Adventure Western Drama

This story contains themes or mentions of physical violence, gore, or abuse.

Fancy Ranch

The stalker couldn't believe his luck. Like a fragile black butterfly, his quest was sipping tea at the cafe having finished her morning errands. Finally alone!

“Ah, My Dear, so nice to see you again. You look as lovely as ever even though you are still wearing that dreary black gown which doesn't fit your vibrant personality. Are you still mourning that long dead husband?” The man sat next to her without an invitation. “Allow me just a moment. You must grace my dinner table this evening. I insist. You will be the most mouth watering dish available, to be sure!

Dumbfounded, the pulchritudinous young widow stared at the large rude man dressed in a rough, brown corduroy jacket. His pigish face and white goatee rang no bells.

“Oh! You do not recognize me. Of course, so many business dealings were happening at one time when we first met. Let me reintroduce myself.” He stood up and clasped her hand in his as he bent low to plant a kiss on the back of it then lingered to reach his fingers up along her wrist as if testing her pulse.

With some difficulty she extracted her hand, er, arm, from his exploring grip, “Ah, yes, Mr. Von-Baron, I do remember you now. It was an eventful day and I apologize for taking a moment to recall. I bought a few head of cattle from you. Thank you for the invitation but I have to decline.”

“Since you are all alone let me offer you my protection and company. A refined lady like yourself should not be having to do manual labor working at your stagecoach crossing that creates such callouses on her soft hands as I found on yours just now.” He sat himself beside her again. “Please let me be of assistance. I am a man of vast abundance. I can offer you the finest things money can buy and am ready to admire all the beautiful things about you. Let me ease your burdens. As a savvy woman maybe you would consider a mutual business merger.”

He pulled a gold locket out of his pocket and started dangling it in front of her eyes. “Just look at this bright bobble. It is very pretty, isn't it, but it doesn't hold a candle to your beauty. See how it sparkles in the light, but your eyes sparkle more even in dim light. It is worth a lot of money but you gracing my dinner table would be worth so much more. Let me give you this pretty gold locket, watch how it shines. See how it catches the light. See how you are getting very sleepy. Your eye lids are becoming heavy. Very heavy.” His voice droned on and on. She couldn't keep her eyes focused.

He slipped a small flask from his pocket and poured her remaining tea from the pot into the flask which had been laced with laudanum. He encouraged her to take a sip to fortify herself. He leaned her head upon his shoulder to rest for a moment. His diabolical scheme was working like a charm.

He tossed some coins on the table, led her out to his hooded carriage and lifted her in. If anyone in this sparse, parched town neither of them lived in noticed they would testify they looked hand in glove, very familiar and intimate. He continued to monotonously speak directions to her.

“You will obey all instructions I give you. You must pleasure me. You love only me. You want to be my wife. You willingly give yourself to me. You will fulfill me.”

When alone on the road he eased her out of her black widow garb to create make-shift bridal attire by draping a white shawl around her sugary-sweet porcelain shoulders (he couldn't resist sampling). A long, lacy white head scarf resembled a veil over her golden curls. The neckline of her silky white petticoat undergarment plunged nicely in the front. He would take that plunge later this evening after a judge pronounces 'til death do us part'. He found that judge in the next town to make her legally his bride. Now she belonged to him.

Her hazel eyes glazed over as he professed her deep love for him. He exclaimed her happiness. He droned on as they rode on into the shank of the evening. He plied her with ample doctored tea. They traveled on.

At long last he droned, “You are home now. You will live in luxury. You will be happy. You will share my bed tonight. You will willingly give yourself to me. All of yourself to me. You must pleasure me. You must fulfill me. You love me. You are so happy.”

The buggy had stopped at a low, brown ranch house on the edge of dry, brown prairie dotted with dusty, brown cattle with wide, sharp horns. Her new husband carried her over the threshold into the drab, brown interior. A hearty meal of brown beef, brown potatoes and brown gravy was spread before them. Four of his brown-dressed boisterous men joined them.

“Meet my new missus, Boys.”

They corralled around her a little too close. “She looks good enough to eat. Like candy on a stick. You gonna give us all a lick?” They remembered other trollops he had brought home as wives that they could all share. But this one looked somehow much classier - and younger. Bet he didn't find this one in a saloon.

“She belongs only to me. She loves me and only me. Here, Buttercup, have a little sip.”

Ready to cut into the rare prime rib the men clanged together their forks and long, sharp steak knives in front of her. “Who did you say we are carving up tonight?” one crusty cowboy asked. Clink-ching. Clink-ching.

