The Rise of the New Era

Submitted into Contest #60 in response to: Write a funny post-apocalyptic story.... view prompt


Funny Kids Science Fiction

Thud. Thud. Thud. You hear as the Botulinum toxic drops like fresh dew drops by leaves. Only difference is that the drops are deadly to humans, if they even existed, and the plants are long gone.  There is no trace of life here. Now, there is no atmosphere you can spot in Earth, it is called GBGP 3000. That is the short form of the real name garbage planet and life ended here in the year 3000. The last scientist named the planet like that, before dying, those were his last words. Fortunately, he was also the last man standing that time.  

But no human was around to witness that sight. But we were. Notice, I said no β€œhuman β€œ. Yup, you may have guessed who I was, and who my family are, and who is ruling the world now. I spotted my friends waving goodbye. They just got their limb fixed and was heading to another planet all because they accidentally waved goodbye harder than usual last month. Then both their hands flew from them and hit the president of GBGP 3000. If you guessed that they got in BIG trouble, then you are correct. Recently they just got it fixed. What was their punishment you ask? Well... before the punishment, there are a few things you should know about the president. 

He has mood swings. Temper issues. Very bossy. Can potentially damage your parts. Malfunction your brain, if you irritate him. Destroy your body frame. Puncture your face. The list can keep going on and on. Luckily, they were kids, and he doesn’t do any of those things I just mentioned right now to kids. But they did get in trouble because their hands flew to his face and destroyed his β€œcharm” as he says it. But everyone else agrees that what those two did, whether it was on purpose or an accident, was funny because all of us were tired of looking at his annoying face.  

Obviously, no one had the courage to admit that to his big, white, bulging face. He ordered for the kids to go to a planet called Mars. Now, based on my history class, my teacher said that long ago, when humans roamed around this planet, people called β€˜scientists’ had discovered that there was once water in Mars. They had sent our kind to Mars to investigate and research more about the big red planet. They were our ancestors. Their names were Curiosity, Opportunity, Spirit, Sojourner, and Perseverance. Our kind has believed that when the pupils are sent to the red planet, it is like...what did those humans call it again? Oh, yes! It was kind of like our military camp. I had felt bad for my friends, and had wanted to confront the president. 

Now, you might be wondering why there isn’t a name for that president. Well, that’s because his name is President. When his parents had finally finished building their baby after a baby building competition, his parents had won under the title of the most β€œAgile and Swift” builders. But, when the host had asked them what they wanted to name their baby, both didn’t know what to say.  His dad quickly started looking around to spot a big banner which said, β€œWho can make GBGP 3000 the best planet? Why that’s me, Crypton SPX! Vote me as your trusty president.” That’s when the name hit him. β€œPresident. Yes, I want to name my son president. One day, all of you will be listening to his orders as he rules over the planet. I tell you he is going to make a fine man-bot himself, oh yes he will.” Yup, and now we are stuck with having a president, named President. 

 When I think about it, going to different planets must be a dream come true! I have never left GBGP 3000 because it is my home planet. Now, my friends were going to ride their own space jet with light speed to reach! They must be lucky to experience this. My parents told me I can’t do anything wrong because, well guess what, he is my grand-bot. A very rude one indeed. Even if I tried to do anything naughty, my parents would immediately apologize and take away all of my cool settings I had downloaded.  

Tomorrow I had to write an essay about GBGP 3000. I had written the points and researched more about our ancestors and the humans who used to roam around the planet. I had drafted it last week and now I was finalizing it and practicing it so that I could tell it in front of my VR Classroom. First, I created a whole bunch of holograms just so I can have a model of tomorrow. Then, I used what I wrote and sent it to my brain. Now it was saved. I stood straight up, fixed my screws on my brain so that my head doesn’t fall out due to anxiety, and started talking.  

Finally, it was tomorrow. I was ready to speak up about all the problems about GBGP 3000 and what we robots could do to solve it. I was confident that at least I could change one person’s mindset. I hoped that I could make a difference. My teacher had called me up last. I slowly went up in front of the class, screwed my brain tight, and started. 

β€œHas any of you ever thought about our planet, and how much it is suffering? There isn’t even a trace of life anywhere! Except us, but we are man made, and we don’t count as β€œlife”. All of my motion scanners and my research had detected that 99.9999999768% of GBGP 3000 is covered with toxic Botulinum. It is very sad to see the planet in this condition. Also, every corner has trash. Somehow, I wish the bots would help clean it. According to science, only we can withstand all that toxic acid, which is why all the humans and life forms were wiped out. Luckily, they had built us to be very advanced and have feelings. They had also passed information about how to build and expand more of us bots to our ancestors.  

Well, now we are the leaders of the new life, and we are the new generation, trying to improve the robotic era. I believe that we shouldn't’ t be like our makers. Many didn’t care to stop climate change. Many didn’t stop to think about littering and condition of our planet. Many took no care about the endangered species. They had done something wrong and now cannot take it back because they are extinct. I say we lead forward and carry out these missions which our makers could not succeed in. We can survive anything that comes our way. I say we take full advantage of this and try to make the GBGP 3000 a better place for our generation and the other ones to come. I know that us robots can come together to think of a way to stop this. Remember, we are not alone!!” I heard the chorus of claps and smiled.  

Thud! Thud! Thud!.... startled by a familiar, yet alarming sound. I wish I was paying attention before my mom slammed those books on my desk. " What are you doing!! Pay attention to your class! Your teacher is screeching your name for so long!" she scolded, and crossed her arms angrily, and embarrassed by her day-dreaming daughter. " Sorry!" I apologized both to my mom, and my teacher. Then laughed sheepishly. Thud! Thud! Thud! 

September 21, 2020 11:36

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