Where Do I Sign?

Submitted into Contest #76 in response to: Write a story told exclusively through dialogue.... view prompt


Contemporary Fiction Suspense

-Mr. Sunderson? Yes, thank you for joining us today. Please, have a seat.


-Yes, just there. Good. So, when the red light starts flashing please state your full name and we’ll begin. 

-O. k.

Frederick William Sunderson II

-Good, now Mr. Sunderson, please elaborate on what brought you here today and what you understand about the study. 

-Like, why I’m participating? Or what I know about Stockholm Syndrome? 

-Both. If you could. 

-O. k. Well, uhm. I guess I’m here because I need --well we-- we need the money.


-Uh, yes. My wife and I.

-O. k. And do you understand the goal of the study?

-You’re trying to see if Stockholm Syndrome is real?

-Mmhmm. And you know what Stockholm Syndrome is?

-Yeah, I think so. 

-Tell me. 

-It’s when a person falls in love with an abuser.

-Close. It’s when a victim becomes sympathetic with the abuser. The term was initially coined in the 1970’s when 6 victims were held hostage during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden. During the 6 day period, the hostages developed psychological bonds to their captors.


-It’s noted that after their release, the hostages defended their captors, and refused to testify against them in court. 

-That’s crazy. Why would they do that?

-We aren’t completely sure yet. We suspect it’s the psyche’s defense mechanism when enduring extreme psychological distress.

-Oh, weird. 

-We at The Private Sector of Psychological Studies believe the syndrome is far more prevalent and damaging than the Federal Bureau of Investigation cares to address. 


-Yes, hence the study. 

-Alright, well what would we have to do?

-In order to prove, not only the validity of the syndrome, but also the severity of its effects, we must conduct a series of immersive scenarios in which the symptoms may manifest.

-I don’t follow…

-Following our strict guidelines, you will create a hostage situation with your wife--


-And over a two week period, see if she develops any symptoms.

-Take her hostage? No way! I couldn’t do that to her--

-Mr. Sunderson, please--

-There’s no way it would even work. I couldn’t keep her hostage--

-Please calm down and we’ll expla--

-Even if I wanted to. You don’t know my wife, she wouldn’t let it happen, especially from me.

-She wouldn’t know any better. 

-What- what do you mean?

-We have a way, during the course of the study, for her to...forget.




-With these.

-And...what are those?

-A non invasive, time release neuro sedative. They block the retrieval processes related to long term memory. 

-You’re going to take away her memory?


-This is crazy.

-We understand your apprehension. There are certain -- ethical --obstacles this study faces. The PSPS helps alleviate those burdens. You know, cut out all the bureaucratic nonsense and dig to the heart of the study’s purpose.




Look, Mr. Sunderson, this study could really help people, you and your wife would make a nice bit of money….

-And no one else would touch her?

-She wouldn’t interact with anyone else.

-And she won’t remember any of this?

-Not a thing?




-Where do I sign?


-Good afternoon Mr. Sunderson.


-I trust you read the guidelines we sent.

-Yeah, a few times. 

-Wonderful. Well, your wife is asleep and in position. Do you have any questions?

-No, I-I just want to see her. 

-You will, but you must maintain integrity of the scenario, understood?

-Yeah, I get it. 

-O.k. Then we’ll do our first recorded debriefing immediately after.

-Sure. O.k.

-Alright then, she’s just down the hall. 


-She looks a wreck!

-Save it for the debriefing, please.

-No! Screw this.

-Mr. Sunderson, we have a contract.




Good. Now have a seat. When the red light starts flashing, state your name and the date. It’s the third.

-Frederick William Sunderson II, March 3rd, 2018.

-Day 1 of the 14 day study. Please explain what happened. 

-Mary was--

-Who’s Mary?

-...My wife. You people drugged her and put her in some shitty, little room--

-Please stick to descriptions of what you experienced-

-Those weren’t even her clothes! No one was supposed to touch her, and you undress her??

---Everything else is speculation.

-Well! what do you want me to say then?

-Concrete actions. Did you say her new name?


-And you used her name 3 times?


-Did she...recognize…?

-It didn’t seem like it.

-Tell me more about what happened when you entered the room.

-She was asleep. 



-What happened next?

-Nothing really. She slept for like an hour, maybe more. I’m not sure. 


-When she woke up, she was--I don’t know--not scared. Confused?

-How do you know that?

-Her face. You could just see her trying to find sense in it all. 

-I see.

-I haven’t seen her like that since…





Alright Mr. Sunderson. Tomorrow, we won’t be here when you arrive, so please go over the packet and stick to protocol. We’ll reconvene after the session. 


-Good afternoon, I trust today went well?

-Not exactly. She--

-Ah please, save it for the recording. Thank you. Good, and wait for the red light. Today is the fourth--

-I know what day it is!

-Just in case. 

-Frederick William Sunderson II, March 4th, 2018. 

-Day 2 of the 14 day study. Now, Mr. Sunderson, what happened?

-She likes me. 

-You weren’t in there very long, how do you know that?

-She tried to kiss me.

-Did she?


-And did you?


-Then how do you know she tried to kiss you?

-Her laugh. She does this little look away and nose scrunch thing--I just know, O. k.?

-O. k.

-I know my own wife!

-We weren’t suggesting otherwise. 

-Then stop questioning me!

-Are you feeling a sense of hostility, Mr. Sunderson?  


-You seem quite agitated. 

-Of course I’m upset!


-...I don’t know. 

-Perhaps, then, that’s enough for today. 

-No, wait--

-We’ll reconvene tomorrow. 

-Let me go back, I want to see her. 


January 14, 2021 18:05

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Danielle Hauck
22:25 Jan 20, 2021

I was quite excited to read this story, but I was always waiting for a twist that never came (though my brain has been in a bit of a horror rut itself). There was definitely tension, but by the end, I wasn't sure why it was so tense? At first, I expected his wife to be the one holding him captive and HE had Stockholm syndrome all along. When nothing shocking happened by the end, I was a little letdown. I'd be very interested to read how the story continues.


Barabbas Ben
04:14 Jan 21, 2021

I appreciate the feedback, I strongly encourage you read my piece,"Her Name is Stockholm." You might just find what you're looking for... ;)


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