
"Help me Aria help me" There was a blurry image of a woman she was dressed like a princess but something was off, there was blood everywhere. The thing is that this woman seems to be so familiar looking. I doze off deeper in my sleep, getting more horrifying images that I have never seen before. 

Help me with these box's Aria, shouted Grandpapa taking out a box with scribbled letters spelling Kitchen things I opened my eyes taking deep breaths and then got out of the truck looking for my box.  In front of me was an asymmetrical looking house, its walls made out of gray wood with a large porch meeting a brown door right in the center of it. As much as this house looked better than the other houses I lived in, I hated this one the most. As I walked towards the front door, I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me but, then again it must be my imagination.

Once I wrapped my hand around the silver handle and twisted it open, I almost dropped my box amazed because the architecture in this house looked so luxurious. There were two curved or as I would say "princess" staircase's as well as five different rooms. One looked like it used to be a library the other two seemed like dining rooms and the last two were empty.   I walked past the dining rooms and entered the library to see the books the last owners had left. This room was dusty with many shelves and one big brown wooden table in the center, there were white sheets of cloth on each chair as well as many many books. "This person must have gotten great marks on English Lit," I thought and looked for I book that I may like when all of a sudden I heard someone call my name. It was the same soft voice I heard in my dream, a shiver went through me. "I see you found the library" I jerked "just Grandpapa" I sighed and nodded my head. He looked down at the box in my hands than told me where my room was. I went upstairs thinking about the odd voice and how it knows my name until I reached my room.

 The room was purple, gray and white a king-sized bed that looks like new was placed beside the window. Beside the bed was a nightstand and on it was a unique sliver looking lamp. The dent on the wall was the only bad thing.  Overall this room looked amazing which was also why I hated it. I flopped on the bed staring at the roof which, for some reason had a key sticker I hate moving for the first time I made friends in my last move. I fitted in and was not made fun of for not having what people call a proper family. But of course, my Grandpapa found somewhere else to work. 

The hold day pasted quite slowly and when I finally climbed into bed in my P.J.'s closing my tired eyes. Aira Aria again the voice is here calling my name. Something inside me said to follow the voice even though it might be dangerous. We need your help I chose to follow it and it brought me to the library where I first heard her. Then something fell out of the shelf, I hunched and picked up it was a small rectangle-shaped object. It was a dark color and it had a clasp which meant it was a box.  "where could the key be," I thought than I had an Idea. I ran upstairs to my room, "the roof" I looked up and the object that I thought sticker of a key was an actual key. I got up on the bed and jumped as high as I could to grab the key but I missed every time. When I thought I was about to give up and go back then bed, the voice came again Aria.  Than all of a sudden THUMP, the key fell hard on my head. The rush of heat and pain came running through me much faster than I thought and, I started to feel light-headed headed. 

the voice came back Fight The Pain Aria... Fight It. I picked up the key from the ground, it felt heavy and cool in my hand. I levered the key towards the box and turned it in one smooth motion, with a click the box opened and inside was something strange, something that made me want to cry, it was my mother's necklace. I through the box towards the dented wall, I then ran out of the room feeling like I may puke any minute by now. Then I heard footsteps getting closer to me, the sound got louder in every footstep and I felt a huge chill run down my spine. I shut my eyes as hard, this is a nightmare Aria I told my self. When the footsteps were as loud as if it was in front of me, it stops and might have entered my room, now the steps grow quieter and that's when I let go of my breath. 

As much as I was scared to renter my room I wanted to know who is in this hunted room, so I quiltly tip toded my way there and entered it. Everything looked fine and intact but something also seemed different, I looked around " the box" I whispered and quitely walked towards the dented wall and saw that the box on the ground was now place perfectly in the wall which was dented. I pushed the rectangle object and a door appiered, the knob turned itself and the door open. But before I went inside something shinny was sparkeling throught the moonlight "my mother's necklace". I took it and entered the mysterious passage, it was pitch black but the voice led me through the way.

Than all of a sudden the voice stopped and I had a flashback from a couple of years ago, it was when my parents were still with me at the time and, they told me to hide because we were playing Hide and seek. I hide in a room which was as dark as this hidden passage, I stayed there hiding for what felt like a long time. When I thought they gave up, I left my hidding spot went to the kitchen thinking they might be there whuch they wern't. I looked for them in every room which were mostly empty but no soul was there so than, I looked throught the window and saw my parents in the car with most of their belonggings driving away. An hour later my grandpapa came home after work and saw me crying when he asked me where my mother went I told him that they left me. Remembering that story made me in a verge to cry "my own parents left their own daughter for something else" .

I bumped in to a hard wall "no not a wall" i thought "a door" i pushed it open and a huge amount of light came shinning at me. When my eyes adjusted to the new setting, i felt like i was going to faint there both my parents were laying there with their eyes closed on a different beds and my grandpapa was also here. " Grandpapa" I said he turned his head but there was something different about him he seemed to look younger most of his wrinkles aren't showing. "Aria your here, I knew they could do it" he said "do what Grandpapa what in the world is happening". I guess it's about time to tell you everything stated Grandpapa remember that time when your parents left you well the reason for that was becasue they needed to complete their asseninde project and with you being young would just slow them down so that is the reason why they left you and the why I kept on moving. Why are they not a wake "well... when they were on their mission

March 28, 2020 02:42

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