“Oh, it's that sweet little heifer, Hazel. Been roasting all day. Nice piece of prat there. She'll be good and tender. Dig in.” said the Big Boss, the ranch owner. Uh, her husband.

She must love him. She must pleasure him. She must willingly give all of herself to him. She must fulfill him.

She watched as the men scraped their knives again sharpening them more. Clink-ching. Clink-ching.

What had one of her friends commented at that first business encounter about her being on the baron's plate and him looking ready to devour her? He had a huge table muscle.

Her mind just wasn't focusing right. The knives loomed bigger and sharper, closer and closer. Clink-ching. Clink-ching.

She imagined herself trussed and bound, choice cuts clearly labeled in blue ink on her pale skin, laid out on the platter. “Please, don't devour me!”

“Don't worry, Little Lamb Chop. It's just Hazel, the heifer. Why we ate Bongo, the bull; and Sanford, a steer; and Calvin, the calf. We are cattlemen. It's just our silly way of having a little fun. Don't worry. Gentlemen, help yourselves to Hazel and to the brandy. I'll take my wife to my room. She must be hallucinating.”

The cowboys raised a toast to him, “Here's how to ya! May she last longer than your other ribs that just wasted away. Ha, ha, ha!” They slapped each other on their backs and turned back to feast on the beast. They reminisced as they dug in.

“Hey, hey. Ya'll 'member pleasingly plump Penelope? Lot there ta grab hold o' on that one! Or how 'bout wanton Wanda. She was wiry but she would ride us like the wind, again and again,” chuckled cowboy number one.

“My fav'rit' was luscious Lucille. She lasted the longest. He'd picked her out o' a line down Laredo way,” added hand number two.

“Wonder what's in the air out here they don' e'er survive,” chortled the crusty guy.

“This here new one's so fine think we should call her 'Fancy'. Can't wait to play a round o' poke her,” chipped in number four as they all guffawed.

The pot-bellied rancher carried his new bride into his brown bedroom. He stripped away the excess layers of white until he could admire her supple nubile flesh. So smooth. So enticing. So inviting.

He reminded her how much she loved him. How happy she was. He helped her drink from the flask again. He took off his brown jacket, unbuckled his huge belt buckle with the protruding sharp, wide cow horns and let it clunk to the floor. He loomed over her. Everything about him was huge. She knew him not yet she was told time and again how much she loved him and how happy she was.

He bent down to caress her face and capture her lips with his huge, hungry lips. Then his swinish snout rooted into the base of her neck to test the tempting, pulsating artery there as it throbbed its toothsome promise. He laid her across his big brass bed immobilizing her beneath his huge chest.

She must pleasure him. She must willingly give herself, all of herself, to him. She must fulfill him. How happy she was. She trembled.

“Oh, I can feel how excited you are. Your heart is racing. Don't worry we will soon be one. Just relax and enjoy. This won't hurt a bit. You must pleasure me. It'll feel so good! You love me. You must fulfill me.”

Oh, he could barely control himself. She was just where he wanted her. He had dreamed of having her all to himself from the first time he saw her. Planned how he could take her. But he would take his time. Enjoy all of her. She belonged to him now.

First, yes, first, he must satisfy his gnawing, overwhelming blood-lust. He had already thought it out and would only sip a little each time so he could enjoy her again and again. He imagined the pleasure she was about to give him. So exciting! Just a small 'x' in that throbbing, pulsating spot and he would have free flowing access. Such a small poke would easily heal and he could help himself to more whenever he wanted more.

Now where is his little folding pig sticker? Aha, the horns on the buckle should be sharp enough.

She felt his glutinous fingers roam all over her. She felt the quick prick and was mesmerized as his gaping, gluttonous mouth descended hungrily upon her punctured throat and started sucking her life blood out of her. Greedy, greedy sucking. He grinned up at her with blood-red teeth dripping and reminded her how much she loved this. Then he bent to the task once again.

Only a little more this time around. Mm, she tasted so good! Just as he knew she would. Mm, bittersweet and warm. Mm, he had waited so long for this. She was willingly giving and giving with every beat of her heart. He moaned his contentment. Mm, so satisfying. She pleasured him. She was fulfilling him. There was a lot of him to fulfill. She was graciously granting her goodness to him as it gushed forth into his guzzling, gulping gullet. Giving all of herself to him.

“Mm-mm, good,” he mumbled with a mouthful, “mm-must mulmill me.”

