Submitted into Contest #51 in response to: Write about someone who has a superpower.... view prompt



I have never seen someone so powerful, so magnificent, so attractive and so modest in my life. And I now I KNOW HIM very well. My story is all about that power which can make you laugh , cry , fight , compare , live , believe or even die.

It was the best time(or worst)  of my life as I was part of “TIME” . It’s not an organization its one of the known powerful groups of my College. I was new to that world. Totally lost , confused at the same time happy to be part of that . I feel like a toddler in between them. But as we know time makes and shapes everything. Things are getting better day by day.

Let me tell you everything in detail. I am Sara . I will start my story from the ‘TIME’ group. As the name says TIME, never stopping , carefree , ever changing …

These are the actual characteristics of the group members.

T = Tia 

I = Ira 

M = Mark

E = Elias

 And I want to be part of that group and make them, TIMES group.

But I did not know that every dream has a price.

It all started when I entered in the college. The world of TIME members. I remember it was Friday evening and I was waiting for cab on the road side. And I saw a car approaching me, it stopped near me. And I can hear someone calling my name. When I went closer to I found that TIME members are sitting in it. And Mark said “Do you want lift ?” . At first sight I was dumbstruck as Mark was so handsome and masculine. And I think he understood that when I didn’t spoke anything. But anyhow I refused to join them. I still laugh when I think about that incident.  

Next , week during recess I entered the canteen and found there is no space for me to sit, so I ordered the burger and was planning to go out have it. When my burger was ready the serving person called me, I went there I saw Mark billing for it and taking burger to the table where remaining TIME members were sitting.  I moved to their table so Ira asked me to join them . As there was no place in the canteen so I joined them and I became the part of the group and now everyone’s social media status changed from “TIME” to “TIMES”.

We all are happy , and enjoy each other’s company .We all are normal , normal means normal human beings , but one of us is an addict. No , no not a drug addict .  I think addiction of this thing is most dangerous addiction in the world. A social media addict . Ira , as beautiful as full moon and as incomplete as crescent moon. She finds her life in social media . I have never ever seen a person who is in love with a virtual world. But she is like this.

 I love her because of her simplicity. And want to help her in coming out from this virtual world. And one day I asked her “Why you waste so much of your time on virtual friends ?” . She smiled and replied “Then where I should invest my time” . I said “you can spend time with your family members”. She laughed and said “family members ” .

I didn’t understand her reaction . Later Tia and Elias told me that Ira is the only child of her parents. And her parents are working in a firm and are not able to take care of her. So in order to fill that gap of  emptiness she uses social media and makes virtual friends.

I was shocked to know about her pain and loneliness. But can’t help it. As she finds mental peace when she is with him(social media). Ira always wants to become a star  a social media star. It was her dreamt o become the talk of the town. She thinks one day she will become a star because of him(social media).   But she was not aware of the power of the social media.

 As I discussed earlier also it  can make you laugh , cry , fight , compare , live , believe or even die.

Same happened with Ira her pain , her happiness , her smile, is all connected and controlled by him(social media) . We all were scared because day by day addiction is crossing the  limits. So one day I along with Tia and Elias decided to go and speak to Ira’s parents about her addiction. But after speaking to her parents we realized that her parents are responsible for her condition. Because they are not a happy couple.

Days past things are becoming more worse day by day as Ira used to hide things from us , bunk classes , etc . One day I received a call from Elias he told me that we  need to reach the hospital as Ira’s mom is in hospital. We rushed towards the hospital and saw that police was not allowing us to meet her mother . As her mother tried to commit suicide. Anyhow we tried to speak to Ira but she didn’t say anything. As she was scared that we are not going to talk to her after this incidence (because her virtual friends were ignoring her)

After this incident Ira never attended the college as the news of her mother was spread through social media in such a way that she feels embarrassing in facing people. We have never seen Ira in college campus after that.

I have seen Ira after a month when I went for her mother’s funeral her mother died because of heart stroke (because her father divorced her mother).

I can see that beautiful moon face vanishing , and dark clouds taking over it. Till know Ira has become a disturbed person , because people started ignoring her. As her mother’s suicide , divorce and then her death was now the talk of the town. It was portrayed and parceled to each and every home by social media. Social media (users) tries to ask her about her mother’s mental health and suicide , her parents relation, etc. And she use to ignore every question.

But social media (users) weaves their own story and post it for their benefit and popularity.

 As she was a social media addict her virtual friends left her alone. She use to post pictures in which asks people for help. But her voice was heard by no one. She started posting nude photos and video in order to get attention. By nothing worked. We use to call her , talk to her but use to ignore us or maybe she doesn’t wants us to be part of her life anymore.

As Ira used to believe that her virtual world is best, noisy , populated, young , beautiful she was not able to digest the fact that he(social media) is ruining her life. Because she has always seen the beautiful and colorful side of social media and virtual friends . So she was not able to cope up with the negative and darkest side of the social media.  

Because of him she laughed ,

 Because of him she cried,

Because of him she was depressed,

It was him, who made her personal life a publicity stunt,

It was him, who made her so unreal,

It was him, who forced her to upload her nude pictures,

It was him who killed her mother

It was him , It was him

e isHe is a He was the reason behind Ira’s many problems….

And one day after so much of negativity , loneliness, depression and emptiness Ira committed suicide.

 But again her best friend social media portrayed and parceled her death news very well in the society. Actually he made Ira a star. Not during her life span but after , when her life ended.

And this is how one more hopeful soul ended her life in such a dreadful manner.

So that’s how I know him , the most powerful, magnificent , attractive and modest .


Do not allow anyone to judge you.

  Try to face the reality with a stronger approach.

Believe on GOD, wait for right time. As time makes and shapes everything.

Instead of having many virtual friends try to have some valuable friends.

Discuss your problems with trustworthy people.

Set priorities for things in life.

If you need help, just ask for it. 

July 24, 2020 16:46

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