War and War

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Contemporary Historical Fiction Sad

It was the war everyone did prepared to loose. They can’t give up their kingdom as long as they are alive. Their patriotic souls couldn’t allow them give up their motherland while they are still breathing. So yes. They decided to give up their lives while fighting. It’s a mass suicide. Suicide? Yes Suicide. What are the odds of winning of 400 soldiers army against a ten thousand soldiers. This is the truth the Prince remembered just before he got stabbed from behind.

 The prince on his horse made his face look like no lesser than a lion. A great army surrounded him. But he continued to fight with his swords. A giant warrior resembling the elephant couldn’t control his anger and stabbed the Prince from behind and kicked him with the leg. It’s the blood that he wanted to see. The prince couldn’t stand against such a attack. With the sword in his hand he slipped aside from the horse. Just in few seconds, all of his life was playing in his mind. His father died when the prince was too young. The ministers doesn’t have any other choice left, apart from making the prince to sit on throne when he was five years old. He was trained to bleed with swords rather than playing with his friends. His childhood was thrown and killed. His joyous soul was tortured until it left him. It’s the tears that would be with him, when he was alone. Hope of the whole kingdom hunted down his young time which god gifted to learn the beauty of the world. His innocence didn’t stayed longer when he was forced to learn about the politics and people’s dark side. Who designed the life that doesn’t say the importance of smile. It’s definitely not god. It’s the power everyone starve for. Only one good thing happened in his life is meeting Myra. She’s the daughter of a slave, who worked her entire life devoting to the king’s family. Prince loved Myra from the very young time. She is the only person in his life with the same age. She is his companion, friend, partner, lover and if he was free from the burden of kingdom, she is his everything. But the marriage of a king’s heir with the slavery race is still a sin to the very same people he interact everyday with. He promised her, if he wins this impossible war and comes back, he would free all the slaves in the palace and he will make it legal to marry anyone to anyone regardless of their caste, religion, race as long as they are in love. Last time he saw Myra, there were tears in her eyes that only wished for his return rather than her own life. The moment he fallen from the horse, he understood he lost the war already. But he trained his whole life, to act royal and show pride, no matter where he is, it’s always it’s duty to act as a king. It’s only happened in few seconds. Finally the prince landed on land with flying dust. His bleeding given color to the soil.He opened his eyes to see the giant man who stabbed him from behind. But no fear dared to enter his mind. He drawn his sword and swinged into the body of the enemy while still on ground. The giant soldier fallen. Prince breathed heavily just before he closed his eyes completely. The sun fallen along with the war. It’s the end of the war. Loosen. Died. Cried. Reddened. Fallen. Who wants to see the blood to satisfy their greed over money. Who needs to kill the fellow humans to show off their strength. Why do we need wars. Whose mistake it is. Which other species kills their own companions. The foul of blood feeds whose stomach. The cries of the family, he ruptures over the muscle, the scars on heart, the pain, the fear. What good does a war do. It’s not the victory that follows you. It’s the trauma. When a war begins, it kills. Not only lives.It kills a love story. It kills a family happiness. It kills a brilliant mind deserved to be alive. What do we need war for? We don’t need war for religion. It’s god duty to fill people with faith. We don’t need war for power. Power is a snake. We feel it’s massage and takes pleasure. But the snake is only preparing it’s prey. We don’t’ need wars for lands. We don’t need wars for gold. We don’t need wars for pleasure, love, money, believes and to satisfy our egos. Death is essential. The little time we have is something more to be devoted for benefits of self and society. The cries of their hearts to reach home and saw family is never heard by the enemies. Those borders with fences will also stops people from extending their friendly hands. Yet we blinded by words we heard. There is always another side of the story. Care, love, peace, friendship, happinees how beautiful these words are. Why do we need another person to say these words. Why can’t no one teaches the importance of peace. Is it not truth that the devil tasks happen in violence, not in the path of peace. Every drop of the red, that touched the land, needs an explanation. I write , you read, they fight, many ignore. Yet the words not the actual things needed by those war lovers to satisfy their hunger of the murders and murders.Heaven and hell existence doesn't have any evidence. But the the Earth does. The little time we got to spend here does. The greater intelligence we acquired from thousands of years of evolution is definitely for war. From the Mandela to Gandhi, taught you one thing. And you never liked to listen to them. But I have one question for you. Who will tell those kids waiting for their dad, is not coming home? Who?

January 01, 2021 13:41

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