Humm, wonder...how much blood...does human body...hold? How long...would it take for him to completely...drain my blood? He seems...intent...on completely...draining me.

His huge hand found a helpful handle above her heart to squeeze the pumping muscle so it would spurt out the thick vital fluid even faster. He set up a rhythm. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Slurping up every drop he was devouring her very essence.

Devouring-her-essence. De-vouring-her...

Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Must-give-self. Squeeze-spurt-suck. Must-save-self. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Save-must-live. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Breathe-must-breathe. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Much-too-huge.

He rag-dolled her into a new position so her head flopped back giving him a better angle to relentlessly ravish his willing victim. Her hand fell upon a small hard object. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Although she felt faint she instinctively knew it was the gift from her late husband, a little firearm hidden in her cloth handbag tossed on the bed as he undressed her. Squeeze-spurt-suck. She only needed to sting him enough to distract him so she could get away. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Somehow she managed to pull the trigger through the fabric. Squeeze-spurt...

Once released the tiny ball had a mind of its own and zinged its way through his side, through the tallow, through the liver, spleen and stomach. Never touching a bone it plunged itself like a stake into the center of his plaque plagued heart, immediately fatal. His body collapsed upon her blood soaked air-pipe, her precious blood still pumping into his puckered pie hole. With all of the strength she had left she screamed and screa...

The lusty revelers in the next room heard her cries and laughed figuring Big Boss was pirooting that perky little piece of Calico to her delight. Boy, wouldn't they like to join in!

Oh, why not? Sounded like he had had his fun and in the past he had shared a rib or two. They would give it a go. So they barged in and found...bloody carnage!

“Can't find nary a mark on 'im,” the bunkhouse buddies realized, “it's all her blood, none his. Lucky stiff must have suffered a heart attack from all the frisky frolicking.”

“Someone apply pressure on her wound. Draw straws. Short one rides for the doctor. The rest o' us can start a game o' poke her wit' the new Fancy Ranch heiress.”

June 30, 2023 21:30

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Zack Powell
21:29 Jul 06, 2023

I had to take some time between reading this and commenting on it, Mary. Had to collect myself. Holy cow, this was Heavy with a capital H. And from the very first sentence too. I think what I love the most about this story is how it wasn't afraid to "go there." Lots of writers (maybe myself included) would have balked at the idea of writing about this man hypnotizing and coercing and exploiting this woman. It takes a good writer to not only choose to explore that kind of darkness, but to do it in a powerful, engaging way. You've really stum...


Mary Bendickson
21:46 Jul 06, 2023

Such praise coming from you is humbling. Never thought of myself as a writer of horror. I originally had a happier ending with the guys saving her but then thought 'do a twist'. Glad you liked my dance.


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Kimberly Walker
02:53 Jul 06, 2023

Gruely, suspenseful.


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Ken Cartisano
03:02 Jul 05, 2023

Brutally realistic.


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Russell Mickler
23:03 Jul 04, 2023

Hi Mary! Okay, I had to look up pulchritudinous. Snort - a horrific surprise! Okay, all of it was good, but this line ... "Never touching a bone, it plunged itself like a stake into the center of his plaque-plagued heart, immediately fatal." I just ... wow. (Mary drops the mic). Really a fun read - lots of surprises - maybe western horrors are your thing? :) R


Mary Bendickson
23:59 Jul 04, 2023

Wow! Stumped the word meister! Thanks for all the kind compliments. As far as western horrors being my thing ... I don't know about that. Didn't even know it was in my wheelhouse.


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Mary Bendickson
16:49 Jul 31, 2023

Hey, Russell, since you think I could do western horror thought I might share my amazing news. I am a finalist in Killer Nashville The Claymore Award for western genre. I have to beat out other killers and writers of crime, mystery, suspense, etc. But it is a totally unexpected honor. 🥳🥳🥳Had to enter first 50 pages of unpubished novel. Most of those pages are in excerpts in my profile. This story I cut from the manuscript because my husband didn't think it fit. I did change it for this venue.


Russell Mickler
22:59 Jul 31, 2023

Ha! SEE?! There you go, Mary, right on!!! That's fantastic news! Congrats!


Mary Bendickson
00:20 Aug 01, 2023

Thanks. You know anything about Killer Nashville? Attending the full weekend would be about as much as hiring an agent/publisher etc. So am trying to decide whether to go rub elbows or just pay for what I need. Winner will probably get published but that is a long shot for me. Have to win western then top fifteen other genres.


