Kids Middle School Happy

Dude it’s super hot!!!!"said lucas

ik it is and I’m not whining like u!!!" said dustin

was I talking to u????" said lucas

yup." said dustin

no I’m not!!!!!" said lucas

yes u r!!!!" said dustin

no I’m not!!!!" said lucas

guys how abt I tell my mom if she can take us to the pools." said mike

yes tell her I’m dying!!!!" said lucas

ofc u r little girl!!!" said Dustin

dude shut up!!!!" said lucas

no!!!" said dustin

yes!!!" said lucas

no!!!!" said Dustin

mike got up where he was sitting *

ima be right back." said mike

ok." said lucas

mike walked to the stairs to exit the basement and walked out from his basement to the kitchen *

mom." said mike

yeah????" said Karen mikes mom

can u take me and my friends to the pools it’s super hot." said mike

sweetie I will love to but I’m busy how abt I turn on the sprinklers." said karen

but we r to old." said mike

no u kids r not." said karen

yes we r." said mike

mike do u want u and ur friends to be hot all day?????"said karen

no." said mike

then ima go turn on the sprinklers tell ur friends that they can get wet in the sprinklers." said karen

*Mikes mom walked out the kitchen to the front door and opened it and closed it and walked down the doorsteps to the backyard to turn on the sprinklers *

ugh!!!!" said mike

*mikes mom walked out the kitchen to the backyard to turn o the sprinklers *

dude what did she said???" said lucas

no because she’s busy and is gonna turn on the sprinklers we r to old." said mike

no we r not1!!!" said lucas

yes we r!!!!' said mike

mike." said dustin

what!?" said mike

we don’t have to go to the pools just because we’re hot I think ur mom doesn’t wanna take us because there’s a lot of people and because some people drown." said dustin

and how do u know???"said lucas

because ik." said dustin

but how????" said lucas

I ALREADY TOLD U!!!" said dustin

geez." said lucas

ig ur right let’s go to my room so I can let u guys barrow shorts and go to the backyard to get wet." said mike

ok." said lucas

*mike walked out his basement to upstairs to his room lucas and Dustin got up where they were sitting and walked to the stairs to exit the basement upstairs to mikes room lucas and Dustin got in mikes room mike closed his bedroom door and walked to his closet and opened it and got 3 shorts out for him lucas Dustin Will didn’t came because he is sick Mike closed his closet and gaved Dustin and lucas shorts the 3 boys started to change 4 minutes later the 3 boys finished changing the 3 boys walked downstairs to the front door mike opened the front door Dustin closed it lucas runned to the backyard and got wet Dustin and mike walked to the backyard *

yay I’m not hot anymore!!!!" said lucas

shut up little girl!!!!' said dustin

lucas ignored dustin*

*mike and Dustin walked to the sprinklers and got wet the 3 boys got wet alot and were enjoying it 2 minutes later the boys finished wetting their selfs and changing them selfs *

guys ima go to a store to get some icecream wanna come?????" said mike

duh." said lucas

no I have to go to the mall to see someone." said dustin

who huh a girl?????" said lucas

no a friend he works at the icecream shop in the mall." said dustin

wait wait wait don’t tell me it’s Steve Harrington." said lucas

yeah." said dustin

but why r u friends with him????" said lucas

because I can and i could." said dustin

dude hes so mean." said lucas

no he used to but now hes nice." said dustin

ok cya on monday." said mike

bye cya." said dustin

*dustin walked out mikes room downstairs to the front door Dustin opened it and closed it and walked down the doorsteps dustin walked to his bike and got on his bike and rode to the mall 3 minutes later dustin arrived dustin lined up behind a girl *

hi I will love a vanilla icecream." said a girl

ok." said steve

*steve got a cone and the icecream spoon and put one scoop of vanilla icecream on the cone steve gaved the girl the icecream *

how much will it cost?????" said the girl

25 dollars." said steve

ok." said the girl

*the girl opened her purse and took 25 dollars and gaved it to steve*

thanks nexts." said steve

* the nexts person was dustin*

henderson." said steve

Harrington." said Dustin

hey how r u." said steve

good." said Dustin

that good to hear." said steve

*steve got a plastic bowl and put 3 scoops of different icecream flavors steve got a spoon and gaved the icecream to dustin*

Thanks." said Dustin

np henderson." said Steve

yeah????" said dustin

do u wanna come to my house on the other Saturday???" said steve

yeah but u won’t work." said Dustin

nope." said steve

ok." said dustin

henderson u can sit in a table to eat ur icecream." said steve

ok." said dustin

*dustin walked to a table and sat and started to eat his icecream lucas and mike went to the store Mike and lucas sat on the basement lucas opened his icecream mike was abt to open his icecream until he saw lucas eating his icecream quick *

dude slow down." said mike

i can’t it’s so delicious." said lucas

dude." said mike

*lucas finished his icecream and felt like berping lucas got up where he was sitting and stood in front of mike*

mike." said lucas

yeah????"said mike

*lucas didn’t say anything *

*mike stood up and looked at lucas*

what." said mike

*lucas started to berp on mikes face*

ew gross." said mike

*mike walked out his basement to the kitchen lucas started to laugh mike turned on the sink water and washed his face a lot Mike turned off the sink water and got some paper towels and started to dry his face mike threw away the paper towels in the garbage and walked back to his basement *

dude thats not funny." said mike

yes it is." laughed lucas

no it wasnt." said mike

dude stop." said mike

*lucas laughed so hard and didn’t stop laughing*

the end…….

May 23, 2024 23:11

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