
Terry had never been to the Kalahari Desert before his girlfriend,Jane persuaded him that it was worth packing up the tent and overnight gear into the old Landrover for a trip out west.

Usually they liked to stay in Botswana Government’s campsites, which were well located, clean and with god facilities. Unfortunately the one they wanted was full, so tried a private site and got a booking at the right time.

They arrived at the site on the right day and were pointed towards a large house next to the road that looked a bit expensive to be a camping site facility and sure enough it was a private safari suite and the campsite was an add-on where the owner told them that some lions had been heard recently but not to bother about them.

Terry and Jane found a nice spot to put their tent and to light fire which they duly did, followed by the usual cold beers.

They soon fell asleep.However, it wasn’t that much later when Terry heard a sound somewhere near the tent which sounded like something messing around with their camping gear.He woke up Jane who agreed with him and suggested that it might be the infamous lions.Terry lifted up the bottom of the tent next to him and could see nothing but after he lay back down, he could see the shadows of two lions framed by the moon looking at the tent as if they were about to jump at him. He woke up Jane who thought that one of them might get to the landrover but they agreed that there were was no chance of beating the lions.

September 24, 2019 06:42

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