Russell Mickler
14:53 Aug 01, 2023

I don't, but the conference experience would probably be invaluable. If you're a member of a local writer's group, you could also ask for advice and opinions there. R


Mary Bendickson
15:08 Aug 01, 2023

Thanks so much. Am so new to this I don't belong to anyone.


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Lily Finch
21:04 Jul 04, 2023

Mary, your use of allitertion and descriptors grip the reader's attention. Nicely done. Rather dark with many unanswered questions at the story's end. "Her hazel eyes glazed over as he professed her deep love for him." - I don't know if this is incorrectly written or if it is just me? It made me do a double read. LOL Great job Mary. LF6


Mary Bendickson
23:52 Jul 04, 2023

He kept putting words or thoughts in her head under hypnosis so he was telling her how much she loved him.


Lily Finch
04:36 Jul 05, 2023

That makes sense. Now that I reread it. Sorry - I got it now. LF6


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Michał Przywara
20:46 Jul 04, 2023

Oh, what a lovely, horrid little horror :) So many nightmares in such a small package - kidnapping, sex slavery, cannibalism maybe, actual bloodsucking, the subtle horror of everyone being against you - it's pretty wild. By the end I still don't know for sure if the ranch owner was a vampire or just behaved like one (he seemed fine in the sun, for example) and I don't know which is actually more terrifying :) Perhaps it's the uncertainty that eats at us. Very fitting the bullet stakes him, either way. Things don't look good for our protago...


Mary Bendickson
23:50 Jul 04, 2023

With a name like 'Von-Baron' I thought there may be vampires in his family heritage that still haunt him. I thought mixing vampires or horror with western fit the prompt. The stake was meaningful. I originally had the bunk buddies coming to her rescue in the nick of time but decided to make them a little more selfish shall we say? Maybe she survived to a worse fate?


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C. Charles
18:24 Jul 04, 2023

Western-horror; Great genre mix! I was just saying to a friend of mine that westerns seemed like a ripe setting for horror. Loved that there was a “family” of them, Made it even creepier. And the ghoulishness of them casting Von Baron aside in order to indulge- great choice! Nice work!


Mary Bendickson
20:15 Jul 04, 2023

Thanks for loving this ghoulishness:)


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Kimberly Walker
06:45 Jul 04, 2023

This week's assignment definitely was not in my usual genre. I don't write or read Westerns, but I muddled through writing my attempt. I thoroughly enjoyed reading yours. Your bio doesn't speak to your ability favorably... after this entry, I suspect you should work on the beliefs of your abilities.


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Kay Reed
15:54 Jul 03, 2023

Sometimes when I read I unconsciously start backing my book/phone further away from myself, as if distancing the physical words will help protect me from the ensuing suspense or horror. I want you to know my phone was as far from me as could go as I made my way through this story- which is a compliment because I know when I take on this posture the author is very effective at their job. Well done!


Mary Bendickson
15:56 Jul 03, 2023

Thanks for that compliment. This sort of writing is not my usual fare.☺️


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Michelle Oliver
11:31 Jul 02, 2023

This is dark, Mary. I am left wanting more and that’s a good thing. So many unanswered questions that keep the story on the reader’s mind long after finishing. I like the way you alluded to the dire ending in their first meeting. “You must grace my dinner table this evening. I insist. You will be the most mouth watering dish available, to be sure!” So much rich language and mouthwatering alliteration (I’m a sucker… pun intended… for a good dose of alliteration.) -huge, hungry lips -swinish snout - throbbed its toothsome promise. -big bras...


Mary Bendickson
22:38 Jul 02, 2023

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Means a lot coming from you. Not my usual style. Something similar to this with a happier ending was going to be a chapter in my book but decided it really wasn't necessary. Don't know if it was in the manuscript I sent you. Have you ever had a chance to read any of it?


Michelle Oliver
23:06 Jul 02, 2023

It’s my holiday reading goal. Looking forward to it.


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10:06 Jul 01, 2023

Wow. That's a heart stopped and a show stopper for sure. Delicious horror. But what a terrible fate. At least big boss was prevented from striking again. pulchritudinous! Iove this word!!!


Mary Bendickson
18:34 Jul 01, 2023

Thanks for liking and commenting Can you use it in a sentence? I can barely pronounce it.


08:47 Jul 02, 2023

Haven't a clue! But you did so bonus points for that! 😂


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Sarah Saleem
09:07 Jul 01, 2023

Your stories are very unique, another great read!


