“Tickets Please!”
”Tickets Please!”
To conserve or not conserve that is the question.
The war of words is becoming the epic battle of our times. Of the now. How about we call it “current events.”
The difference between being awake and being woke.
The race to the blab. The race to the “blah”. The race to the “blah, blah, blah. Well. We are there. Smack dab in the middle of the war on words, The war of worlds. Just make it look good. And by Gosh.
Get. It.Done.
Word on the street is law enforcement just signed a hefty contract with GM, leaving Ford in the dust. Chevy did not get to the party fast enough. Plan B: Resort to:
A wink.
A smile.
A wink and a smile.
Drop the fear grenade and blow up another.
And please. PLEASE.
Leave the kids out of it this time.
After all, “I’m a big kid now.”
Well. Some folks over the age of 50 have forgotten this. What worked. What did not work.
Experience is often the best teacher.
Paying attention is the best student.☺️.
Permissive approach. (BS). Epic failure.
It is the 1% can throw things into chaos. (Ct)
Now. We are just bussin’ ‘em in.
Why not?The cash was spent a long time ago—-as in “ Poof” long gone. Chumps.And. Suckers.
The humanities question of our time.
Bring ‘em in. Any which way and loose.
Law Enforcement just signed a contract with GM. Check cashed. Check cleared. Onward to Bus A.
Ford next. Check cashed.Check cleared. Bus B. And. So on and so on.
Profiling is the invasive proactive property of our time.
Get. It. Done.
Most of you are too young to remember a program years ago called.
Kash for Klunkers. (aka cash for clunkers.) A program alive and well in the 80’s. A kind of “pay it forward” bad plan. In effect it laid it backward and costs were plummeted under the tables as far and wide as the eye could see.
Key words: As far as the eyes could see. Instead. The money making program passed the costs backward and onto the kids, the innards became rusted and unworkable. And some cars and jalopies were left behind, abandoned. Decades of weeds growing under their hoods.
But. it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Then. Someone has the genius to rename the program thinking it would help. The kids.
It was renamed: “Kars for Kids”.
At least the higher ups were being more honest about “stuff”.
Chumps were the ones who bought into that beauty. An offer for your beloved kid to buy half a car with the total new car costs.
Pay it forward.
Need I say any more?.
Why is it the old jalopies get the short end of the stick? (gear shift or otherwise) Have we always been so bad and inept at balancing a budget?
See ya’ suckers! As people pile on the bus. Two to a seat. Sometimes three.
How quickly we can forget when we have done wrong.
But we seldom remember when our failings get the best of us.
A moment in time.
In the moment.
With whomever.
Just. Get. It. Done.
A car is freedom.
Or can be freedom.
Until it, like our loss of it, is forced upon us.
Come hell or high water and the owners of the jalopies become members,
Of the lonely hearts.
Join the club.
Controversy breeds controversy.
Hone in on each engagement. (BS) Because the answer lies some where between the two front wheel drive tires. 🚔🚍🚘🚖. And yes. it is safe, safety to assume one can learn a whole bunch by simply listening.
To the anti-chaos movement. The calm.
Enter Chevy. Missed the bus? Or. Late to the Party. In either case, the nice folks of Chevyland are opting for being bussed in. Now.
Less explaining to do in the war of words.?…Less blab, less blah, blah, blah and more “Rah, Rah, Rah for the borderless areas of “Come On In” by the humanitarian-minded officers.
The humanities question of our time. Woke up. Or. Wake up.
Make ‘em sweat. Or. take the pond across the water. The raft be running out of air.
Mow ‘em down.
In a fast car?
Get to mowing.
Get to mowing ASAP.
Make it look good.
Riding the mower of freedom.
How ‘bout.
Get to work on the land of the free and home of the brave.
Without all the commitment. Passing the buck…..passing on the buck?……
A self disclosure: I loved to mow the lawn. Mi padre taught me how. He even coached me how to push, how to pull. His lawn mowing machine. Most importantly, he impressed upon me—to keep the lines straight. His lawn was one of his pride and joys. To this day.
Even as he looks down on us from high above the rest of us.
The smell of freshly cut grass reminds me of his pride and his joy of ownership of the home and lawn he so meticulously cared for his entire adult life.
No wimping out. No rider machine for him. The day before he went home— I hold in my mind’s possession an image of him tending to his lawn mower. Taking care to ensure all the parts were clean, unclogged and un rusted.
He did not live another day to use his lawn mower again.
But the value of the lessons learned:
Hard work.
Keep it straight.
Breath. When necessary.
Pay close attention. To the lines.
He knew from his experiences how important this point would always was, will always be. And still is. Wavering only results is inconsistency. Differences in the heart are to be celebrated. Closed heart. Open heart. Shut downed open ended questions.
An open heart does beg the question.
How do you take care of that which you love?
The difference between the war on words lends itself to the war of worlds.
Get it? Got it? Good.
We can now awake to the fact that we need to get it into high gear. Our impressions that “it will be taken care of”…..
Are not, will not, won’t be at all what we thought it may or will be or have been.
Bet your bottom dollar?
Good advice: reconsider this approach.
Money does not fall from trees.
Money does not fall from the sky.
In the form of rain.
Money is still called money. Today’s interest is not tomorrow’s deluge.
Let’s just call it currency events.
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