Crime Fiction Thriller

“What do you mean by saving others by harming yourself?” this question is always popping in my mind since I lost my father. He was a great man but the society despised him too much. They are hunting him like a wild animal and that is the reason why we are always hiding. I hate the way they treat my father; my father is the greatest man but for them, he is just a notorious criminal whose wandering in the street to kill. I hate this kind of society, those leaders who are pretending to be the reliable ally but the truth is they are the foes. They merciless killed my father in front of me. they tortured him first and then shot him in his heart and forehead. As a young boy before, I cannot do everything but to watched them killing him. I will never forgive them. I will do everything to get revenge for my father. This society doesn’t deserve the good deeds that my father did just to protect them. I will hunt them too. I will destroy this society.

“Hey! Did you hear? The ex-minister and his family found dead at their vacation house” “Yeah! It was on the news” “it’s too brutal” “their flesh has been removed by their bodies and place it on basin” “its gross” “who the hell did that?” “it’s scary you know” “yes, if ever I don’t want to mess with that person who did it” “the only lead that the police have is, the wings symbol in the wall” as I am walking alone, these gossips make me smile. They deserve it anyway. They should fear that symbol because I am coming to them. This kind of pleasure is different, it makes me feel excited to hunt down another preys. What should I do next? Burn my next prey or shot them at their vital points? Let’s not think about it this moment, I should hurry to get in my work. I hope boss is not still around the area. I was about to run when I saw a crowded people looking up at the building. Some are taking videos and pictures and the rescue team are just waiting. It feels like there is something wrong, when I looked at the surrounding and look at the other buildings, I saw something that shines it the little grasp of the sun. There are snipers! Damn I shouldn’t do this but I have no choice. I am still softhearted for these kinds of people who are suffering because of the twisted leadership of this society. While everyone is focusing on the person who are at the top of the building, I made my way into the dark street and operate my laptop.

While the others are laughing because of what the person in the top of the building talking about, a young good-looking man is seriously typing on his laptop. He should not do it because it can harm him, but he has no choice but do it. with a deep and authorative voice, he instructed everyone to protect the person in the building at all cost. Everyone who receive his voice record in the underworld, stiffened at first but later on, they smiled creepily and do what he instructed. “Finally, the boss is here” they all said and move immediately. These people have the same symbol of dark wings in the different part of their bodies. The symbols identifies where they belong and their boss has the wings also but there is a crown at the top and sword at the bottom. The snipers are about to shot him but the snipers are shot in the head first and the person in the top of the building, is about to jump when a strong hand grabbed him and pinned him in the ground. Everyone was shocked and at the same time amaze by what happen. “if it’s not the king command, we will not save you punk!” the man who grabbed him said. He is struggling but when this person showed the tattoo, he was dumbfounded and stiffened. “You showed come with us” he said and he willingly followed him.

I heave a sighed when the operation is successful. Now that I contacted them, I have no choice but to show up them. I was about to exited when I hear a uniform man at the dark alley calling someone. I must not interfere when I hear that they are talking about our symbol. “boss, the operation failed. Some guys interfere- “before he could finish his sentence, I approached him fast and twisted his neck. The call is still on going so I decided to take it “I’ll come for you” I said and hung up the phone and destroyed it. before I go to place, I must say goodbye to my boss in the work first.

When he arrived at the office of his boss, he immediately said that he is going to stop working under him. His boss is shocked because of the sudden decision of his most responsible employee who is not accepting his wages. When he asked, what is the reason he only said “I must go back now” “Come on, Orpheus you are the only person whom I can trust here” the boss insisted. Orpheus heave a deep sighed and showed his tattoo “I trusted you too, so I’ll show you this and you are the first person who knows that I am their boss. They needed me” he said. “all this time, the boss of the dark organization that I am admiring, is you?! No wonder you’re not accepting your wages” Orpheus laughed and patted the back of his former boss. He was about to leave when he stopped and said “Ling, do you want to be part of us?” Ling immediately nodded. Orpheus smiled and said “let’s go, I will introduce you to them”.