Mary Bendickson
16:18 Jul 01, 2023

Thanks for reading and liking some of my stories ☺️. Will return the favor soon.


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Kevin Logue
06:55 Jul 01, 2023

Very engrossing Mary, was genuinely creeped out by big boss and it just kept building. The literation was fantastic, gave a relief giggle when needed. I seen your other comments about the heart felt stuff, weirdly I was considering the opposite for this next prompt, that the winners and shortlisted all seemed to be more emotive. Guess it comes down to who's judging. Regardless I alsowanted to give you credit for being a fantastic memeber of this community, rarely do I comment on story that you haven't already commented on with something po...


Mary Bendickson
07:43 Jul 01, 2023

I am not all that surprised when I don't win since I don't have the writing know how, education, and talent so many have on this site. I am in awe of so many so I follow them. Their new ones come up under 'activity feed' under 'stories' so I often see them first. I say all the time I get nothing else done anymore other than keeping up with that feed 'cause they drop off the scene after maybe twenty are up. I am not so good at giving detailed critique that most people are seeking but I try to encourage others. My husband just snapped a pictur...


Kevin Logue
07:52 Jul 01, 2023

"Writing know how, education and talent.." now now Mary I won't be hearing any of that. Writing is a craft skill, it only gets better with practise. We can pick up advice to improve no doubt, the best that stuck with me came from Gary Provost's ways to improve your writing. "This sentence has five words. Here are five more words. Five-word sentences are fine. But several together become monotonous. Listen to what is happening. The writing is getting boring. The sound of it drones. It’s like a stuck record. The ear demands some variety. No...


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04:21 Jul 01, 2023

Had to read it to the bitter end. Started off very worried about her, but the danger and menace behind everything said and all that happened was excruciating. I don't think the poor doomed darling survived. What a gruesome horror story, so well written. Lots of alliteration. You are delving into the dark side these days, to be sure.


Mary Bendickson
04:40 Jul 01, 2023

Not sure I like it on the dark. Originally had a much happier ending. Thanks for reading it. Just tried to enter another western but was going by my time not EST so was too late. Maybe another time. Wasn't getting much traction with my heartfelt stories so thought I would try something different. Why, thank you. I like your writings, too.


04:50 Jul 01, 2023

I didn't mean it as a criticism. It's a clever story. I am always surprised by your inspired stories.


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Chris Miller
23:13 Jun 30, 2023

Grim! Loads of lovely 'literation! "Plaque plagued heart" was my favourite. I think there's a "clasp" that should maybe be "clasped"? Really enjoyed this, Mary. You've got a knack for the dark ones!


Mary Bendickson
00:13 Jul 01, 2023

Thanks for the catch. Think I fixed it. Wrote a lot of heartfelt pieces without much notice so thought I would try the other side.


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Amanda Lieser
05:11 Jul 25, 2023

Hi Mary, A wonderfully haunting piece about the brutalities of the world. Your use of repetition for this piece was magical in the worst possible sense, and it created a spirit that lingered, demanding their story be told. The story had a mind and soul of a town which is what made it so epic. It was an excellent take on the prompt. Nice work!!


Mary Bendickson
07:47 Jul 25, 2023

Thanks for the high praise.


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Martin Ross
17:58 Jul 22, 2023

Daaamn, that was a cross-genre rodeo! This: Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Must-give-self. Squeeze-spurt-suck. Must-save-self. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Save-must-live. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Breathe-must-breathe. Squeeze-spurt-slurp. Much-too-huge. Talk about prose that hits you in the gut and soul! You pardon the pun wring new life out of vampire lore! Great absorbing story, and apt use of the prompt (I kinda cheated it).


Mary Bendickson
18:07 Jul 22, 2023

Thanks for support. This one was in no way creative non-fiction 😉


Martin Ross
19:47 Jul 22, 2023



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Mike Panasitti
15:44 Jul 11, 2023

The alliterative suspense in this had me riveted. The horror had me horrified, and wanting more. If Reedsy had genre-specific prizes this would have won a contest. No joke.


Mary Bendickson
16:06 Jul 11, 2023

Thanks for the high compliment!


Mike Panasitti
16:08 Jul 11, 2023

It is well-deserved.


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Unknown User
21:13 Jul 06, 2023

<removed by user>


Mary Bendickson
21:28 Jul 06, 2023

Thank you.


Unknown User
21:30 Jul 06, 2023

<removed by user>


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