, tipsy turvey ship.

Of friendship.

The definitions have changed.

In this crazy, kooky world of friendship.

Cart before the horse kind of stuff.

Move in before commitment kind of stuff, too.

Can cause a lot of confusion.

Unnecessary confusion.

And the like.


Not that kind of like.

The like kind of like.

The like before the love kind of like.

The everlasting stuff.

Bring it on.

May you have the wherewithall to get to your final resting place,


Haggard is ok.

Not preferred.

But ok.

Rested is better.

Will try not to get all “God-dy.” On you.

For some.

It is just not their thing.

It is confusing.


Hard to understand.

I know.

I am still trying to figure it out.

How to be kind.

How to be good.

How to keep my triggers in my personally-held-beliefs holster.

If you will.

And I do will. Each and every minute of each and every day NOT to




I simply care,

TOO much.

That is a possibility.

A thought even.

The way I look at things.

It beats the alternative.

The not caring.


Or. not at all.

I read the rule book.

I read the rule book each and everyday.

We DO……Get an “A” for efforts.For our efforts.

We just have to kindly and continually get back on the horse the next days.

The ten steps don’t tell us how to.

The twelves steps either.

We learn as we grow.

We learn as we know.

The beauty of the firm foundation.

The gift of a firm foundation.😃


December 23, 2023 13:43

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