It was 6pm already when we arrived at the place where we are all meet. I can see that everyone is already here. Ling is nervous and I can feel it because he is hiding at my back. At first, I observe this people. They are talking normally wherein there is no secrecy, some are looking at their phones, some are listening to music, and some are showing off their cars and motorcycles. “where is the king?” I heard someone asked and they all looked at the entrance but no one is there. “did anyone of you, knows the real face of our boss?” someone asked again. “no, whenever there was a meeting before, he is wearing a mask, so no one knows”. I cannot help myself but to sneaked a little laugh. I am having fun listening to them when Ling accidentally raised his voice “Hey! They don’t know your face yet?!”. Everyone looked at our directions and shocked is written all over their face while Ling is feeling uneasy while covering his mouth. “what the fuck?” everyone cursed while looking at me unbelievably. The person who grabbed the suicidal person, immediately approached me and point out his finger at my forehead “no way! You can’t be our boss you dimwit” he said harshly “if you are him then show us your proof!” he added and everyone agreed on him. Ling is looking at me nervously and tried to approach us but I signal him to do not meddle. I smiled first at them and grabbed his finger and I made him kneeled in front of me. “Luke, I’ll forgive you this time and all of you for looking down at me because it is your first time seeing my face and to make you believe me-“ I said and take off my coat and shirt and showed them my back “I am me and anyone who is not still believing me step forward and let’s fight” I said coldly and wear my shirt and coat again. When I look at them, everyone kneeled and said “Welcome back our king”. I instructed them to get up and find their comfortable sits. “As you see, I showed to you guys earlier than I expected. Since everyone is here, let me instruct you on what to do. But first, Luke, show the person I asked you guys to take care of” Luke immediately hurried up and go to his car to get him. “King, this is him” he said “what’s your name?” I asked him and he is shivering while saying his name “Julce is my name” he said. “okay, Luke, go back to your sit and Ling come here” I said. “listen everyone, Ling and Julce will be one of us starting today. Ling and Julce you should go along with Mike later for your tattoo” I said. Okay let’s start this purpose of meeting, Luke and the group You need to go this island and hunt Mr. Oliver family, eliminate them all and I will personally hunt Mr. Oliver” I said sternly. “Mike and group, go to California and locate Mr. Isiah’s son, eliminate him also, Karren and the group, you will handle the cctv’s , Jaxxen and the group, prepared for the guns that we needed, Julce and Ling you will be the look out at the streets, at 2am later I’ll send you the information that you needed. The meeting is adjourned. Everyone, go home and be safe”

After he instructed everyone, he go home first and some of his men are still at the meeting place. Everyone is talking about how good-looking their King is. While they are at it, Julce ask them why they are working under him, everyone look at each other and smile while reminiscing the past and they start telling the story “Our King, is the greatest person I’ve ever met. He is our burning light. All of us who’s under him saved by him. He saved me when I was about to die, he provided the money when one of us is having trouble, the girls over there? They were about to be raped by some punk strangers, but king saved them, everyone in the streets knows his admirable deeds. Everyone respected him even though they don’t know him yet, every poor, he helps them. Maybe the society views his works immoral but for us it is not, he is our hero. Yes, he is dangerous and he is merciless for the others but he is only like that towards the corrupt people, abuser of power.” “is it true, that he is the responsible on what happened to the ex-minister” Julce asked again. “Yes, and we understood why he did that. The kids of one of our troops has been molested by the son of that ex-minister, and that damn ex-minister killed the wife of Mike and the wife of that minister embarrassed the daughter and wife of Luke and they committed suicide because of the deep embarrassment and accusations and the most important part is, that ex-minister was part of the organization who killed the father of our king. They killed him in front of him” he said while forming a fist. Julce and Ling gasp for air for the information that they learned and because of that, they decided to follow Orpheus no matter what and they decided to take their task seriously.

It was September 01, when a shocking news take over the whole media platforms. Mr. Oliver who was part of the military and his family and Mr. Isiah and his son was found dead at their respective apartments and condominium units and the symbol of wings is visible in the crime scene. The government and the others are shaken up by this event and some of the officials and the uniform men are nervous because they know deep inside that those who died recently are part of the organization that they created and because of that they decided to make a meeting. This organization that they made is for vicious activities wherein they can gain benefits. “damn! We should locate them immediately. If these continues, we are all doomed and I still don’t want to die” said of the high ranked official. Everyone is spouting their opinions and blaming each other. While they are doing this, another flash report was taken over the media world. It was video clip of the malicious and outrageous activities of the recently died leaders and at the last second there is the wings logo and the line “I know who you are, I know where you are, Hide and I will seek for you. You can’t escape, I’ll come for you”. The video clip become the topic of the society and everyone is debating whether they support the symbol of the wing or not. But one thing is for sure, in the eyes of the group of people who suffered and experienced troubles because of these selfish leaders, this group with the wings, they will support them.

I was leaning back when my phone vibrated. It was Ling who is calling. “Yes Ling?” I responded. “King Orpheus, at the RK145 street, there is a group of thugs who is claiming that they are in our organization, they are harassing the vendors and they are showing the fake wing symbol” My eyebrows raised and immediately instructed him to call Luke, Mike and Jaxxen to take care of the situation. “Ling, instruct the others to go our place and let show these thugs what they are looking for”. After I said it, I drove my Black Lamborghini Urus. When I arrived at the place, Luke, Mike, Jaxxen and the others bowed at me and then they shoved the thugs in front at me. “I already instructed my men to protect the vendors at the RK145 street, King.” Luke said. I nodded and instructed them to sit at their sits. “Good Job everyone, especially you Ling” I complimented them. “Now, let’s go down at our business. Jaxxen, bring me the kunai” Jaxxen immediately gave me the kunai and go back to his seat. “You people, should not impersonate us! Don’t use our symbol to commit sins! I will never forgive you. Taste the punishment for using us!” I said and use the kunai to mark x at their backs. They are limping and shouting to stop but I never did. After crafting the word fake above the mark x, I instructed someone to get it. after that, I seated in front of them and grab the face of the leader of the thugs and said “starting today, I’ll be watching you. And you must work under the vendors, protect them as if you are throwing your life and if you disobeyed me, my men will burn you and your family six feet under the ground” I whispered to him and he immediately nodded his head. “okay, everyone it’s done. Protect your streets and report everything to me if there is something wrong like this one, okay? Now, go home and be safe”. After saying it, I drove my car at the cemetery and visited the grave of my father. I am finishing my smoking when I heard a foot steps towards the grave of my father and my instinct are telling me to hide, so I did. When I peeked out, I saw the person who betrayed my father. “You are already dead but your shadow is still taunting us, I have this feeling that your son is the one who is eliminating us. I should have killed that shit son of yours way back then. Damn you!” after hearing those words, I cannot stop myself but to show up and attacked him. He immediately got his gun and shot towards me but I dodge it, I shot him also and I got his left arm and his gun is being shove away and because of that I take the opportunity to go near him and shot him at his left leg “Fuck you!” I said and shot his head and his heart and his eyes.

Because of the rage of Orpheus, he decided to call everyone again and go back to meeting place. Everyone, feels the intensity at his voice and somehow, they feel nervous. When their king arrives, everyone is quite and no one dared to asked what is happening. “everyone, get ready let’s raid their hideout and wipe them all. I’ll take care of the vice president. Don’t touch the president, he is an ally. Let’s finish everything tonight” he instructed and the atmosphere of the meeting place suddenly become dangerous. Everyone got their own guns and weapons and ride their cars and motorcycles. Orpheus led the way. The cold air breeze of the air suddenly sent chills to every people in the society. Some are wondering, why they feel suddenly that way. Some are praying that their mother, father, sons, daughters will not be harmed.

At 3am a sudden explosion of bombs and the firing of guns take over in the vacation house of the vice president. Everything is a mess and there are a lot of people who died instantly but no one died at the men of Orpheus, some are just injured. After the blood bathed fight, Orpheus did not leave immediately the body of the vice-president, he stabbed it multiple times until the holes are visible and he shot the eyes, forehead and heart and then he lifted up the body and chained it in the big tree and wrote at the ground with the blood of the vice president “No one should provoke us” with the symbol of wings but this time it’s with crown and a sword.

At 6am, the news spread not only the country but all over the world and at the same time, the vicious activities of the vice-president and the other high ranked officials and because of this the issue was called “the burning light”.

May 05, 2021 06:56

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